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Comment Slashdot copies Gawker.... (Score 1) 1191

Oh dear god, even slower loading and even more CSS and JS to make it even more of a bandwidth hog.

How about writing it for speed and less ohh shiny? Really JS fade in of photos?

I am not against a redesign, I am against the rampaging throngs of Webdesigners that think more and more shiny is far more important than load times and useability.

Comment Re:Caspar Bowden is kidding himself. (Score 1) 199

Do need to get rid of your speedpass, Just randomly steal a neighbors unit off their dash every morning.
TPMS is a joke anyways.
Same for the plates, snag the car's plate at the same time. Bonus points of you attach them magnetically and swap with your own so they never know and your data is used to create noise in the system.

Bank accounts and CC is also easy to spoof/ use non attached if you know where to look.
And you can easily communicate safely via the internet if you have an IQ over 100. I assume he does.

All of the basis are easily retooled to create a useless pattern of noise to hide in.

Comment Re:They're paranoid about their wealth (Score 1) 245

No it wasn't. A lot of money in Swiss banks is money held by the owners illegally, we're not talking about tax avoidance here, we're talking about out and out tax evasion.

Are you American by any chance?

The US certainly feels that way, but that's because the US has a retarded tax system that is based on citizenship as well as residency. That is, anyone unlucky enough to be born American (or get a green card or a bunch of other factors) is expected to pay tax to the IRS no matter where they go and live. Giving up your citizenship isn't so easy either, beyond the fact that you'd need some other country to take you in, there's an "exit tax" to pay too.

No other country except some tin-pot African dictatorship uses such a scheme. Unsurprisingly then, as seen from Washington literally every country in the world holds "lots of money from tax evaders", even though that position is stupid. Hence FATCA.

Now, the Swiss could certainly argue a different viewpoint to the one you just espoused. The Swiss have been wealthy for a long time, but the idea that banks are supposed to be some shadow police force is a very recent one. It dates to the US passage of the Banking Secrecy Act in the 70s and the Money Laundering Control Act in the 80s. Actually the whole concept of money laundering was created quite recently by the USA. As a social policy it's younger than most people are. Despite many extremely serious costs and side effects, these policies were then forced onto the rest of the world, through threat of financial sanctions in some cases.

The Swiss have always until recently had strict policy of strong financial privacy. So guess what - Swiss reluctance to sign up for the new fad of turning bankers into policemen suddenly means they're the bad guys. By the way, banking privacy in Switzerland has applied to their own tax collectors too. Somehow they still manage to collect tax, have a strong government, low crime rates, low inflation and low tax rates. Apparently their approach is not incompatible with civilised society after all!

This idea that the Swiss are rich exclusively because of some evil rule breaking is exactly the kind of absurd rhetoric that could lead to some invasion scenario, which is why the military uses it to practice with. But it's just not matched by reality. If you look at a GDP breakdown by sector you can see that manufacturing and specialised services make up a huge fraction of the Swiss economy. The biggest Swiss company isn't even a bank, it's Nestle. A big chunk of Swiss wealth comes from precision machinery, pharmaceuticals, IT, tourism and specialised financial services which are NOT banking (think industrial insurance etc).

Comment Re:Figured it out yet? (Score 4, Informative) 203

This crap is so old it's actually mentioned in the bitcoin FAQ:


There is lots of academic research that indicates the "deflationary spiral" doesn't happen like that.

Bitcoin having a fixed final size is just fine - it means when the economy grows, everyones money becomes worth a little bit more, i.e. prices fall a bit. Things get cheaper. That's sort of what you expect from progress, isn't it?

Comment Re:This is news? (Score 2, Informative) 138

"I see it differently. In real life we pay for cops via taxes. Part of their job is to offer advice and even survey your home for ways that criminals might break in. It's part of the service."

What utopia is that that you live in? Because here in the USA they do not do this at all. The police advice to me is, "do not own a weapon, in the case of a home invasion hide under your bed and call the police. Do not fortify your doors and windows as that is a crime."

Yes, Fortification of doors and windows in the USA is a CRIME. It makes it harder for cops to raid your home if they need to.

Comment Re:How Blackberry could remain relevant (Score 1) 278

1. Create an enterprise hardened version of Android

Samsung did this already. It's called Knox. As most Android vendors have discovered, competing with Samsung is a losing proposition.

3. Provide a compatibility layer/VM for existing Blackberry apps on their devices

If that could easily be done, they would have done it for BB 10. And honestly, can you name one BlackBerry app worth having that doesn't exist on Android already? Ironically, BB did build Android compatibility into BB 10... but it apparently hasn't made the platform any more popular.

Submission + - How BlackBerry Blew It

schnell writes: The Globe and Mail is running a fascinating in-depth report on how BlackBerry went from the world leader in smartphones to a company on the brink of collapse. It paints a picture of a company with deep engineering talent but hamstrung by arrogance, indecision, slowness to embrace change, and a lack of internal accountability. From the story: "'The problem wasn’t that we stopped listening to customers,' said one former RIM insider. 'We believed we knew better what customers needed long term than they did.'"

Comment Re:Expect competitors for all big IT US companies (Score 2) 166

That's because people are idiots. Not only would a European-based competitor NOT prevent the NSA and GCHQ from getting at your data, it's not going to prevent any other agency from getting at it either.

I think that's a bold claim. Remember that when GCHQ wanted to spy on phone calls from the Middle East, they didn't do it by serving Belgacom with some dubious order from a bogus court. No such courts exist in Europe, at least as far as I know. They did it by hacking Belgacom directly and then they got caught when the telco went looking for them (and presumably evicted).

The UK has some pretty crap laws when it comes to surveillance, largely a hangover from the IRA era (which was a way scarier terrorist group than al-Qaeda, so it's somewhat understandable). The "9 hours at the border" thing comes from that time, it predates 9/11 actually. However the rest of Europe, not so much.

With regards to the solutions, I guess some companies will do exactly as you suggest and in source, or at least partially in-source private data. But that's a giant pain in the ass. Expect to see some novel and innovative approaches to squaring this circle in the coming years - cryptographers have spent a lot of time finding ways to do computation in the cloud over encrypted data. Perhaps they will finally see some of it get used.

Comment Re:Pay Scales (Score 1) 149

My understanding (sorry can't find a source to cite) is that in the current US military, no general officer has an "real" rank higher than G-2 (Major General / Rear Admiral Upper Half). You only get appointed to jobs that require a G-3 or G-4, but if you didn't hold those jobs you would be treated as your "real" rank. If you retire while holding one of those jobs, then your retirement is treated at that rank level.

Can anyone more knowledgeable than me confirm/deny or improve this explanation?

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