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Comment Re:Applenorexia (Score 1) 45

If they give it more battery then it will have a longer useful life (as the battery degrades, and the OS updates cause more power consumption) and then you won't have to buy a new product as soon. They are specifically and only targeting sales frequency with their battery sizing across all of their battery devices.

Comment Re:What's Her Addiction (Score 1) 61

Alcohol is inherently dangerous in at least two ways. One, it's toxic. Two, it reduces inhibitions in exactly the way that the other substance you mentioned (weed) doesn't. That's why it raises accident risk but weed doesn't - people on weed are able to recognize and account for impairment by driving slower and maintaining longer following distances.

Comment Uh (Score 1) 82

With a rapidly changing industry, qualified auto body repair technicians are in short supply, just as they are in the engine repair business.

The problem with the auto body repair business is that it's toxic AF. Most people don't last long in that environment, sometimes literally. When you spray paint, it's around half solvent. There are water based paints, but they don't perform as well as the solvent-based ones. When unibodies are painted they spray the whole thing and then bake the paint so hot that it reflows, which is how they get a good result even with water-based paints. Body shops can't do that when they make a repair.

Engine repair is much less toxic, but also in much less demand. By the time most vehicles need an engine rebuild, they need a lot of other stuff too. Doing an expensive engine job and winding up with a sloppy old car anyway makes little sense. And the number of people needed is waning as we shift towards electrics; not rapidly yet, but meaningfully. I wouldn't go into that career at this point, it would be exactly the wrong time.

Comment Re:I must be wrong. (Score 2) 43

If history is any indication, AI will be overused, then there will be a backlash and it will be underused, and eventually use will seek the middle. It might flop back and forth a few times, too.

It's already being overpromised, so that part of the usual pattern is already being fulfilled.

The kind of processing "AI" does now is clearly only part of the thinking process, the imagining part, or hallucinating as it's commonly called where AI is involved. We imagine a whole bunch of things and then filter out the dumbest ones, hopefully anyway. We can understand the things we've imagined. AI can't, because it's not thinking about them.

There is probably no heaven or hell, though, except what we create here.

Comment Re: Hydro (Score 4, Insightful) 87

Solar farms have high transmission losses, though, as they are not located near residences.

No, they don't. Coal and nuclear plants aren't located near residences either, but we still lose under 5% in transmission in the USA. The losses are higher than local, but not anything you could reasonably call "high".

Comment Re: Oil companies are scum (Score 1) 74

False. I need to change too, but the whole system is set up to make that inconvenient, so I require systemic change before I will be able to do so. For example, I cannot stress enough how much I want to switch every vehicle in our little fleet over to electric, but it's practical for 0 of the vehicles for me right now. I can't charge them, I can't afford them, etc etc.

Comment Re: Is China covered by the US constitution? (Score 1) 157

I mean if we just don't believe in the institutions anymore why would we even care about what the Founders thought or would think?

I care because I want to look critically at what they did and use the parts that make sense, and I want to know what they thought about both those parts as well as the other parts so I can more easily learn from it. Not enough to spend a lot of time reading about it, though, so obviously I don't care personally and only in principle. Every so often I go off on a tear about some particular subject and learn about what they thought about that, but it's not a hobby.

What matters more than what they did is what we need to do now. This is a different time. We should probably do many things differently. This first past the post voting thing is bananas, as is the undemocratic system of not counting our votes for president individually.

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