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Comment Re: Other kinds of signatures (Score 2) 89

i think this is really about a dishonest supplier trying to hide behind shady vague indicators to treat as an affirmation when it benefits them or to deny when affirmations hurt. Someone called the supplier out on their bad faith and the supplier should absolutely be made to pay for trying to weasel out of it.

The lesson: in contracts, be clear about your intent or expect to be challenged.

Comment Re: Sounds right but (Score 1) 47

Seems to me that either a) if the prosecutors want to rely on the software, they should be expected to pay whatever the cost for the inspection and certification, or b) if the developer company wants their software to be used in court proceedings, they should be expected to pay whatever the cost for certification.

I agree with the sentiment that software should be treated as a witness, like a coroner who performed an autopsy, and the software should be questioned.

Comment Re: Ok serious question (albeit unkind) (Score 3, Insightful) 323

speaking as someone who got vaxxed as soon as possible, i have to call you out on misinformation. A lot goes into vacccines beyond the single protein from the virus or the inactivated cells. Those other things cause allergic reactions often enough to be well-documented and there a host of other side-effects and drug-interactions documented for vaccines that you really should have known better.

Comment Never -- but not for the usual reasons (Score 1) 96

Not for reasons of any limitations in predicate logic or complexity or any appeals to supernaturalism or anything like that. But instead because I think it more likely that the ability of human society to advance technologically is going to collapse (either because the ecosystem itself has collapsed, or because of nuclear war on a planetary scale, or biocrises, or whatever) before getting there.

Comment Re: Why not set the fee as a percentage? (Score 1) 117

Itâ(TM)s propping up local economies (and therefor local voting constituents who will respond in kind every voting event).

Ordering online props up external economies which I feel is net more good than propping up local. However, it seems most people would rather not aide people who live far away even though it is now the main driver of keeping prices low. That, though, is the problem for local economies since they canâ(TM)t compete with 3rd-world costs nor mega-corp cost/unit.

Comment Re: "Disprove" (Score 1) 273

All we really know is that light appears to lose energy over distance (lower wavelength = lower energy).

We needed a mechanism to explain how light could possibly lose energy without interacting with anything. The easiest assumption was that galaxies were accelerating away from us because light being emitted by accelerating bodies gets sort of stretched out to a longer wavelength. (or that the bodies arenâ(TM)t technically accelerating away, but rather space is being stretched between us and the other galaxies which likewise stretches out light in those regions?)

If the above is not the case, what else can explain EMR (light) losing energy without interacting with anything? Can it be hidden interactions with dark matter gravity? Can it be that light naturally decays? Can it be something else cooler than those? I donâ(TM)t know. iâ(TM)m just an uneducated dweeb. No one should listen to me about anything.

Comment And? (Score 1) 22

Congrats to those chemists! I hope that they enjoy the honor and prize money.

I don't put much faith in the awards themselves though. They gave a Nobel prize to the creators of the lobotomy.

They gave peace prizes to President Obama and Henry Kissinger.

Not to mention all is the economic prizes which aren't even technically Nobel prizes.

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