Star Office to become Open Source? 70
kwelty wrote in to tell us that this morning's Wall Street Journal has a bit more about Sun buying Star Office. The crazier bit tho (and the bit for while there currently is no URL following: "Sun, of Palo Alto, Calif., plans to make the Star Office applications available via the Internet and may give away the program's underlying source code free as well, these people said."
Cross your fingers.
StarOffice IS an Office Suite.. (Score:1)
Star Office (Score:1)
One odd bright side.. (Score:1)
How will MSFT react?? (Score:1)
and a portal version, how will MSFT counter: Office for Linux?
Free Office Suite war begins (Score:1)
I can see the MS marketing strategists reviewing the ultra-secret plans from before to Kill netscape, kill Novell, Kill Apple, Kill Sun, Kill AOL, Kill Yahoo, Kill Oracle Kill Linus
1. Make Micros~1 Office free
- they lose big $$$ 'cause people replace
or upgrade Office more often than their OS
- they kill commercial office software and
stay in the desktop office suite game.
- can we say service pack 7??
2. integrate Micros~1 Office with the OS
holes?? Actually, this wouldn't surprise me.
3. intergrate Micros~1 Office with the browser
If #2 results in a lawsuit, then do #3. Problem
is that this will hurt their OS sales. Why buy a
new OS if the old one does everything you want?
Is the enemy of my enemy my friend? (Score:2)
Does Sun like GNU? Why should they? Do they like a community could make their software AND hardware obsolete? I don't think so.
I'm suspicious toward sun, right now they got someone to kill. But what happens when Microsoft's gone?
Star Office - Miss The Bloat (Score:1)
I'd suggest that if it does go OS (which I doubt it will) that the Word and Excel import/export filters get taken out and the rest get thrown away.
Wheat and chaff having been duly separated, the good bits should get turned into libraries and used with worthy products like Abiword [abisource.com].
My ha'pworth.
Re:This is good (even w/o GPL) (Score:1)
Problem with Star Office: (Score:2)
I mean start it up and go out for coffee slow. Remember Corel Office for Java? It's that kind of slow. Have I mentioned that it's slow?
Re:Problem with Star Office: (Score:1)
Wonderful! (Score:1)
Right now i think staroffice sucks, but it's free (kinda) so i use it over applixware.
It'd be much better if us open-sourcers were developing it.
Patrick Barrett
change name to sol office? (Score:1)
The Staroffice Source... (Score:2)
I doubt it (Score:2)
In short, I'll believe it when I see it.
Probably SCSL; if so, not open source. (Score:2)
Excellent news (Score:1)
Cooool! (Score:1)
This would certainly be a good move on Sun's part (Score:3)
Sun saves on developers and time (unless they just intended to buy it and let it stagnate); they get brownie points with the free-software geeks; they get a competing office product that's already nicely cross-platform.
This is good (even w/o GPL) (Score:1)
Re:This is good (even w/o GPL) (Score:1)
Sun and open source? (Score:1)
I sure hope so (Score:2)
-- All misspellings and grammatical errors courtesy of yours truly --
Re:The Staroffice Source... (Score:2)
and what GUI toolkit does it use
StarView, I believe (a home-grown C++ API/Framework -- see next item)
(2) It's a nice GUI, and if it was extracted and made into a GUI/API Framework, possibly companies could use it to port their apps to linux easier.
Already done, although StarDivision no longer markets this (why not??). I played with it several years ago when I was a Windows programmer (Win3.0/3.1 days). At that time, cross-platform was not an issue, so we ended up using Borland's OWL. Had a Unix version been part of the req'ts, it definitely would have gotten the nod. The API even implemented MDI and WinHelp on *nix, plus it was a very clean API (unlike MFC).
Re:Free Office Suite war begins (Score:1)
simple... just up the version number, make a few interface changes... and people will flock to buy the upgrade.
Re:When the application is more important than the (Score:1)
start office is too big (Score:2)
Mozilla lessons (Score:1)
This would be a similar venture to Netscape open sourcing Mozilla. The question is, will this project (if it eventuates) suffer from community and developer apathy in the same way as the Mozilla project?
Re:The Windows Desktop replacement is here: (Score:1)
Let's examine the logic here (Score:1)
File conversion would be nice (Score:1)
Corel (Score:1)
And it has been doing so well lately.... *sigh*
Re:show us the formats! So Koffice, AbiWord, ect c (Score:1)
A few thoughts (Score:1)
2) Ouch. What does this mean for poor Corel? Yes, I know that WordPerfect is vastly superior in many ways, but its recent mild resurgence in the Windows world has had a lot to do with its positioning as a low-end office suite. Manufacturers looking for a cheap way to add value need look no further than StarOffice. Not a big deal in the short run, but it could prove really dangerous eventually to those poor Canadians.
