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Comment Re:anecdote != data (Score 1) 157

Perhaps it should not be in the news but it's not meaningless. I don't know the stats for this cancer but if, say, the chances of the tumour spontaneously contracting like this are 1:10,000 then the results of this single data point are certainly of interest. If the odds are, say, 1:20, then much less so.

Single patient case studies like this are relatively common in medicine. A lot of experimental medical procedure are very expensive, high cost, high risk, etc, so it's not unusual for papers to be written based on single patients. It's not ideal but that's just how the field is sometimes.

Comment Re: And how many Hackintosh's? (Score 1) 220

I donâ(TM)t think that many people who want a robust daily productivity machine will go the hackintosh way. For every os upgrade you have to hope it will still work or wait for a fix.

I have hackintosh desktops at work and at home and use them as my primary productivity machines. They work flawlessly and I've been doing this for the last five years.

Comment Re:Wow.. That sounds super reasonable. (Score 1) 335

Seriously, how could anyone justify such a ridiculous price to just to have a Mac?

Nobody. Because nobody needs to pay that much money "just to have a Mac". You only have to pay that much if you want a Mac with insane specs. Any other PC with specs like that will also cost silly money. I don't know how much, but it'll likely be in the same ballpark.

Comment Re:When JWST gets first light... (Score 1) 82

I would want it to take 24 hour series of pictures of earth so that flat earth retards can try to dispute that. Of course I know that flat earth retards do not even believe that JWST is in space, but of course you cannot please flat earth retards.

The only thing that would satisfy them is personal observation but they are too close-minded to accept that such observation is possible from ground-level with a modicum of thought. The obvious one is to measure angle of pole star above the horizon at different latitudes, coupled with the observation of opposite seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. Anyone can make those measurements and the only explanation for the result is a spherical Earth. No conspiracy can influence the outcome. It's interesting to pose that question on their forum. Some of them behave incredibly illogically and go to great lengths to deny reality and what their senses tell them in order to support the flat earth idea they have attached themselves to.

Comment Re:To some extent (Score 1) 241

Also, streaming doesn't work in some parts of the country when you're on the road. Yes, one can use MP3 on a stick, but then all you've done is take the songs on the CD and convert them into a different format.

Spotify lets you download tracks locally. I bought a 64 GB SD card for my phone and it's half full with most of my Spotify library at the highest available resolution. Works a treat.

Comment Re:This is stupid (Score 1) 494

Why not have that be the point at which her second dragon is killed off, then the snap decision to torch all the innocent citizens would have made a little more sense too.

There is some sense in this, yes. But the reason she's torching everything is not just for revenge, although that was part of it. The main motivation (as I see it) is that she decided respect as a ruler wasn't going to come through love and adoration but through fear. However, the writers seemed to have a hard time pulling that off in a convincing way.

Comment Re:Censorship is not connected to truth (Score 1) 313

Censorship is connected to power. Anti-vaxxers are anti-truth, where they stand with regards to power varies. Hence they have to be fought by providing truth. Fighting them using censorship is very dangerous and only will make them feel even more justified in their demented stance.

Fighting them with truth doesn't work either. Just like other crazy people, such as creationists or flat-earthers, the truth they are denying is well established and beyond any reasonable doubt. Attempting to fight them with truth is pointless because they've already decided to close the ears to it and because engaging them in public debate only serves to legitimize them in the eyes of uneducated fence-sitters. Conspiracy theorists just entrench themselves and close the brains when faced with an onslaught of facts and common sense.

For the above reasons I am in favour of denying them air time and denying them the opportunity to debate, as this only spreads the contagion. That doesn't mean a government clampdown, but it does mean that media organisations can avoid promoting the message by pretending it is a reasonable viewpoint.

No society has complete freedom of speech. In the US the first amendment doesn't offer protection for fighting words, speech that leads to illegal actions, obscene speech, kiddie porn, and commercial activities.

Comment Re:Most people don't live in Manhattan (Score 2) 190

"Try to imagine the island of Manhattan, and everyone taking the subway being in a rideshare. It just doesn't function...."

Most people don't live in Manhattan.

If ridesharing doesn't provide a better alternative, people won't use it. Problem solved.

Public transit will continue to be successful and widely used in Manhattan and a few other dense cities. Everywhere else, it will continue to suck.

It doesn't have to be that way. There are other countries which have managed to have good (or even excellent) public transport systems that operate nationwide, not just in dense cities.

Comment Re:Sheeesh BBC (Score 1) 110

Sure - I've known for a long time that most pop music is written by a few folks in Sweden, and is just a collection of hooks without actual meaning, and lots of autotune and fake emoting.

I don't like most of that stuff either but I don't think what you say about hooks is fair. One could make the same criticism of Mozart also. Mozart was a tunesmith and mostly wrote totally abstract music with no meaning. That doesn't stop him being widely considered a genius.

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