GTK+ for BeOS Update 77
BugMaster ChuckyD writes to us with the latest info about the GTK+ porting to BeOS effort. Alpha stage, so it's still crashy-the-crash guy, but the screen shots look sweet. I'm going to have put this on my Be machine later.
Re:Slashmeat? Freshdot? What gives? (Score:1)
No, slashdot is not freshmeat.
No, you dont see news stories on freshmeat.
I dont use linux (or any unix) on my desktop - though a "long term goal" is to migrate over. So I dont read freshmeat randomly - there are too many gminsweapers and the like to weed through.. I proably wont randomy go there when I do uses gnome on my desktop, either.
Apache is important. I maintain some sites that run linux and use apache. Its nice to know.
A Be gtk port is less important (to me) but there are proably lots of Be users who dont run linux and gnome, but like some of what they see. They would be interested in something like this.
Besides, its not like there is a hundred stories a day on ./ Do you realy think that these displaced something more important?
Re:You're the one with the problem, dude. (Score:2)
(2) it's not Unix
(3) it's partially owned by Microsoft
Essentially, OS/2 doesn't exist in the "Linux world" (as you put it), so it's no real shock that Slashdot isn't all over an OS that most people aren't even aware is still in production.
(I know it's unfair, but OS/2's fate as a nitch OS has been sealed for a long time. Blame IBM, Microsoft, fate, timing, whatever. Expecting "News for Nerds" to pickup on news which only interests what can be fairly called a legacy user base is a little odd. There's not much AS/400 or VMS news here either, and those plaforms are growing much faster than OS/2 is right now.)
Re:TCP/IP for OS/2 (Score:2)
Oog, through misfortune, I had to work with OS/2 2.1 -- **$300** for the TCP/IP stack. And one wonders why so many people run Windows NT.
And the WPS was so unstable that we ended up booting into command prompts on the server, but that's a different story...
Yuck (Score:1)
YUCK, it's not using BeOSes L&F.
One of the reasons I left Linux was the lack of the standardised L&F, yeah there is 'GNOME' and 'KDE' etc, but not all apps use it.
Re:Perhaps, but... (Score:1)
Plus how many 'themes' are perfect?
Re:No other platform uses C for GUI (Score:1)
Anyway, it doesn't matter at all what language the GUI source code is in (I'm willing to bet the majority of GUI's are written in C) --- the point being made was that there are bindings for many languages. You don't "link to" C code to get to the GUI, you link to a dynamic library. A dynamic library isn't "C" or ANY language for that matter, its assembly opcodes - the only "C" there may be the calling convention for the functions, but that doesn't restrict anyone linking to the library to C. You could write BASIC code that links to GTK+.
Re:You're the one with the problem, dude. (Score:1)
Or did you think that $59 price tag was to be donated to the FSF?
Secondly, since when does an OS need to be Unix to be mentionable? Clue: Linux is not Unix! Its origins are not from the BSD school because the kernel sprouted from the head of Linus. Just because a distribution *looks like* System V at the command line, doesn't make it a descendent of any of the BSD lineage.
Thirdly, Microsoft pulled out of OS/2 a looooong time ago and stole a bunch of code (why hasn't IBM sued yet?) in the process to make Win9x and NT.
Lastly, as a former OS/2 user/hacker, I must remind you that posting non-facts here can make you look silly.
As for who to blame, I place the blame squarely on IBM's shoulders. They refused to fight the FUD with facts and had the WORST advertising campaign known to mankind. To this day, they have no idea what kind of decent OS they had or what kind of challenge they could have given Evil Bill. Remember that this was an OS that was full 32 bit, had drag-n-drop capabilities that NO version of Windoze has to this day, a decent scripting/batch language, and better DOS support, and this was back in the days of Win3.11 being the best out of Redmond.
OS/2 is dead because IBM eats its children.
Silly? (Score:2)
Note that I was referring to the fetishes of Slashdot editors more that I was talking about OS/2. I should have added [(4) It's not a new OS], which explains Slashdot's fixation on Be, Mac OS X, and so on.
But to address your points in particular:
- Nobody here thinks Be or Solaris or OS/400 is free software.
- Linux is a nearly perfect clone of Unix. Apologies if calling it unix offends your delicate sensibilities, but most people consider it a unix variant.
- Microsoft didn't steal any OS/2 code. At the time of the breakup, both MS and IBM got rights to each others projects - DOS, Windows 3, and OS/2 2.
- I didn't attempt to post any facts - just 100% opinion. Babbling a bunch of nonsense about System V not being BSD and accusing Microsoft of stealing something that they own looks pretty silly too.
I've never seen an OS/2 article on Slashdot (Score:2)
That's why all us OS/2 users think that Slashdot is anti-OS/2.
Excellent screenshot (Score:1)
Re:I've never seen an OS/2 article on Slashdot (Score:1)
BTW, not long ago, Jerry Pournelle made the statement that Warp advocates made it so unpleasant for people to write about Warp that eventually no one did. We see the same thing now happening with Linux.
Nothing is stopping Warp users from starting up their own site a la Slashdot, BeNews or BeosCentral, is there? Know anyone who would be willing to host and run a site like that (please don't even mention Tim Martin and Warpcity!)?
Re:You're the one with the problem, dude. (Score:1)
Nobody seems to want to even acknowledge that OS/2 exists in the Linux world.
I remember seeing ONE good blurb about OS/2's WPS...
Re:I've never seen an OS/2 article on Slashdot (Score:1)
Slashdot is "news for nerds" or so it claims. And nerds are semi-interested in OS developments, yes?
I know that at least one or 2 interesting stories about OS/2 have been submitted to Slashdot, yet never get posted.
