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Comment So exactly what is "hard braking"? (Score 2) 117

I was on such a system for a couple of weeks before I discovered and stopped it. My "driving philosophy," such as it is, is to drive in a manner so that I do not impact others. In other words, I drive in a civilized manner. Yet I was astounded to discover that I was being dinged for "hard braking." ??? I find that absurd. I brake so softly that the car comes to an even stop and does not jerk either the car or the passengers. And that's the problem. Who makes up the parameters of what constitutes "hard braking," or any other measurement? And for that matter, isn't "hard braking" sometimes necessary to prevent an accident when someone else is performing badly? Doesn't that signify attentive driving? And in the absence of a court-ordered ignition interlock, doesn't this amount to prior restraint? We need to tell these people, including OnStar, to go pound sand.

Comment It's not about you (Score 1) 613

We have this argument on a monthly basis now. Every single time we hear the same negativity about why YOU don't want an EV because a) You drive 1,000 miles in a stretch and don't want to recharge (even though you could), or b) You live in a condo and have no way to plug it in, or c) Insert your personal reason here. You see outlier cases and worry that it won't work for you when it isn't about you at all. It's about the 80-90% of the cases that DO work. It's about the average commuter where 50 miles a day is a long commute. That's a week's worth of driving at current ranges where you are getting over 100mpg equivalent.

Outlier cases only count for outliers. Nobody else cares. EVs will work for most people most of the time. If you won't give up your gas-powered car until they pry it from your cold, dead fingers, well, that's exactly what will happen. Then there will be one less ICE on the road, until there are no more left on the road at all. If you don't get it, your kids will. It's just a matter of time.

Comment The government says I am "elderly." (Score 5, Informative) 284

I'm 74. I just find it amusing that so many youngins want to return to "simpler times." I think the "good old days" were called "these trying times" when we went through them. I'm not so happy with the politics, but I am very happy with the tech. Rock on!

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