3) Hopefully they just won't bloat it any further. Do what MS has always hoped to do: wait for hardware to catch up. With 128 megs of RAM and a 600+ mHz PC, SO would be quite bearable.
4) Anybody used Applix Anywhere, Applix's free-ish Java office suite? Man, that's slow as a dog. Wonder how it's doing commercially.
Who are "these people"? (Score:1)
Re:This is good (even w/o GPL) (Score:2)
Linux is depriving MS of sales on the OS front, and a free office suite would do the same on that front. StarOffice already runs on Windows and (IIRC) on Macintosh as well as Linux, providing obvious migration paths. (At least one Windows user I know of has switched to StarOffice just so it'll be easier if/when he later switches to Linux.)
It could have some of this effect even without being GPL'd if it's, say, 'free beer' software or almost open source, but the effect will be much bigger with a real open license. Meanwhile Sun can bundle it with Solaris or as a Java client and make its money on that side. (It needs to justify the cost of buying StarOffice to its stockholders somehow.)
Interesting that the most active stock on the market this morning was Applix, up $7 or so, on the strength of its Applixware for Linux. Corel is also up. The market obviously recognizes some potential there. Microsoft can't be happy about this. (Wonder if it'll prompt an "Office for Linux"? Smart move would be to develop that in-house but hold it until Windows and Office sales are really starting to hurt.)
(BTW, Bill has enough invested in other things that he's unlikely to ever be a pauper even if MS stock went to zero. And he could always get a job as a programmer, if there's any market for Basic)
Re:This is good (even w/o GPL) (Score:1)
OSS Star Office (Score:1)
but at least the thing *runs* (Score:1)
-rw-r--r-- 1 straker skunk 147813223 Mar 11 2000 soffice-5.2.tar.gz
I swear, that sucker's going to make the XFree86 source tarballs look manageable
Re:start office is too big (Score:1)
however, you gotta remember it's an entire office suite with a weird kind of microsoft desktop emulator thingy.
hopefully, you'd be able to get the source for each separate module -- like they aren't coupled together.
and, i think your comment about mozilla is kinda FUD, cause there's a whole lotta interest going on now (and i think it's probably one of the most important projects (strategically) going). also, it wouldn't be released as something the community needed to "fix", anyway...
33 Points help SO team convince Sun to GPL SO! (Score:2)
33. The money may not be in end-user licensing--but in selling consulting time to modify SO scripts that automate the document flow of a company (think VBA).
32. The money may not be in end-user licensing--but in consulting time to link together Oracle Financial/SAP R/3 logic with custom made SO documents and spreadsheets.
31. The money could come from create Sun "MS Terminal Server--like" VNC servers that serve hundreds of SO sessions--companies and schools can save on administration with this method of deploying SO.
30. It took a long time to educate enough people to script MS Office a certain way--it certainly will be the same situation with Sun's SO--this means advertising money, creating a certification infrastructure money--to balance the balance sheet consider utilizing the cheaper development model of GNU software and third party documentation--this is most effective if a significant percentage of your SO developers and technical writers comes from the hungry and over-drive world of OSS.
29. End-user licensing is unhealthy when you use existing non-net-download methods. The cost is high (paid to distributors of glossy boxes), the erratas late (wait for the next version boxes), and the only people you can contact in the view of end-users is Sun's SO division, not their local consultants.
28. With net-distribution, you save on bandwidth (each download would be the glorious 500+ Megabytes after all) with source and executable mirrors.
27. Consumers will associate SO download with visiting local SO Consultant's website--which happens to be an important source of executable and source mirrors--even distributors of physical cds--but they are SMART DISTRIBUTORS--be they certified by SO certifications or Sun employees--Consumers would immediately be exposed to the possibility of scripting and customizing their product--hiring consultants--Sun can get revenue by training consultants and testing consultants as SO gain important customization features.
26. If GPLing the source of SO provides the incentive and thus trend and drive for consumers to download from SO mirrors--this will educate them to the importance of getting persistant connections such as cable modem and dsl--with these connections as the norm Sun technicians can better remotely login to user's computer and fix problems, educate, and enhance copies of software. Again, lowering technical support hours and effectiveness. (Tools like VNC enable SO technicians to visually remote control Macs, PCs, and UNIXes, servers and even dumb terminals to debug settings and problems)
25. In return for consumer investment in DSL and cable modem--Sun can push other net-reliant technologies like Sun webservers and java products. Opening the channel to other products. (This is a long stretch--sorta like saying the hog that Win9x/Office has helped bring about the requirement for powerful computers that could finally make use of unix's many great features--bringing about a renaissance of Linux--so I'm making the analogy to requirement of DSL and cable modem to get work done as opening the floodgate to the use of java and other net products)
24. Making SO on Java work is a trillion dollar proposition. It involves the assumption of more than just getting networking to work--it's reliable java stations and java servers, programmers understanding the ins and outs of the latest Java technologies. Let's talk about educating programmers... What's the chance that your everyday no-cs education programmer will care about the source of JFC? How about SO on Java? How about the scripts that automate SO on Java? It's like a stepping ladder--there are more interest as you get more higher level. But most importantly--if you closed any of the tiers (JFC/SO/Scripts for SO) it gives scripting programmer doubts--who can they trust nearby who actually seen and played with the codes? Who can fix the bugs? GPLing SO on Java helps to bring future programmers and scripters confidence they'll find support nearby--maybe even for free. The argument gets better when you realize with the GPL developers will read SO's source even if they only use a tiny portion of SO's code for a totally unrelated project--but I'm saving this for a latter point.
