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Comment It isn't a ban, it's a cash grab (Score 4, Insightful) 63

The Feds are trying to confiscate a large part of TikTok's business by a forced sale to American businessmen. I gather this is because TikTok appears to be successful, whereas ex-Twitter and Pravda Social are going down in flames.

It's not a ban and was never intended to be a ban. It's a direct threat based on, "nice company you have here. It would be a shame if something happened to it."

Comment Moving next to an airport, right? (Score 4, Insightful) 264

These employees willingly took positions in a company while knowing full well what they did, and then decided to complain bitterly about their jobs, stop working, and prevent others from working.

The airport was there before you moved in, and bitching about the noise only reveals you as a whiny idiot.

Comment The repetitive science-fiction story (Score 3, Insightful) 50

We don't have AI or anything that looks like AI. We have statistical context models that can form a vague approximation of reality without having the slightest understanding of what they've done or why humans don't have sixteen fingers. They haven't the faintest idea of what facts are and never will, by their design. All they do is provide statistically real-like work based on analyzing a flood of human data, and their input stream is going to rapidly degrade as their output becomes part of their input.

There is going to be a massive market collapse when the reality of the situation catches up with all these airheads in their shiny marketing bubble.

Comment no, we need more oil-burners (Score 5, Insightful) 283

Y'know, last time the American car makers got wiped out because they insisted on trying to sell big, badly-made cars to people who wanted more efficient cars that didn't fall apart all the time.

These guys have had plenty of time to get a grasp on the EV market, and now they're whining that they can't compete without government intervention. Again. Well, let 'em fail if they're such losers. If the government bails them out, we're not doing any better than China.

We should be rooting for EVs any way we can get them. It might help save the planet! But no, you want to squabble about WHO gets to save the planet? What are you, Republicans?

Comment Re:The problem is Alexa sucks (Score 1) 28

The problem may be deeper than that. The entire endeavor may have been a waste of time because nobody really wants to have that level of automation in their lives, especially when the cost is invasion of privacy.

I gather that you're an old guy and suspicious of the present, let alone the future. However, I definitely want to have that level of automation in my life, and I look forward to it increasing. Almost all of my lights are under voice control, I can play music across the entire house by asking for it, and I can always get the weather report, timers, calculations, and definitions of words I hadn't heard of.

Some day, it will control the HVAC, stove, microwave, doors, shades, windows, vacuum cleaner and floor mop. It does not do that yet.

Thanks, I do know how to configure this securely.

Comment and Hawaii is American today thanks to Dole (Score 1) 90

This isn't actually new for America. The Government was keen on taking over Hawaii for the benefit of Dole, which was having trouble hiring workers at low wages. So, we sent in troops to "liberate" Hawaii for a canned fruit company.

The Government is now keen on taking over TikTok for the benefit of some rich American company. This has nothing to do with security threats. It's entirely about money. It is grossly corrupt on the face of it.

Comment Show us the evidence against PFAS (Score 1) 49

We're told they're everywhere in massive concentrations, and we should be very, very scared. It's not clear what we should be scared of. We're already full of these things and, err... so? Is there genuine evidence that this is a hazard, or is someone just in the mood for a good health scare? I have not seen the stories of "PFAS cancer" or whatever the alleged problem is.

Comment It's not AI, it's a SCaM (Score -1, Troll) 7

Maybe we could hear less of this fake news about AIs. This is allegedly a technical site, and about everybody should be aware that these are Statistical Context Models. They have no idea of what they're doing. They just create things that, statistically, resemble things that people have done. They can't really be improved, because they do not have any concept of reality, fact or fiction. They will, in fact, get worse, because now they're polluting their own knowledge stream with their own gibberish.

Comment All new long-travel clacky keyboards! (Score 1) 82

Given that LPs and watches are part of some weird retro trend, I'm sure the retro hipsters will be eager to spend heavily on ghastly keyboards with their choice of cheaply-printed colored plastic key tops. They have to economize by leaving half the keys off, nonetheless. It's not like they ever figured out how to use a numeric keypad anyway.

Be sure to buy gel-pack wrist supports to reduce the carpal tunnel syndrome, and earplugs to block out the key noise. Your roomies will also need their own.

Comment Re:Ha ha ha ha. No. (Score 1, Informative) 35

The GOP? Pro-corporate? You've been snorting their propaganda. They're catastrophic for businesses. Whee! Let's go ban books, education, and medicine, with a side order of trashing the tourist industry. Don't get vaccinated! Go to work sick and kill your coworkers and customers! Ban the gays and block the blacks!

The only thing the GOP wants is to destroy the world. They're as incompetent at it as everything else they do but, they're persistent. In the meantime, they have to settle for hurting as many people as they can.

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