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Comment The fun part (Score -1) 318

The fun part, however, will be the same electricity expenses, even though Americans consume less electricity. While fuel is a factor in overall cost, however, it is not the most significant expense.

There will never be such a thing as low electricity bills, since there will be infrastructure to be maintained and salaries and pensions to be paid, and that is not going down.

Comment Market is a powerful equalizer (Score -1) 235

Say anything you want, but Uber has a competition. There is a Lyft, there are local taxi companies.

Even Google's Waze is experimenting with ride sharing.

Then there are smaller companies such as Curb, local limo services. There are other less known sharing services and aspiring startups.

Yes, Uber can charge and overcharge you. If you are OK being ripped off once, and if you failed to plan in advance you will have to pay with money for your time. If you are a frequent user and afraid of being gouged based on your zip code or income level, I am sure someone will write an app to make you appear poor.

All in all, the free market is an powerful equalizer.

After all it is so funny to hear these complaints, because ten years ago all I have heard is only when taxi services were arriving late and were the source of the stress. You have a choice, why is that bad?

Comment You ignorant and insensitive clods! (Score -1) 231

Bose wood encrusted headphones, carved in full moon, in a leap year, while collecting user data actually enhanced already excellent sound quality.

For an extra $10,000, selected users can order a live person who will review collected data, which will make sound, and provided service, more vibrant and authentic.

Comment Re:taxable commodity? (Score -1) 77

This is a simple taxation question.

Answer is following:

1. No taxes are payable (in the scenario that you mentioned) unless you sell it back for cash, or barter into something that is more valuable.
2. No taxes are payable just for holding the bitcoin.
3. Under certain circumstances you may need to disclose if you are applying for Medicaid, since this is the asset you have while claiming to be poor.

Comment Premises are outdated (Score 1, Insightful) 360

I think that the author missed from already public information, Vault 7, that everything that is on smartphone can be accessed in multiple ways, using various exploits. Basically back-doors already exists and are already used.

What are they really doing is legalization of existing practices that are already used anyway.

Comment Re:It is almost like 32/33 developed countries... (Score 0) 283

Change the constitution, if you do not like the current laws, but do not compare with 33 other developed countries.

Did you know that many developed countries, such as Japan, have zero illegal immigration policy, by the way?

Healthcare is the commodity, the more you make it available, the large demand grows and eventually it will be rationed.

If you will change the constitution and will include the healthcare as a right, why don't you throw in free life time education, free housing, free food. That is what they have done in South Africa. And just because a commodity (healthacre and houses) are in constitution, S.African example shows that in the real world you will never get enough of healthcare, just like at some point you will never be able to give a mansion by the sea to everyone, because it is a right enshrined in the constitution.

Comment Select from Army Veterans (Score 0) 283

They should have selected candidates that served in the US Army, or are American Native Indians, or have low income, or will be close to the retirement age. All these citizens have free healthcare anyway.
Yes, that is a satyric proposal.

I they NASA is too lazy to setup the healthcare plan for the astronauts it is just an indication that NASA is poorly managed.

Submission + - Pathetic Carjackers Forced Owner To Teach Them How To Drive Stick: Police (

Trachman writes: reported that Wayne, 18, is suspected of having tried to steal three cars in the span of ten days between Feb. 11 and Feb. 21. The key word, there, is “tried.” The third theft didn’t work out so hot when he and his buddy couldn’t figure out how to drive a manual transmission, despite forcing the car’s owner to coach them at gunpoint.

I supposed, it is time for an Insurance companies to start giving discount for all manual transmissions.... clearly, thinking outside the gear box is required.

Comment Re:Bourgeois like yourself *lead* to terrors (Score 1) 516

Had it dawn on you is that those who are considered living in the bubble and echo chambers are mostly coastal elites, living in their bubble, voting mostly democratic in blue states.

What you call "peasantry" has actually voted overwhelmingly against democrats in the United States, like they always had.

Also, you are absolutely horribly wrong on Russian revolution. Rich and upper class got quick death sentence or quick emigration, with the loss of status. However many many many more workers and peasants were killed, starved and worked to death, later were drowned in the never ending rivers of alcoholism, depression and other fun activities while building the communism. Interesting detail is that the elites (doctors, engineers) , those that did not emigrate, still did quite alright in soviet times: no luxury, but a relatively reasonable middle class life standard.

If you are that clueless and feel so passionate about Soviet revolution, please ask survivors of soviet regime and ask their opinion. One thing you can be sure, is that communism is not returning to Russia, to Poland, to Hungary, Chezh republic etc., guaranteed, 100%.

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