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Comment I smell bullshit... (Score 3, Insightful) 29

Hmm. This is like the old military joke, "Everyone wanting to volunteer for this mission, take a step forward...", and everyone but one poor schmuck takes a step backward.

This sort of seems to cancel most of the good intentions of NN. Or at least it leaves a loophole wide enough to drive at truck through.

Comment Re:Hurts the customers too (Score 1) 107

Ring doorbells, and probably others as well have a GREAT solution for sneaky Ninja stealth package deliverers - their motion detection features are excellent for detecting clandestine drop-offs and alerting you of the fact.

This is especially useful if you're in a high traffic or crime area, you'll know the moment it was dropped off. And the moment it was stolen, if you didn't get to it in time! :) Plus, if you're lucky, a video of the thief's face.

Otherwise, there are security drop-off lockers like olde tyme Milk Boxes, you can have them deliver the items into them and the lid locks closed. Presumably, it's bolted to the porch or too big and heavy to carry off, I don't know for sure as I don't own one.

Comment Re:Any more questions? (Score 1) 120

Not all of it is.

Basic PC client/server programs will let you set up a local LAN server for free. They start charging when it comes to some popular clients, like ones for Android, iPhone and Roku cost $$. There is also a DVR service that gets guide data if you have an OTA tuner for local TV channels like I do, and that is not free either.

They do have a one-time "Plex Pass" (used to be $99.00 when I got mine) which gives you all access to all of the Plex services for a one-time flat fee. What I don't understand is how that is sustainable - it looks like sort of a pyramid or ponzi scheme, but not quite - somehow depending on new signups to pay for things, which is great as long as there is momentum of gaining new users.

I believe Emby is doing something similar now, also charging a one-time flat fee for access to all features for life. They are doing the same thing and requiring it for DVR service and some high-end smartphone and TV clients like Plex is doing.

Comment Re:What Google fails to realize (Score 1) 212

LOL that was the operational model for Cable TV. You pay ONCE, a monthly fee for NO FUCKING ADS. Period. Well, we all know how that shitshow turned out!

It turned out the fucks were SO greedy they insisted on their monthly fee, THEN they turned around and started cramming ads down our throats TOO. Because we had no choice at that point, and they were relying on the fact that you can't or won't stop them if you wanted your entertainment fix, they ran roughshod over us and we have the situation we have today with them double-dipping at the punchbowl.

I have no compunction about turning off and evading advertising to the best of my technical ability. At age 61, those assholes have collectively broken their promises and social contracts repeatedly and collectively they have wasted at least 2-3 years of my life without any shame. I would have GLADLY paid probably thousands of dollars to avoid all of that - IF they kept their promises.

FUCK THEM, THEY AIN'T TAKING ANY MORE! I have paid MORE than my dues over the 40+ years I have been a "consumer" (sucker) of their entertainment "product" (shit). I don't feel they "owe" me anything, but I also don't feel as though I need to keep financing their greed. I have paid "up front", but with my time instead of my money, like their model intended.

Comment Re:Pity. (Score 1) 59

I realize that's an issue, as nothing has a floppy anymore, but that's not a problem; the images I'm referring are already completely installed from the original media - no original discs (CD or floppies) are required at all. The image is a virtual hard disk image, usually a several GB large file or files that comprise a VMDK, which is a virtual disk image that's used by VirtualBox or VMWare Players.

Those are two good free VM's out there that will boot up the OS image you downloaded directly from the hard disk of your current modern host machine. It's very easy to get it set up and going - pretty much just download the OS image, unzip or copy to a working directory somewhere, and create a new VM that points to that new image as it's bootable C: hard disk. That's pretty much it!

Comment Re:The constitution does not require... (Score 2) 95

Creationist bullshit. Because we don't know, or haven't figured something out (yet), doesn't mean your religious bullshit is anything other than complete bullshit. What we do know is.. for the past 75,000 years or so, there has never, ever, been a single bit of evidence that and god/gods/goddesses have ever existed as anything other than convoluted bullshit in some delusional assholes imagination.... EVER.

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