23. GPLing SO has the way of also answering anothe important question with the first choice. The question is When do we GPL? The first choice answer is now. The second choice is later. The mozilla project suggests now. The Darwin/Quicktime Streaming Server suggests now. Why? What's their incentive? Finding out could help you determine what role SO is about to take on when it's popular among MS Office folks. Here are my assessments: 1. They feel their users/developers could benefit from these product's compliance with standards--somehow they determine that GPL help them achieve that goal. 2. That their users/developers would choose their products over non-GPL products because they have access to key technologies they can take home and use in other projects (Mozilla's Gecko renderer as activex object for example, or the Rhino drop in javascript on java product, or the XML renderer)--some how the decision to GPL now helps them find developers who use the exact same technologies in diverse industries but these developers as a result can contribute to the future health of Mozilla and Darwin/QT Streaming Server product)
22. GPLing SO will help business users with weather-worthy old computers to walk away from your SO-Customer relationship with less "abandonware" pains. When some SO developers and SO consultants move on to fresher products of the future--business users can walk their path knowing they can try to hire a developer who can tackle and repair the bugs not only associated with busines logic written in scripts--but unforseenable bugs that reside in SO's executables and libraries.
21. SAP R/3 products that are based on a solid DB+OS+NET+IRON can now trust on a few stable fundation. They'll be able to incorporate SO onto the age old hierarchy (SO+DB+OS+NET+IRON). Before we get theoretical. I can see it already as a more document or spreadsheet oriented front-end to business logic--one small businesses and big businesses are familiar with--with the help of extensive exposure to web sites. This aids businesses to make more money with your products.
20. Businesses can also use such a SO+DB+OS+NET+IRON to isolate softwares that needs to be designed in the most scalable way and request proper and real world modifications to SO. The end result being a serious development track of SO that could benefit SO on Java. You'll be able to understand better than Microsoft what it is like to create a Office application designed for scalability--giving administrators and MIS people the same benefit of reliability and ease of configuration.
19. There will be businesses already sold on this idea of extending SO for scalability even if you never spend on dollar on researching this possibility. Giving them the GPL source allows you to freely benefit from such end-user development and research (which may go very far--as one can see with NASA's contribution to Linux's networking kernel and NIC driver research in order to benefit from a working Beowulf product).
18. A user like NASA doing the extending for you has a way of not only doing research for you. But supporting the product without you. Reselling the product without you. This is all very scary to those who rather entertain the possibility of one copy of software = one check sent to Sun economy--those in Sun and SO's competitors (MS/Corel/IBM/Apple). But the only one who can giggle AND be nervous at the same time is Sun/SO--because NASA would be using your software--not someone elses. Other's have nothing to celebrate.
17. Outside developers sympathetic to BeOS/MacOS/Research OSes/Embedded OSes/Evil Empire OSes/UN*X varients users would not forget your GPL'ed code base--they'll try to port these products to these platforms. To the users of these platforms--Sun would finally be seen as a champion of popular software--not just expensive super-computer research. And they'll be open to related products Sun has to sell them.
Bonus Point for Free. I lost my points 16-10 when netscape crashed due to what I suppose is an buffer overload to the slashdot reply forms. I went around looking through the core files and found nothing. No backup. Nah dah. Good thing I copy and paste 33-17 to a text file and have perfect memory of points 16-10. Unlimited undos, journaling of all changes, and all sorts of features might need SO's own team to develop--but your dedication to a GPL'ed source will mean that other products of unrelated nature will benefit from SO's components in the future. Imagine a drop-in unlimited undo-history module to enhance the text frame one would definitely love to have when perl scripting a quick and dirty application. If something breaks you get a free bug report--even since these group of users are in the 3rd-world countries--not using a full-blown PC--but rather a setup-box. Maybe I didn't remember all 16-10 points. Oh well. Let's hope future generations of computer users can benefit fully from Sun/SO's innovation.
