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Comment Re:Part of the early 2000s XML solves everything (Score 1) 32

JSON, like XML are good in small doses. Need to stick an array of values into an Oracle column? A JSON array is a good way to do it. ["value1", "value2", "value3"], but beyond that, there be dragons.

I remember running a Jabberd instance on our corporate VPN back in the day. It worked fine.

Comment Re:Discovery (Score -1, Flamebait) 258

"At the end of the training Google solicited his feedback. They asked him to write the memo"

Um... I've done a lot of corporate training, including diversity training.

Not once has the feedback process included a memo back. At most it's a "1 to 5 how did we do" for a list of attributes, and then a "Here's a text boxfor whatever you want"

The memo was his own incel initiative

Comment Re: RIP, James Damore, now Jill Damore... (Score 1, Informative) 258

Anonymous Coward writes, "I would like to know which laws were broken"

The illegal meeting with Russian criminals in Trump Tower was in violation of 52 USC 30121.

Lying about the illegal meeting with Russian criminals in Trump Tower was in violation of 18 USC 1001.

Getting together to discuss lying about the illegal meeting with Russian criminals in Trump Tower was in violation of 18 USC 371.

Any other questions?

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