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Comment Re:Enablers, you say? (Score 3, Interesting) 139

"That not withstanding, Wilson's statements are based on legal facts, and her opinion that Khan has already ruined any sense of impartiality is at least a logical opinion given her statements."

Which legal facts? I read the entire opinion piece and she presents nothing. It's 90% rhetoric and 10% unconfirmed accusations.

Also, to call someone else bias and then only post links to heavily biased sources is like calling the pot calling the kettle black.

US Chamber of Commerce is heavily right-wing and so is the website.

Comment Re:the only people who thought that were (Score 1) 170

You say "nobody is handing kids assault rifles" and yet literally the shooting being discussed had the assault rifles bought by adults and given to the kid.

So, you are wrong.

Either stop speaking in absolutes or stop spreading disingenuous arguments. You're not helping any side of the discussion.

Comment Re:Can Ubiquiti win? Do they care? (Score 1) 32

Krebs is a pretty big creep. He changes his articles often many times after publishing without explanation and deletes comments on his articles that poke holes in his narrative.

So, what you see in the article today might not be what was in the article originally and half of the post was probably submitted by readers.

Comment Re:Seized account and crushed truck (Score 2) 263

So, you're saying a government crushed a working automobile with working parts after it being impounded for less than a week?

Seems very implausible.

No information comes up searching for any of the name and location mentioned either even though I am sure if this were true there would be lots of drama posts on social media.

Comment Re:Not true (Score 1) 154

Currency is not debt. Gold and silver are not currency, they are commodities that were used as currency standards.

Removing convertibility of a currency to a commodity is not a default, albeit could be argued a devaluing depending on the circumstances.

Comment Re:do they even know what "approved" means? (Score 3, Informative) 549

Three vaccines are allowed for use against COVID-19.

It would be illegal to treat people with a vaccine openly without FDA authorization.

And no, I'm not going to get into a pedantic battle about how the words "authorized" and "approved" are different, all that matters is that the FDA has given the OK for use of those three vaccines.

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