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Comment Re:WFH is great for employees (Score 1) 199

Your theory that there are "far more slackers" is interesting, but not supported by data. Your anecdote isn't really related.

You're right that in theory this could support outsourcing abroad, and having coworkers in quite a few time zones, I'm actually pretty hyped about this having good potential in the future. That said, time zones are sometimes important...

Comment Honestly, given citi, sure. (Score 1) 50

A person I know had a story once, I believe about Citi, where they had a phishing message and wanted to report it to the bank's fraud/security people. And the person they got to told them that to see whether an email is legit, look at the email and see if it has a citibank logo, because that's how you can tell it's legitimate.

If my fuzzy memory of years back is correct, and that was indeed Citi, then yeah, they should absolutely be on the hook for some amount of this fraud.

Comment Notable that the show is misleading... (Score 4, Informative) 96


Been watching the Post Office scandal drama that ITV made. It’s really good.

One big notable so far - they introduce the CEO in episode two.. skipping over the CEO before her, who was actually in charge when all this kicked off.

He went on to be CEO of ITV.

Comment It's not an anti-censorship stance (Score 1) 271

They censor lots of things they disapprove of. Their ToS allow them to censor on lots of topics, and they do.

If they were not censoring other things, they might have a better defense. There'd be a real argument there, but it'd at least be an actual argument about the facts. The notion that they have an "anti-censorship stance" is, however, nonsense.

Comment Wow, that is misleading. (Score 5, Informative) 136

The key point here isn't that he wrote a fic, and it wasn't "a loving homage", he was claiming that he owned the rights to LoTR and suing over it. His suit against Amazon was what brought him to the Tolkein estate's attention.

I think if he'd made the fan work and not actively gone trying to pick a fight with them, they'd likely not have cared.

Comment Weird framing (Score 1) 164

I don't think any other part of our infrastructure gets described in terms like "lost $6.5 billion in the last year". Normally we talk about what it costs to have infrastructure, because we're paying to have a thing we need. We don't talk about the school system in general "losing money", we talk about "what we spend on education".

That said, it does make sense to think about this somewhat in the context where a for-profit business is using that infrastructure and not really paying for the costs of providing that infrastructure.

Comment I know a few victims (Score 4, Interesting) 25

I know more than one person who was a paying customer, and then suddenly their account was locked, and they never found out why. And I don't think this is a case where "they know what they did". I think they have no idea whatsoever, and Discord refused to even hint at it. Did they break a rule? Maybe! Will they ever be told which rule? No! So there's nothing they can do to change their behavior to fix it, and no reason not to just make a new account and use that instead.

The main effect is, there's no circumstance under which I'll ever pay Discord for anything, because multiple people I know got cheated out of money they paid to the service and never even got a hint as to what they supposedly did, let alone a chance to see what the "evidence" was, or dispute a finding.

Submission + - Ubuntu Podcast returns as Linux Matters

oojah writes:

After nearly two years away from podcasting, the team behind the popular Ubuntu Podcast are returning with a new podcast, Linux Matters, with the first episode expected to be available around the 20th April, but you can search for the podcast feed already. The show promises

Upbeat family-friendly banter, conversation and discussion for Linux enthusiasts and casual observers of all ages. A new episode every two weeks covering terminal productivity, desktop apps, self-hosting, Linux hardware and devices, community management, gaming, development and all the Linux Matters that matter.

The show is part of the Late Night Linux group of podcasts, which also includes Late Night Linux, Linux After Dark, and Linux Downtime.

Comment Re:I use it in catering (Score 1) 192

Given that it will just make stuff up, it really seems to me like this is probably criminal negligence, and I really urge you to think this through: If it confidently hallucinates the answter that x is not in y, and x is actually in y, and someone gets hurt or dies, who is going to be liable for that error? "Pretty good" is not good enough for things that can kill people.

Comment I'm not (Score 1) 192

The degree to which it can confidently hallucinate plausible-sounding but completely wrong things makes me very disinclined to use it, or anything based primarily on this approach, because that's significantly anti-useful. To use it, I'm going to just have to go do all the research again myself anyway, or risk being horribly wrong. I guess it could be entertaining to play with, but after watching a bunch of people confidently relying on things it said, I'm pretty sure it's just poison. To say nothing of the various copyright-type issues, etcetera.

Comment Re:Since when did two == several? (Score 1) 27

Couple does not have to mean exactly two. :

* 4 : an indefinite small number : few
* also : few â"used with a

https://dictionary.cambridge.o... :

* two or a few things that are similar or the same, or two or a few people who are in some way connected:


* couple (of somebody/something) a small number of people or things

Comment Re: No! (Score 1) 134

And where do the standards come from? Moses is long time gone. The C in W3C doesn't stand for a Council of sages atop a mountain, detached from worldly interests.

Anyway you were complaining about standards changing. What happens when they don't change? Would you be reading this in HTML 1.0x (whatever was first published), or would this page be âoeBest viewed with Chromeâ?

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