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Journal Journal: These Democrat operatives can return to Hell 18

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Journal Journal: Almost Aardvarkian in Nature 8

Among the outstanding bloggers working against the Racism Industrial Complex today is Cornell Law Prof. William Jacobson:

Congratulations Media Matters for further denigrating public discourse by taking a wholly innocent use of a non-racial term and turning it into a racial issue. But that was not the worst of the week for the language police. Seattle is considering banning the use of the term Brown Bag when referring to workers bringing food to work because it is racially insensitive:

Read his entire, excellent post. Lawyers do write well, and some seem to have retained their souls. Or, perhaps the ones in academia re-grow them, despite the Ivory Tower.
JE post title refers to a simple, joking animal reference that one of my commenters tried to turn into a racial reference. I troubleshot the issue, and it turned out that my keyboard, in fact, held some racist vowels, so I replace those keycaps, to regain political correctness*.

*For the humor impaired, this is called a 'joke'.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ace of Spades flogs Andrew O'Hehir like a rented mule 3

Detroit Failed Because Right Wingers Engineered It To Fail, to Prove Black People Can't Run Their Own Governments, Or Something

Now since I've been forced to read this imbecile's piece, I'll just run with it and note that this guy, Andrew O'Hehir, usually fills his days embarrassing himself in movie reviews.
Here's his review of The Conjuring, a dumb horror movie about a demonic possession and exorcism which supposedly occurred in real life, during the 1970s. The 1970s are a special problem for O'Hehir, and clearly the time this brokedown hippie came of age, as we'll see a little later.
Now I'm not going to quote much of this but I'll let you know he actually thinks most aspects of this movie are good to superior -- that is, it's a good movie. But let's not let that fact interfere with his ability to spill embarrassment all over himself by reading every single thing as some sort of rightwing cryptomessaging.

Maybe because I've met the author in real life, AoS's jolly sarcasm is especially funny. Or maybe because of the total contempt I feel for the modern beta male like O'Hehir. Great read.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A Dozen Short Points On The Big Picture 231

I'd just like to respond to a variety of my good interlocutors, briefly, on a swath of topics.

  • Life: begins when the information that defines you is available: conception. You own your own greatness, or not. You don't own the non-greatness of others.
  • Gender: is defined by chromosomes. Become the best male or female you can: body, mind, and soul.
  • Marriage: has its premise in the production of life. Understood, other variations. But what difference, at some point centuries hence, do they make?
  • Freewill: if you're arguing it doesn't exist, then why're you even reading this?
  • Unscalability: people don't scale. The larger the group you consider, the less powerful assertions you can make about them, without stooping to the crudest stereotypes. There is an inverse square law afoot: the family is strongest, followed by the clan, followed by professions, citizenship, etc. This is why if you want to move a large number of people in an organized way, you have to thrash their individuality and put them in a uniform. This is why the one-size-fits-all theories of Progress are dying. To the extent it can be said to work empirically, the one-size-fits-all of Jesus Christ is the best you've got, and even Christians don't agree on what that means.


  • Conservativism: is based upon the Lockean notion of the individual.
  • Progressivism: has roots in a strange intellectual love affair between Rousseau and Marx. Whatever misguided idealism informed the original Progressives, it's all a steaming loaf of debt and ersatz aristocracy now, Republican and Democrat.
  • Republicans: born to end slavery, the elite of the GOP is fungible with the Democrats, perpetuating debt slavery.
  • Federal Reserve: the power to inflate the currency urinates all over the spirit of the Constitution, granting too much power to un-elected knobs. The lack of will from either branch of the Ruling Class even to audit, much less reform this beast is telling.
  • ObamaCare: is the legislative/economic equivalent of the Doomsday Machine from Star Trek. In true Progressive fashion, it accomplishes the opposite of its title. This is a time, to quote Iron Maiden, to "Die With Your Boots On." Can this bureaucratic D&D Black Pudding be stopped? Hopefully; my metaphorical blender just 'sploded.


  • Slavery: sucked. It had a variety of social and economic causes, including false notions of inferiority based upon extrinsic characteristics. However, the guilt for slavery is owned by those who actually held slaves, just as the guilt for Jim Crow is owned by its perpetuators in the modern Racism Idustrial Complex. I forgive those who try to pin such guilt on me, in the hope that, if forgiveness spreads, growth can occur.
  • Foreign Policy: if you think about it, our Constitution is defensive in nature: some powers were delegated by the States to a Federal government for mutual protection. Progress has begotten the Team America World Police concept since Bretton Woods. That it ran for 50 years needs to be seen as about as good as it gets. What follows is totally unclear.

So, there you have it. These are my positions, arrived at slowly, and not given to much adjustment. I'm not accepting blame, nor do I think I've blamed anyone in particular. I don't even blame Obama for ObamaCare. Our situation sucks, and it sucked Cthulhu right out of R'lyeh. If Barack had stayed a stoned Hawaiian, tearing tickets at Jack Johnson concerts or whatever, they'd've polished another tool for his role. So don't over-credit the putz. Our decadent point in American history has plenty of sad little Commies who could've done the job. Our task is to realize the dream of the Founders, with an informed, educated electorate.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Klavan has a gentle rant I wish I'd written 10

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Journal Journal: Ace of Spades on our media geniuses on the Zimmerman case 14

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Journal Journal: Obligatory Zimmerman JE 2

I rather expected a more political "manslaughter" verdict that would be overturned on appeal, or perhaps even pardoned by the Community Organizer-in-Chief himself, magnanimously forgiving the liquidating of that son he didn't build.
Not to make light of a tragedy. I've served with the likes of Trayvon Martin in the military. I'm willing to venture he was probably a typical American kid, and what went down really sucked.
On the other hand, the sheer ghoulishness of the trial, and all of the race-baiting from the Left, was utterly disgusting.
Now, let some peace be sown, please.

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