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Comment Re:Like an opinion article (Score 1) 381

"Starvation mode" has been shown to be a myth. It comes down to basic math, calories in vs. calories out.

If you eat less and work out more, you lose weight. You do the opposite, you gain.

There's no way for the body to "magically" get fat when eating less. That violates the laws of thermodynamics. Sure, the rate of how quickly you gain or lose weight may change (e.g., when you eat less or change your macros to consume less sugar, you may find yourself being more lethargic in the short term until you get used to it, and so you will burn fewer calories). Or, as you lose weight, you need fewer calories (because there isn't as much of you to support).

But a calorie is a calorie and reducing ~3500 calories results in about 1lb of weight loss. Is it exactly 3500? No. Why? Because there are so many other variables at play. But is it closer to 3500 than, say, 500 or 10,000? You bet.

Comment Re:This will sound harsh, at first... (Score 3, Interesting) 243

The sad state of things is such that even though they are using H-1B improperly, those affected are mostly college-educated white males.

I disagree. Given the disproportional representation of Asians in STEM fields, I would say that those affected are mostly college-educated Americans - yes, more white than black, but certainly includes Asians and women.

Obviously, this depends on the location (e.g., more Asians in California and East Coast vs. Midwest), but I think this affects all skilled Americans in IT.

And I think the mistake is in characterizing it as something that only affects white people. It's all about narrative -- bring in other groups, then see the magic unfold.

Comment Re:Choice paralysis (Score 1) 358

Also wanted to add that co-opting the fringe primarily seems to be happening with one party (i.e., the GOP), and that is reflected in the election results.

However, please bear in mind that in terms of political views, the US is also more conservative than the rest of western society.

What is considered left in the US would be considered pretty moderate or even center-right in many parts of the world.

In may ways, co-opting the extreme right (e.g., the tea party) and some of the libertarian values reflect this reality.

Comment Re:Choice paralysis (Score 1) 358

It may be what you prefer, but empirical studies of choice have shown that most people's choices fall along a median, and success is often the result of trying to accommodate one side of the median and most of the median.

It's the same with consumer products, and it's the same with elections.

All systems lean towards simplicity, and the more mature a system is (i.e., it's been around for longer), the more strong parties coalesce towards the median.

Comment Re:Without government... (Score 0) 471

You know the only thing worse than an Uber driver? A hippie bicyclist complaining about the Uber drivers.

Free market, bro. Surge pricing works because there is a limited availability, high demand, and the company is charging what they can get away with.

Scheduling pickups? As someone who travels every week, I can certainly relate to this. But then what's stopping you from canceling and just paying the $5 fine or whatever? Or what happens if Uber is unable to have a driver pick you up? Given the complexity involved in scheduling systems, they probably find it easier to do "point in time" scheduling, which works for their business model. 80/20, and the number of folks who want to schedule are much, much smaller and the effort required to arrange for it is probably significantly larger.

Seriously, though. I am glad that Uber is here to disrupt the cab industry, with their dirty cabs, rude drivers, and propensity to hate credit cards.

Comment Re:Is he in the right? (Score 2) 1197

Gizmodo had an article a while back on this topic.

Is It OK to Shoot Down Your Neighbor's Drone?

Basically, under the law, the drone is the same as a full-fledged aircraft. Now, the other side of the equation is that you only own ~100 feet above your property. If it was flying higher, then it is legal.

If it was lower, then it's a different story. In any event, the most prudent course is to call the cops - anything else would just be an overkill, and even if you were in the right, it's just a pain.

You could probably still be subjected to civil suits and what not.

Comment Re:If there was a criteria for safe unlocking (Score 2) 83

As a pilot, I cannot agree more. Some of the cockpit controls out there are downright obnoxious, especially for rotary wing.

I have a friend who is a Harrier jet pilot, and I have heard some horror stories on landing those on aircraft carriers.

Usually, we are told what *not* to do, and so unless explicitly forbidden (e.g., do not do X before this time), we will assume it will be alright. This is clearly an engineering and a documentation/training failure.

It's easy to blame the pilot, but if anything, he's a tragic victim of poor design.

Comment Re:Unregulated speech, must stop at all costs! (Score 1) 298

For me, "performance," is where the act meets the audience as much as where the act is carried-out...

Well, then. We should all adopt your definition of the term. There's a reason art is subjective - as long as the consumer and the producer agree that it's a performance, it doesn't matter what you or the dictionary call it.

I see a lot of people getting very passionate when they're probably not terribly knowledgeable about the situation.

Evidently, that includes you.

I don't know what the man's warrants are for, though given the culture surrounding rap and hip-hop I'm guessing that they're not for the same kinds of things that Edward Snowden is wanted for.

His warrants are for missing child support payments. And btw, that's the whole idea behind free speech -- all speech, good, bad, and ugly, is worth protecting.

You are now conflating freedom with intent and quality, which is a slippery slope.

Comment Re:Not sure whats more impressive... (Score 2) 150

He's a Thiel Fellow, and clearly, that model is working for kids like him who are super gifted for whom the current college education model would be absurd.

This 17-Year-Old Dropped Out Of High School For Peter Thiel And Built A Game-Changing New Kind Of Computer

Pretty awesome, if you ask me!

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