16. Don't remember.
15. Don't remember.
14. Don't remember.
13. Don't remember.
12. I'm going to extend out my neck and claim what's important to wordprocessor and spreadsheet business users and consultants of past and future--they're ultimately very excited about these things: a) potential great music that can be produced from an amazing relationship between the scripting engine and the application/b) amazing scripting engine features and ability to bring the proper features to the surface and hide the unnecessary features out of the executable when the consultant is customizing the product for a business/c) ability to not only add to SO through things like MS's ActiveX objects (which is basically BONOBO in Linux) and not excited at all about these things: x)speed of scripting engine--especially if it's an proprietary engine--learn from BeOS--they don't force any scripting language on anyone/y)number of features in new applications when they aren't exposed to scripting engine or very useful even when exposed/z)huge manuals that explain all the new features to those who need it and those who don't. Conclusion/Claim: GPL fuels the real world touch and experience and dynamic nature of the former (a/b/c) where as close-source fuels the research oriented touch of the latter (x/y/z).
Another Bonus Point for Free. GPLed software based of mature and large projects does not force outside developers and contributors to the fundation source base to use SO or understand all of SO in order to sustain their contribution to SO. Even if they try to make a tiny technology inside of SO work (like Rhino in Mozilla) for them--this little technology could play a key role (say a unlimited undo text editing module from SO) in set-up boxes--without any managers knowing. The technology and brain-share is helping SO--however--it will concentrate on key technologies. It's always rewarding when someone out there make it their No.1 to make sure an seemingly unimportant part of your project work well and perfectly in the real world--it gives you a chance to leave features in even if you lack the programming money or time to sustain it otherwise.
11. The interest of wordprocessor and spreadsheet users and consultants are in automating these documents as a poor-man's way of bringing business logic to the webserver scripts running on the same computer. Give them the piece of mind that thousands of eyeballs are looking and fixing security bugs that may exist in SO and the scripting engine or architecture SO may deploy--just as major webserver projects and scripting engines for webserver projects GPL their source. Why don't they adapt a Sun half-ass OSS licensing like the Sun community license? Because under that shadow there are no incentive to use the source. Potential eye-balls will only use something they can apply elsewhere for free--free to modify at will. Only retarded idiots will submit to the reading of thousands of lines of source code which will benefit no one but SO developers.
10-1. That's Letterman's job.
Re:The Staroffice Source... (Score:1)
OpenSource: LightHouse Suite (Score:1)
O-O written in Obj-C, using OPENSTEP (open spec) API's, Open Source community should liberate this suite of applications. Wordproc, spreadsheet, flowcharting, outlining and presentation graphics, the LightHouse suite was very cool&
Why opensource a wordproc when you can ask for the entire suite?
It's all in the memory (Score:1)
Re:Smart (Score:1)
Forget SO, it's about SP (Score:1)
It's therefore in Sun's commercial interest to drive workstation users off of the giveaway product and onto the portal version, for which they will collect big from the portal operators. I'm not sure yet how that will work out in terms of vendor independence: will you be required to store your docs on the portal operator's disk, etc.? We'll have to wait and see.
i think your comment about mozilla is kinda FUD, (Score:1)
i think your comment about mozilla is kinda FUD,
think that all you wish. I am only stating what I have heard about the project. It is getting more actoin now, cause it is actually usable, but how many outside developers compared to inhouse developers do thay have? like percentages? I have heard that there are mostly in house development. I'd love to find out otherwise thou, so if you have other info please share it with me.
When the application is more important than the OS (Score:2)
I thought of posting my thoughts on this in response to the earlier Freshmeat article responding to the Open Letter to Red Hat, but they make more sense here.
An open source office suite like KOffice or Gnome Office does not attack the real issue.
I am an ASIC engineer and in my field you often end up with the marketing and sales people on Windows boxes and the engineers on UNIX boxes having to fight through Word DOC email. I love UNIX and would love to have it on my desktop, but that doesn't mean that I think we should put UNIX on all of the marketing departments machines. People should be able to choose their platform and I think an Office Suite that empowers this will be rewarded. Right now people in our office can't even use Mac if they want to, because MS Office doesn't interoperate very well.
I hope (pray) for a better product (Score:1)
Things that make SO cool:
It does everything I need an office suite to do.
Things that make it suck really hard:
1) It does everything I need an office suite to do VERRY SLOWLY.
2) it tries to replace desktops rather than integrate with them.
3) make it smaller. with the propritary staticly linked API's, it really takes a toll on 32 megs of ram which is already taken by either GNOME or KDE. Hell I remember when 32megs wal more than anybody needed (about a year and a half ago).
4)It ahs WAY too much configuration options. KISS man, KISS.
Re:Probably SCSL; if so, not open source. (Score:1)
We don't necesarily need the source code, the fact stands that Sun has a marketing machine and can make it very well known that there is a free MS Office clone out there that works on just about any computer.
Converting people is one thing, but have you seen how much MS Office costs these days? If the features people want are in a freebie, they might just switch.
Re: (Score:1)