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Comment How is that a bad thing? (Score 1) 64

That sounds like they actually respect freedom of speech unlike Meta et al that shape narratives according to their political handlers' guideline. It's the law enforcement's job to find instances of criminal behavior and notify messaging plarforms to remove it, not the prerogative of the platfrom itself.

Comment Re:Trust in government? (Score 1) 111

But to address the ridiculous mention of minority governments -- they are comprised of a coalition of parties that with their combined votes represent the majority of voters, otherwise the coalition would not work. So a "minority" government still represents the majority of people and it is a democracy.

Comment Re:Trust in government? (Score 1) 111

> Pretty sure I havent. Feel free to show me how I have though. Yes, you have. Just one comment before: "Your claim doesnt seem to be supported by the definition of democracy []: government by the people especially : rule of the majority Majority does not rule either in USA or Canada.

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