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Comment Re:IN NO SENSE EXCUSING THE US GOVT, but (Score 1) 242

B is only true if you don't control the mail server on both sides of the exchange. I would assume that we're talking about the private mail server run by and for the Mexican government here, and that both recipients are on that server (or two different servers on the same govt network). So it's not about your grandma's Yahoo account.

Comment Re:So what is this about? (Score 1) 242

I am guessing that if you would read any Chinese or Russian newspapers, they would all agree that their respective countries rock, the other countries suck and are engaging in illegal, unfair, and immoral spying and competition.

That depends on what newspapers you read. In Russia, for example, there are still a few non-government-owned/controlled mass media outlets that are openly critical about the government and the country, such as e.g. Novaya Gazeta.

It has been my observation that everyone no matter where they live in think their country / sports team / religion they grew up in is really the best, and all others somehow are deluded.

Again, this is certainly not the case in Russia.

What is unussual is that a country would say, you know what "we really do suck dicks." This seems to be happening in the USA, where people are openly supporting other countries and rooting for their respective presidents (e.g. Putin). Sure there is a lot of criticism to be waged at the USA, but if you are a U.S.ian you should be waging it internally (e.g. our children need to study harder so they can compete against the Chinese)

There is a big difference between a "country" (i.e. its govt) saying something, and its citizens saying something. As a Russian, I can assure you that there are plenty of foreign leaders whom I respect more than Putin. And I'm not going to wage my criticism of my "country" internally, especially since a lot of issues are not just internal in nature - e.g. I believe that Russia should ditch this whole "we go our own way" bullshit and start properly aligning with Europe and the West, so of course I'm going to call out to other Europeans to put pressure on my government to do just that, and criticize our officials when they talk BS about Europe or make dumb laws aimed at foreign citizens and governments like Dima Yakovlev Law.

Comment Re:Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? (Score 1) 429

I think the more likely situation, if there was a conspiracy at all, would be that they would wait for the private insurers to have a crack at this for a few years, then people would see that no one's rates will decrease and that the private companies are just pocketing the difference.

I'm all for single-payer, complete with death panels. NHS in the UK has huge costs too, but at least they know when to give up on treating someone. (See the Quality-Adjusted Life Year -- we need a metric like that in our healthcare system.) We'll see if I get my wish.

You sound like you'd be a huge admirer of George Bernard Shaw.


Comment Re:The whole Open/Libre Office thing hurt (Score 1) 337

No one knows they have a Linux-based smartphone in their pocket; they just think it's "Android", and considering that for a huge number of them it's the low-cost choice and they use them because the carriers are giving them away and they can't afford iPhones, it's still not a great association. It doesn't help that Android phones are plagued with all kinds of problems because the carriers and handset makers do such a shitty job supporting them, rolling out updates, polishing the software on them, etc. (Which is why CyanogenMod exists, and even Google's been thinking about taking away some of the control of Android from the other parties because they've done such a miserable job.) Not that many people (except for geeks) get Android phones because they really want them in preference to iPhones.

As for Facebook and Google, everyone knows those are ad-supported, and supported by a huge company. Open/LibreOffice is not (OO was supported by Oracle which most people haven't heard of, but is no longer).

Comment Re:The whole Open/Libre Office thing hurt (Score 3, Informative) 337

FreeOffice sucks because English speakers (Americans in particular) will think it sounds worthless, since they don't understand the difference between libre and gratis and equate "free" with "not very good".

OpenSuite actually sounds like a good possibility.

"Bundled Collection of Office Applications" is ridiculously wordy and completely uninspired, and sounds like a name Microsoft would come up with.

But you're right that dumb Americans won't know how to pronounce "Libre". I wonder what the nationalities were of the people who picked the name.

Comment Re:The whole Open/Libre Office thing hurt (Score 1) 337

The idiots who renamed Open Office should all be smacked.

Do you have a better suggestion for a name? I'm sure they all sat around agonizing over what to name the thing when this happened, and LibreOffice was probably the best they could come up with that didn't sound completely stupid.

Comment Re:The whole Open/Libre Office thing hurt (Score 4, Informative) 337

Well you can blame that whole debacle on Oracle. As another responder said, they were going to close-source OpenOffice and only have some shitty "lite" version for Free, and as a result, all the devs quit and forked the project. This isn't a bad thing, it's one of the big strengths of open-source software: if some shithead gets control of the project (e.g., Oracle or David Dawes) and does something unacceptable, other interested parties can fork the code and continue development instead of having to start from scratch. The only downside is they can't forcibly take over the name, so they have to come up with a new name, which may or may not be as catchy or memorable. "LibreOffice" is a little odd-sounding to the ears of an English speaker, but can you come up with anything better?

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