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Comment Re:How about no (Score 1) 37

How about we ban your content? There's about an 80% probability this was AI generated content according to my fact checkers.

"Russian bot" logic is exactly what was done to American citizens en masse discussing vaccines and the the last presidential election on social media and other channels, illegally under the coercion by the federal government. They were censored, half the time they had no idea their message wasn't even be heard by others.
The easiest way to shut down any argument is to claim you're a bot - or your speech is AI-derivative. Suddenly, your speech becomes "spam". There's no "spam" box to filter through what was filtered for you anymore, the companies decide what even hits your spam box.

Comment Re: Crowdsourced wardriving (Score 1) 73

To my knowledge most radios on android phones at least do not put the radio into "rfmon" but theoretically it wouldnt violate the premise that Airplane Mode doesnt interfere with aircraft as it's passive. It's speculative but something I would assume or even presume could happen in the rollout of any new phone if it hasnt happened already. Why wouldn't they? The entire point is to turn phones into environmental monitors. microphones, ISM bands, the more it can hear the better (to them).

Comment Re: Crowdsourced wardriving (Score 1) 73

Did you support the Iraq war? If we had the tools we did back in 2003, you'd be parroting that this is Iraqi/Iranian interference and propaganda questioning the WMD narrative.

Believing the Russian disinfo line means you believe the domestic interference and manipulation by our own media, and presumably a full supporter of "disinformation" censorship, dialogue about any talk about election interference, skepticism of government, etc. If it criticizes the powers at be, what a convenient bullshit propagandist line: "It's RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE!"

Comment Re: Crowdsourced wardriving (Score 1) 73

It's not just physical location of the AP that's valuable but any devices talking to the AP that can be passively collected. I am not sure if any phone radios are doing rfmon for passive scanning but I honestly would not be surprised to see phones inherit this "capability" to collect location without sending active probes to see what aps advertise, either, for example in "airplane" mode, to later process offline location info/seen ap's with GPS coordinates when connectivity is restored.

Comment Re: Crowdsourced wardriving (Score 0) 73

"Identity security" has always been about completely elimination of anonymity. Pressures to provide ephemeral access, constant biometric verification to distinguish human from ai machine is coming fast as anonymity is now considered a threat to national security and it's increasingly becoming difficult to distinguish human from machine with llms.

Since the lies about Russia manipulating social media turned most into censorship advocates against "disinformation" against any American who expressed wrongthink, essentially, any anonymous speech that isn't a proven human identity is just a foreign Russian bot that must be silenced.

Expect a digital identity issued by your state or government to prove attributes of yourself to most things in the future, and all transactions: messages, payments, physical entry to stores, etc. to all be provided. Vaccination status, warrant status, citizen status, you won't be able to do much in the future unless you "opt in".

Comment Crowdsourced wardriving (Score -1, Troll) 73

I remember when Google Street Car Vehicles were caught wardriving and had pcap files that sniffed sensitive data out of the air to initially plot what was out there, and FCC slapped them with a fine. What better way to turn everyone's devices into mini stasi agents effectively reporting to the government the whereabouts about every access point? News flash: Hot spots and mobile starlink terminals move locations. What's the solution: mac randomization on AP's and rely on SSID only?

I care less about AP location movements and especially Ukranian starlink fascists, I care about the client devices - vehicles, cell phones, etc. themselves also reporting their position as they probe and look for APs. There's well known issues with the implementations of random MAC addresses for AP probes by clients, plus it's a different ballgame on BLE/bluetooth radios. The fact that any wifi AP now, of any "service provider" meaning coffee shops, libraries, etc. serving any sort of radio or data service, now gets NSA warrantless backdoors and metadata collection thanks to FISA 2.0 renewal and fascist Biden+Uniparty Fascist Deep State Puppets.

Privacy is dead.

Comment We need to activate the brakes. (Score 2) 170

There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!
–Mario Savio

Ludd had the right idea.

Comment Re:OK explain to me... (Score 1) 27

The most likely danger is AI tech is just like nuclear tech, and could lead to war if there's a battle over chips. If/When Russia launches initiatives for their own processors, or in a cooperative bid with China, or China decides to invade Taiwan, this has the potential to kick off the next World War we've been so eager to self-fulfill. Like the US vs Russia in a race to space, this is the next big frontier to build weapons, and stifling advancement will make Stuxnet look like a cakewalk. Enjoy your summer, things will look differently in the fall.

Comment Re:Don't care (Score 1) 43

Or use keepassxc + keepassdroid with a webdav share to host a kdbx, backed by a second factors with yubikeys (nano and nfc), Booth offer great integration matching Lastpass' extensions, and the android/keyboard add-ons bridge any gaps. I just mount a davfs share to point the database file and everything just works.
I'd trust that over any stack hosted by a third party.

Comment Re:"Hate Speech" you say. (Score 1) 124

Hate speech is still speech. And more importantly, protected speech, despite the disinformation being propagated by the authoritarian left who believe in censorship/criminal charges for saying the wrong thing. But that's not what's at issue with this article at all. But, I digress.... because this shit comes up every time where someone now falsely tries to claim hate speech isn't protected speech and thus that speech shouldn't be free.

Whomever is in power seeks to silence ideas and words they don't like. Up until about 2016 this was primarily done by conservatives, but now even more championed by the progressive authoritarian left. I never thought in 2024 I'd be seeing a sizeable amount of Republicans more diametrically opposed to censorship and war than Democrats. But the truth is, they aren't any better or redeemed, it's all about power and who wields it at the present time, and who is being victimized, who opposes this kind of oppression.

Even deeper than that, the US State Dept has quietly exerted pressure to implement hate speech exceptions and other codes where there is no bill of rights and first amendment, of 5 eyes and other NATO allies wherever they can, knowing that this external EU policy and pressure especially in a global internet, and using regulatory powers, would lead to an internal movement to strip away free speech here, especially when exercised through privately held social media channels.

Comment Re:Lead By Example (Score -1, Flamebait) 148

That's just it, they not just trust the government, they love it. They have no problems giving up their privacy for "national security".

These are the people who hate cryptocurrency, anonymity and free speech. They're also the same people who are obsessed with doing everything possible by starting WWIII with Russia, which is exactly what makes one automatically presumed to be a Russian or Chinese friendly agent and a threat that justifies FISA warrant-less spying. That pesky encryption getting in the way of that now? SCARY! We can't have that kind of freedom and autonomy!

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