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Comment Re:A Phoneless iPhone for Andre the Giant Si (Score 1) 128

Not an Apple fan by any means, but I use my ipadpro gen2 12.7” bought cheap used for all my limited computer needs, apart from an old Dell core2 desktop that does my TV streaming.
Apps dont mean a thing to me, other than ebay and banking, which are covered well.
Ive also got a good powerful laptop I never use.
My Dad found the ipad great as he got older, he used it until he passed at 97 yo.
Shock news, Slashdotters are not the target market.

Comment Re:Support Palestinians! (Score 1) 522

There plenty of historic and current terrorism conducted by Israel, and the civilians in Gaza have no weapons to overthrow Hamas. Its disgusting you try to justify genocide with its going to be messy. In many ways Israel reaps what it has sowed.
Pull your head out of Israeli propaganda and think, all this will do is strengthen Hamas in Gaza in the long term, as the entire population is radicalised now.
Of course you dont care what Israel does, supporters of genocide never do.
Israel was founded by terrorism and never stopped killing and stealing land.

Comment Re:Support Palestinians! (Score 1) 522

Idiotic bullshit, Gaza is tiny, with 2 million people, there is nowhere that does not have civilians. The IDF killed 3 of their own escaped hostages, naked from the waist down, carrying a white flag and calling out in Hebrew, and has thrown a total of bombs more than both the A bombs used in WW2 into Gaza. Hamas bottle rockets rarely kill anyone.

Comment Re:Not really much to disrupt (Score 1) 157

Mote strawman bullshit, youre getting increasingly desperate. I never denied what Hamas did, I was referring to the Israeli lies about Hospitals and aid workers, and the total lack of evidence.

I condemned Hamas 6 months ago, when they did their evil, just as I condemn Israel's evil now. I fully accept what Hamas did was an atrocity. The difference between you and I is I can see the guilt on both sides, wheras you are blinkered by your desperate urge to defend Israel, its almost as if youve got skin, of genetics in the game, as shown by how much Im getting under your skin. As for your atheism, its such an obvious lie its laughable.

If you think killing 20,000 civilians is in any way justified, you are the lowest type of scum on the planet.

You didnt deliver any medicine at all, just the same jew hating toddler stamping feet bullshit. Its sad and rather amusing at the same time.

You need to man up and accept both sides have committed multiple atrocities, read up on the history and try and get past your dunning kruger.

Spaced this one out so your inability to read long paragraphs is alleviated.

The racist trash here is clearly you, you nasty pathetic little trollboy

Comment Re:Not really much to disrupt (Score 1) 157

Wikipedia is hardly a KKK site, whet is listed there is historic fact, multiple credible sources are listed but you cant handle the truth can you? You're really losing it over this, stamping your little feet and yelling jew hater, laughably claiming i am European, when I live in Adelaide South Australia, I read everything you posted you made no points at all, other than Jew hater, repeat Israeli propaganda about aid workers and hospitals and Hamas should surrender.
A quick summary of points I made you could not refute so you yelled Jew hater in some cases writing that I never said this or that, or saying I said things I didnt.
20,000 dead women and children, due to indiscriminate bombing mainly, with many whole families killed.
Deliberate starvation of Gazans.
2 Israeli hostages naked to the waste carrying white flags and yelling in Hebrew shot by the IDF.
7 aid workers in a marked pre arranged convoy targeted and killed
Whether Biden Cameron and Albanese (my countries PM you dickless dumbfuck) were jew haters because they condemned the killing of the aid workers.
The Terrorism involved in the establishment of the Israeli state, true historic fact, easily confirmed.
For an atheist you certainly seem devoted to making excuses for Israel, you check every box for religious nutjob.
Youve setup any number of strawmen, repeatedly and failed miserably right thru the thread.
By all means, just post back jew hater 3 times with various embellishments and strawmen and lies, I will be here to knock them down, waydumberthan shit. Even your user name is trolling, so its no surprise thats all you got.
Time to be off and spend some of the daily 15 mod points I get, see you soon.

Comment Re:Not really much to disrupt (Score 1) 157

The KKK site is wikipedia, lol, same old ignorance and repeating the same loser lie, you never made any points, just baseless accusations, bluster is all you got. I complain about Israeli actions precisely because of my sympathy for Gazans. Youre not going because youre bored, youre going because deep inside you know you have zero credibility.

