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Comment Re: It takes two... (Score 2) 440

Fully agree.

The aspirational model is part and parcel of the Jobs myth. I am an Apple person I guess but that guy was a dick in many ways. The success he achieved is due to his ability to captivate users and consumers alike with notions of technological grandiosity. Often the peoe behind him could deliver on these whack ads promises. With the likes of people like Woz behind you, how could you fail?

When the guy at the top is ousted and no one has any goddamn clue what people want before they know they want it. That was Jobs' key insight

That said Apple tech has its problems. I like the walled garden for the same reasons I hate it. I often miss my PC days sometimes when I could mod hardware and software at will, damn the consequences and figure it out later if something fucked up. Apple doesn't let you do that anymore, if it ever did.

What you got instead was the same kung fu in a tighter package. If my skills were beyond advanced user level I might be more adventurous with Apple shit today, but for now I'm content to just take what I can get and not worry too much about it.

Long story short? Guy was obviously a master salesman. His engineering ability is not why people were mesmerized by him. He was simply able to put forth a usable, desirable tech vision for your everyday life, and made a convincing case for why this was so.

Submission + - Fuck beta 1

An anonymous reader writes: The beta is bad. It's so bad. The comments are reduced in screen width about 50%. Subject lines are deemphasized, scores are minimized, etc.

The discussions are the reason to come to Slashdot, and the beta trivializes them entirely. It looks like the comment section on a generic news site.

The comments now look like an afterthought, whereas they used to be the primary focus of the site.

Submission + - User Backlash at Slashdot Beta Site ( 3

hduff writes: Look at almost any current Slashdot story and see loyal, long-time members rail against the new site design, willing to burn precious karma points to post off-topic rants against the new design and it being forced on users by the Dice Overlords. Discussion has begun to create an alternate site.

Submission + - Boycott Beta 2

An anonymous reader writes: On February 5, 2014, Slashdot announced through a javascript popup that they are starting to "move in to" the new Slashdot Beta design.

Slashdot Beta is a trend-following attempt to give Slashdot a fresh look, an approach that has led to less space for text and an abandonment of the traditional Slashdot look. Much worse than that, Slashdot Beta fundamentally breaks the classic Slashdot discussion and moderation system.

If you haven't seen Slashdot Beta already, open this in a new tab. After seeing that, click here to return to classic Slashdot.

We should boycott stories and only discuss the abomination that is Slashdot Beta until Dice abandons the project.
We should boycott slashdot entirely during the week of Feb 10 to Feb 17 as part of the wider slashcott

Moderators — only spend mod points on comments that discuss Beta
Commentors — only discuss Beta [] [] — Vote up the Fuck Beta stories

Keep this up for a few days and we may finally get the PHBs attention.

Captcha: fuckbeta

Submission + - Alternatives to Slashdot post beta? 8

An anonymous reader writes: Like many Slashdotters, I intend to stop visiting Slashdot after the beta changeover. After years of steady decline in the quality of discussions here, the beta will be the last straw. What sites alternative to Slashdot have others found? The best I have found has been, but it has been a while since I've looked for tech discussion sites.

Comment Re:Lose the Popcorn (Score 1) 865

The *only* reason that I hate movie theatres is that there are always dozens of people around me who do not know how to eat quietly. Close your mouth before you start chewing (that includes the first chomp). Learn how to grab popcorn without ruffling your hand around for 2 minutes (better yet, lose the popcorn all together! Let's find a quieter food to associate with movies!)


Comment Re:Bombs.. (Score 1) 161

Totally off-topic, but I wonder why the trees/bushes are growing predominately on the remains of the runways? It's almost like an agar plate with the way they follow it.

Off-topic speculative answer: the old runways might help to retain or channel any moisture, more so than the surrounding area, giving more vegetation a chance to grow for a longer period of time.


Submission + - Exodus of teachers at Bronx High School of Science (

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: "My alma mater, the Bronx High School of Science, the first place at which I ever saw a real life computer, is experiencing a mass exodus of teachers. Reading between the lines it seems like Bloomberg-appointed administrators are showing the same disrespect to educators which Bloomberg and his appointees have consistently shown to all educators in the public school system, unless of course they're associated with a for-profit corporate charter school operation."

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