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Comment Re:Good luck with that ... (Score 1) 198

Funny, even when I game I rest my hand on the home keys. I just change the binds to use SDFE instead of WASD, why should I shift my hand to play a game, it makes me type faster in game also when voice chat isn't available, plus it gives me another column of keys to bind.

I wonder if they will also determine if it's just trackball or touchpad also, I know on touchpads I'm all over the place since I suck at them. The end guy is hard with all that two-finger gestures.

Comment Re:there once was a time (Score 1) 330

I think the terms of patents are too long. I think they should only last 5 years at MAX, and that should really depend on startup/manufacturing time. Basically if you didn't start making money from it and making your brand name known in 5 years for your "invention" then you don't deserve the profits of the idea after that time. We don't need to stifle innovation, we need it to grow, so make patents only a temporary place holder, NOT a business model!

Comment Re:Separate passcode locked to a verified device (Score 1) 340

Most banks, (well at least the few that I use). Require extra verification if you are trying to connect from a machine for the first time to the bank, (ie. mother's maiden name, father's birth year, favorite movie, etc.) giving you the password to my account doesn't mean you can easily get into my account. True, if I gave you my password, you are probably going to get my other information needed to log into the account since I'd be an idiot. It always falls back to the user being the biggest security hole.

I just wish there was a read-only method to my banking/credit information, something that I could provide to and not have to compromise my personal/private data to get the financial data.

Comment Re:who will control the iPhone (Score 1) 213

Google rules my iPhone, I have all the services synced to google. My phone is jailbroken (mostly for custom sounds), and I run whatever apps I want that Apple refused to "approve". It's really silly that an app which does A, B and C will get rejected, but 3 apps, which do A, B, and C respectively will get approved. If google made an Android install for jailbroken phones, I would probably install it as long as I don't lose much functionality.

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