Comment Re:Not really much to disrupt (Score 1) 157

You never address the points I make, just repeat your jew hating mantra, that is utterly false. Im not mad at all, again you try to project your feelings on others. Rather than wiping out Hamas, this will only serve to radicalise many more Gazans, and increase their numbers in the long term. Again, all you got is to yell Jew hater, no facts and you know it. Deflect, deny delay, straight out of Israels playbook.
Fact, the IDF shot 3 of their own people, escaped hostages. They were naked down to the waist, carrying a white flag and shouting in Hebrew. They deliberately targeted an aid convoy in a safe passage corridor, that was prearranged with them, they target journalists and children with their snipers. You must be incredibly blinkered in your far right fantasy world, what a sad pathetic little man.

Comment Re:Not really much to disrupt (Score 1) 157

Israel, terrorist state from the start. Just few of many examples.
June 30, 1924 Dutch Jew Jacob Israël de Haan was assassinated by Avraham Tehomi on the orders of Haganah leader Yitzhak Ben-Zvi[46] for his anti-Zionist political activities and contacts with Arab leaders.[47]
1937–1939 During the later stages of the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt in Mandatory Palestine The Irgun conducted a campaign of violence against Palestinian Arab civilians resulting in the deaths of at least 250. The group also killed a number of Jews it deemed guilty of "treason."[48][49]
July 15, 1938 A bomb left in the vegetable market in Jerusalem by the Irgun injured 28.[50]
July 25, 1938 The Irgun threw a bomb into the melon market in Haifa resulting in 49 deaths.[51]
November 6, 1944 Lehi assassinated British minister Lord Moyne in Cairo, Kingdom of Egypt. The action was condemned by the Yishuv at the time, but the bodies of the assassins were brought home from Egypt in 1975 to a state funeral and burial on Mount Herzl.[52]
1944–1945 The killings of several suspected collaborators with the Haganah and the British mandate government during the Hunting Season.
1946 Letter bombs sent to British officials, including foreign minister Ernst Bevin, by Lehi.[53]
July 26, 1946 The bombing of British administrative headquarters at the King David Hotel, killing 91 people — 28 British, 41 Arab, 17 Jewish, and 5 others. Around 45 people were injured. In the literature about the practice and history of terrorism, it has been called one of the most lethal terrorist attacks of the 20th century.[54]
1946 Railways and British military airfields were attacked several times.
October 31, 1946 The bombing by the Irgun of the British Embassy in Rome. Nearly half the building was destroyed and 3 people were injured.[55]
April 16, 1947 An Irgun bomb placed at the Colonial Office in London failed to detonate.[56] The woman arrested for planting the bomb, alias "Esther," was identified as a Jewess claiming French nationality by the Scotland Yard unit investigating Jewish terrorist activities. The attack was linked to the 1946 Rome embassy bombing.[57][58]
14 June 1947 The Reuters office in Tel Aviv was raided by "Jewish terrorists."[59]
July 25, 1947 The Sergeants affair: When death sentences were passed on two Irgun members, the Irgun kidnapped Sgt. Clifford Martin and Sgt. Mervyn Paice and threatened to kill them in retaliation if the sentences were carried out. When the threat was ignored, the hostages were killed. Afterwards, their bodies were taken to an orange grove and left hanging by the neck from trees. An improvised explosive device was set. This went off when one of the bodies was cut down, seriously wounding a British officer.[60]
December 1947 – March 1948 Numerous attacks on Palestinian Arabs in the context of civil war after the vote of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.
1947 Letter bombs sent to the Truman White House by Lehi.[61]
January 5–6, 1948 The Semiramis Hotel bombing, carried out by the Haganah (or, according to some sources, Irgun) resulted in the deaths of 24 to 26 people.
April 1948 The Deir Yassin massacre carried out by the Irgun and Lehi, killed between 107 and 120 Palestinian villagers,[62] the estimate generally accepted by scholars.[63][64]
September 17, 1948 Lehi assassination of the United Nations mediator Folke Bernadotte,[65][66] whom Lehi accused of a pro-Arab stance during the cease-fire negotiations.

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