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Comment Could someone elaborate (Score 1) 299

My google-fu is failing me here. I'm trying to determine if this is a lightwater reactor, some type of breeder, or some other configuration. If it's another lightwater I'm feeling a little "meh" about it. Despite being Gen III+ if it's lightwater we'll still have a ton of waste to take care of and I find that a little disheartening.

Comment Re:Communism! (Score 1) 277

Interesting, I do pretty well. Better than most of my peers and for some reason I lean towards liberal. Then again having been to a couple of wars will really give you a little compassion for people that don't have anything. I'm even all boostrappy and whatnot, came from very poor roots and made myself fairly successful. I don't really envy anyone and I'm not particularly greedy as the really poor people I help out can tell you. Granted I'm not going to make myself go broke or anything. So liberal with neither greed nor envy. Purely anecdotal and all though.

Comment Re:to clarify (Score 1) 200

Umm, 10,000 ft is not really that high. I regularly hike up mountains above that with a t-shirt on and no extra oxygen, I only really have a problem with breathing at above 12,000 ft and that's at a brisk walk, not flying around on an awesome machine. So as long as he's not straining himself, even coming from sea level you won't run into problems with HACE or HAPE ( unless you're up there for an extended length of time. To be honest the biggest worry would be sunburn, you fry up there pretty easy.

Comment I was on the fence (Score 1) 166

I read about this a couple of days ago. I wasn't sure if I was going to buy the game or not, with a wife, kids, and career I have to be careful where my gaming dollars go. As soon as I read this I went out and bought the game, if for no other reason than to encourage more acts like this and I couldn't be more pleased. It's a fun and beautiful game.

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