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Comment Two to the Back of the Head (Score 0, Troll) 255

Ah yes, the woman who's name is synonymous with a "Two to the Back of the Head Suicide" is trying to warn us about A.I. Woman is vile and disgusting. It's interesting everyone knows about the Citizens United case in the Supreme Court (opening up the way for Super PACS) but very few have watched the actual documentary at the heart of the case: Hilary Exposed. You really should if you haven't. What Bill/Hillary's family did to innocent people is disgusting, and is rarely been reported.

Comment Re:the cops & courts have bigger things to dea (Score 1, Insightful) 163

If you can't take care of loss prevention at the school level, you're only going to get kids who grow up thinking it alright to steal from everyone. The cops have bigger problems to deal with BECAUSE of shit like this: not teach the youth basic morality like don't fucking steal.

Comment Re:now that he said that... (Score -1) 299

Voat is still around actually as There's also I've written about what went wrong with Voat and it mostly had to do with their point system.

As far as alternatives, there's Lemmy and Hitide/lotide (with an example instance at, and it's on ActivityPub/Fediverse so anyone can open their own instance and it federate. Federation and Activity Pub are the future, not mega-sites.

Comment They need to protect themselves from the US (Score -1) 21

Tiktok's American division just hired several ex-CIA people. This is why you don't hear about Tiktok in the US anymore. If it's being used for CCP spying and manipulation, it's also being using for American spying and manipulation. Even under Musk, Twitter hired people directly from three letter agencies. It's not even hidden. You can see it on their LinkedIn profiles. Whitney Web did a great podcast about it:

Comment Re:Not Even Testa Mobile Service (Score -1) 86

it's almost as if they already did the research and figured out

ghahahahahahahahahahahahaha. This is the government. They didn't do any fucking research (or just putdown bullshit numbers on 200 page white papers no one will read), and will throw billions at the problems they never thought of (or knew would be there) in 4~8 years.

Do you literally not know anything about government spending and contracts? There is money to be made! ChaChing!

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