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Comment Re:Terrorism is EXTREMELY RARE (Score 4, Insightful) 1135

And what do you suppose happens when the people we put in charge of public safety say "terrorism is extremely rare" to explain why they did nothing to stop an attack just like the ones that already happened.

Well, if they were working on the problem the right way, they could then go on to explain how they are tackling the problem at its source by trying to improve freedom, education and living conditions around the world in a considerate, thoughtful manner so that people don't feel miserable and angry enough to want to blow other people up in the first place.

Comment Re:Probably just too far to bother (Score 2, Interesting) 648

If, by the time we're running ships around our corner of the milky way at 90% light speed, we still only live 70-ish years on average, something's really wrong. A 200-year trip is certainly still significant when you live 500 years, but it's something you'll at least see both ends of.

I am reasonably certain that humanity will eventually (maybe it'll take 50,000 years, but it'll happen) find some creative workaround for the speed of light limit. Whether it involves stasis or some other form of extended lifespan that redefines our notions of what "a long time to travel" really means, or some novel physics that allow us to either apparently or actually travel faster than light, or some even more novel physics that find a completely different way around the problem.

It'll never be as trivial as going down to the corner store, but I'm sure that at some point it'll still happen. We've never let little things like nearly impossible physics or general impracticality stop us before.

Comment Re:Who gave Network Solutions a badge? (Score 2, Insightful) 176

A policeman is a duly appointed officer of the law, acting on behalf of the state. The policeman is an integral part of the legal system, and an integral part of the "process" that is "due".

Network Solutions, last I checked, was not an officer of the law and should not be abusing its position in order to act as one.

Comment Re:Times have changed (Score 1) 180

merchandising, merchandising, where the real money from the movie is made.

seriously, blizzard sells a ton of add-on shit to World of Warcraft that I'm sure significantly pads those numbers. race changes, name changes, faction changes, server changes, appearance changes, the card game, ingame vanity pets, authenticators, and that's just the stuff that I know for a fact many people actually buy on a regular basis.

Comment Re:US bullying and demanding other countries.. (Score 1) 457

The game has changed. It's like the day after Hiroshima. You wake up thinking "Oh shit, things are different. Really fucking different."

Funny, I wake up thinking "Oh shit, things are the same. Really fucking the same."

It's all the same old shit. Sun Tzu was writing about the very same things millenia ago. He may not have conceived of specifics like nuclear weapons, but the concepts haven't really changed at all.

Comment Re:Where does this leave GIMP? (Score 1) 900

Pros don't use red-eye functions either, instead they point the flash so that it reflects onto the subject on an angle, for example off the ceiling, rather than going straight to the subject (hence directly into the eye) and straight back. It also gives much more even and natural lighting.

Of course, point-and-shoot cameras don't let you aim the flash, thus hobbling you. Tragic.

Comment Re:But it's not - it's suborbital. (Score 1) 144

This is very true, and pretty obvious. I mean, consider *any* tourist attraction. The great wall of China, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, Stonehenge, Macchu Picchu, Niagara Falls, whatever. All of these things have been photographed and videotaped in immense detail. They have been imaged from every possible angle, at every possible time of day or year, from the air, from satellites, from the ground, from inside, whatever. And the best of these images are usually available in books, postcards, on the internet, etc.

And yet people still go see them. In droves. Massive crowds of people. Paying admission fees, nevermind flights. Obviously there is still a huge market for people to see things with their own eyes, and there likely always will be.

Comment Re:You all are ... - ELECTROCUTION SAFETY WARNING (Score 1) 695

Just because someone is driving defensively doesn't mean it's okay for you to cut them off.

Yes the linesmen are reasonably safe and always act as if all lines are live. But that's a *failsafe*, it is not nor is it intended to be their first line of defense, it is their *last* line of defense. There's a reason the laws and codes tell you you cannot connect a generator that way.

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