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Comment Its like this (Score -1) 183

Most Slashdotters are huddled over their fading VT100 terminals, furiously playing Nethack, which is considered the paragon of computer gaming. If ASCII is good enough for Nethack, it should be good enough for ANY game.

Comment Windows apt-get was developed years ago (Score 2, Funny) 451

The idea of bringing Debian-style package management to Windows is not a new idea. Indeed, members of our own Slashdot community have been developing apt-get derived tools for many years, and have been responsible for a number of major advances in the field, including:

These projects truly are a testament to the true flexibility and power of apt-get, even within a Windows context. Side efforts, such as an ncurses based implementation of Mac OS X's Expose feature for dealing with multiple apt-get sessions, a SIMD/MMX accelerated apt-get, interplanetary control software with apt-get, and last but not least, a dselect-based implementation of iTunes.

While I applaud the efforts of those seeking to bring a more GNU/Linux-like package management experience to Windows, we should not forget the efforts of the early pioneers.


Journal Journal: Trollback for September 2004 5

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Journal Journal: Trollback for August 2004 11

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Journal Journal: Trollback for July 2004 16

editor's note: this posting delayed by 503 errors. cmdrtaco does not apologize for the inconvenience.

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Journal Journal: Trollback for June 2004 12

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Journal Journal: TrollBack for May 2004 14

Better late than never, assmasters.

If TrollBack seems a little late to you, please understand that the best things in life take time. When was the last time you saw Quickies? Exactly.

Please remember that the TrollBack team welcomes guest editors and content. Send us an email if you're interested in helping.

Journal Journal: TrollBack for April 2004 17

Endure no longer, Assmasters!

Welcome to TrollBack for April 2004. April started off rather slowly, with The List picking up a number of the strongest submissions in the last few days. We'd like to welcome USAPatriot to TrollBack. TrollBack regrettably did not see any posts that were made last month by this user, although if we had we would have had these posts [1,

User Journal

Journal Journal: Trollback for March 2004 8

It is April Fools, assmasters

That's right, assmasters, it is that one special time of year when the slashdot front-page consists entirely of one tired lame gag after another. Luckily, the Trollback team have put together another issue of your favourite publication.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Trollback for February 2004 16

Get out of the weeds, assmasters!

Trollback is well aware of your penchant for man-sex, but usually we are heartened to see that you can drag yourselves away long enough to post a month worth of trolling gold. Not this time; it seems that you and Bubba were having too much fun to keep up to last month's high standards.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Trollback for January 2004 17

omfg ror lolf assmasters!

Welcome to the first monthly edition of Trollback for 2004. This edition has been a pleasure to put together, thanks to the sheer quantity of quality posts presented in The List.

omfg ror lolf

User Journal

Journal Journal: Trollback for December 2003 16

Happy new year, Assmasters!

Trollback is here with the last montly edition of Trollback to cover 2003. Trollback will post a year in review edition in the coming days, which will review some of the highlights of the year, as Trollback saw them.

The trollback team has struggled to put together the review. Trollback has a fair idea of what will make it and what will not, but would certainly like to hear from the community as to what the highlights were for you.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Trollback for November 2003 12

Stop gouging yourself on leftover turkey, assmasters!

Rusty is a trollback fan

Trollback has many spies, and some of the more pallid, greasy ones keeps a close eye on IRC. One of our spies managed to unstick his keys long enough to alert us to this:

User Journal

Journal Journal: Trollback for October 2003 9

Assmasters of the universe!

It is nearly 400 years since Guy Fawkes was hanged, drawn, and quartered for attempting to poison the Queen of England. Once you've tired of celebrating his memory in the traditional way, why not come inside and treat yourself to the October 2003 edition of Trollback?

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