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Comment The article doesn't say that at all (Score 4, Informative) 31

First off, it's not 50% of _work_. It's 50% of studios. The stupid headline make it sound like half the work is being done by AI, when clearly it's not.

And then if you RTFA, it's not 50%. It's 31% use AI tools, and 18% have a colleague who does. That doesn't make 50% of anything.

In short, it's the dumbest summary on Slashdot I've read in a long time, and that's saying something.

Comment headline accuracy (Score 5, Insightful) 59

The governing body investigation did not find that he didn't cheat - it instead said they could not conclude that he did cheat. The distinction matters because the first statement implies a proof of innocence, which was not given, but instead the conclusion of a statistical analysis, by a single person, was that it could not be shown *from the data they looked at* that cheating did occur.

Lance Armstrong won seven medals before finally being caught.

Comment Naive and doomed (Score 1) 176

The proponents seem to have a naive believe that "government run" equals free from outside interests. In fact, the opposite is true.
Government run: Post Office. Private: FedEx
Government run: DMV Private: Costco

It is extremely unlikely that taking over legacy utilities will "lower costs, greater investments in the grid and improved performance". Public utilities are already heavily government regulated with mandated rates of returns. There's no magic want that both lowers costs and has greater investments in the grid -- those are opposites. Hopefully it doesn't go through. But there are a lot of dumb ideas that get passed, so who knows.

Comment Awful concept (Score 4, Insightful) 36

"Worldcoin’s website outlines its key potential applications: fortifying incentive strategies like coupons and loyalty programs traditionally susceptible to fraud, combatting bots through identity confirmation, and facilitating a globally democratic governance mechanism."

It's :cueCat for Web3. Give up any semblance of privacy for...what? Better ad tracking?

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