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Comment Re: Peace and prosperity (Score 1) 123

Well, choice number one was to choose to lobby the Congress and state legislators to believe in climate change instead of lobbying to cut funding of science. Choice number two was to believe scientists who said "we have a problem" and not protest at the city councils when things tried to change in small ways to reduce carbon output.

The problem is "viable and better alternative than what you want to replace" was not an option... and still isn't. There were (are) going to have to be changes in lifestyle, but they could've been small changes. In the past, we could've gotten a lot out of "drive less and build more public transit." But people wanted a zero-carbon personal car. That's essentially impossible even in today's technology, much less 30 years ago. Now the choices are to make even bigger changes, like having to be vegetarians because the price of meat is expected to rise so much.

Comment Re:what's illegal ? (Score 2) 169

Right, but the tracking of all BMWs is (weirdly, in my opinion) not protected by the US Constitution. The tracking of everyone's media habits is explicitly protected under the First Amendment. Stopping this kind of overreach is why so many librarians across the USA over the last decade stopped saving information about who had previously checked out books and why some went so far as to stop tracking who currently had books checked out, relying on most people to be on their honor to return materials. This is gross overreach. Frankly, I think pulling all the BMW driving records should be equally off limits as it is effectively the modern equivalent of quartering in people's homes (Third Amendment): if you can see everywhere and react as if you were physically there, you have violated the reason that amendment exists even if you haven't violated the physicality of that amendment.

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