Yet some yahoo goes around asking about modems for Linux and the like and _that_ gets posted.
Re:GTK+ also available on OS/2 (Score:1)
ON THE OTHER HAND, somebody submits a GTK+ on BeOS story and that gets printed.
A story on GTK+ on OS/2 was submitted and NOTHING showed up on Slashdot.
BeOS is cool too, but there are a heck of a lot more OS/2 users than BeOS right now!
Re:Excellent screenshot (Score:1)
Re:I've never seen an OS/2 article on Slashdot (Score:1)
The subhead at the top of the page says "News for Nerds. Stuff that matters." Unfortunately, it usually ends up "News for kernel hackers. Linux stuff that matters." The only reason this BeOS story got posted is because the subject (GTK+) tied back to Linux. That's the way it is for all BeOS stories. I sometimes think this is how they determine what gets posted:
Keith Russell
OS != Religion
Nice looking fonts. (Score:2)
And... what's the graphing widget?
Re:gimp (Score:1)
Re:Ah, crap. (Score:1)
Others could port Gtk-- to beos, but it's not a priority at all.
The BeOS version does run themes, although the only one so far that I've tried is ThinIce. It works wonderfully.
gimp (Score:1)
Re:Ah, crap. (Score:1)
Well, cool. More apps for another cool platform! Get porting, boys!
Ah, crap. (Score:1)
And BeOS likes to programmed with C++, not C
For porting apps from Linux, it might be useful, somewhat -- at least some of the UI code will carry over.
Does the BeOS version support themes?
Does this mean a Mozilla Port? (Score:1)
Hmm, how about Qt? (Score:1)
It is based on C++ and has a much nicer API. Unfortunately, though, its license has been a subject of controversy:
Red Hat's Marc Ewing speaks out on Qt License [slashdot.org]
QT Goes OpenSource [slashdot.org]
It doesn't hurt that the BeOS native compiler is EGCS [which will soon (already?) become the official gcc compiler].
Slashmeat? Freshdot? What gives? (Score:1)
Why do we have Freshmeat.net? Why do we have Slashdot.org? I thought that they were two different places, with two different themes. But now, all we have is the same stuff on both sites!
I'm not in a position to question Rob and Jeff's editorial decisions. After all, it is still their site and their's to do with as they please. But could we get some clarification as to what we can expect to see here? If Slashdot keeps going like this, we might as well autoforward to Freshmeat.net
Just my $.02
Yeah I wish X were that good. (Score:1)
nice looking! (but i'm off-topic, i know) (Score:1)
Oh, get a grip. (Score:1)
Freshmeat, in the last week, has posted over 200 software version updates. Similarly, Slashdot has posted a huge amount of news and information. If you cannot cope with the occasional overlap, you are free to download Slashdot's source code and offer an alternative news site completely devoid of news about software updates. Otherwise, cope.
Re:Slashmeat? Freshdot? What gives? (Score:1)
/me can't imagine someone spending all the time to write that in the first place.
get a clue.
Re:Ah, crap. (Score:1)
Re:Cross-platform tooklit (Score:1)
Re:Cross-platform tooklit (Score:2)
Which is why I've used it the last few times I had to do Motif development. Pretty easy to wrap classes around the Motif stuff you need. Heck, I even used C++ to do X Windows 10 stuff, back when.
C makes sense in some problem domains, and I'll grant that too many C++ programmers tend to write unreadable code, but graphics and GUIs are domains that practically beg for an OO approach. (And yes, you can do OO in C, but why?)
GTK+ is better than nothing, but not much better (Score:1)
There is a native port going on. I would expect that to be much better than any GTK based port, since GTK applications can't integrate themselves into BeOS properly, let alone use the facilities offered.
For one example, threads -- the GTK framework isn't thread safe, not to mention actually having integrated thread support.
Re:Hmm, how about Qt? (Score:1)
Talking of nicer API's (Score:1)
Re:Cross-platform tooklit (Score:1)
On the other hand, you can't use any C++ features such as namespaces, templates, operator overloading etc.
C is an excellent low level systems programming language. C++ is just about usable for GUI's, but its a lot better than C for that sort of thing. p.s. you don't need to do thread management and locking manually to program BeOS.
GTK+ also available on OS/2 (Score:2)
Cross-platform tooklit (Score:1)
It makes sense. (Score:1)
It can be debated whether this announcement is 'worthy', but I don't care. It's not Freshmeat material, it belongs here if anywhere.
Re:Slashmeat? Freshdot? What gives? (Score:1)
Although the majority of the posters to
Re:Ah, crap. (Score:1)
Re:Hmm, how about Qt? (Score:1)
However, I don't see anything wrong with existing GUI API - in fact, this kind of setup will provide consistency across all the apps on BeOs- something that Linux lacks.
Re:GTK+ also available on OS/2 (Score:1)
Re:Cross-platform tooklit (Score:1)
C++ fits naturally into GUI model of programming.
I used C with Motif and EZWGL dev
I don't understand people fascination with C
Right tool for the right job.
Re:Yeah I wish X were that good. (Score:1)
They seem to work very well and look very nice.
Re:Cross-platform tooklit (Score:1)
Re:No other platform uses C for GUI (Score:1)
Re:Be API (docs) (Score:1)
Re:Does this mean a Mozilla Port? (Score:1)
BeOS + gtk (Score:1)
Have FreeBSD questions?
Re:nice looking! (but i'm off-topic, i know) (Score:1)
I think it looks crappy as compared to look of native BeOS toolkit
Really , people, don't you see that default GTK is butt-ugly ??
Re:GTK+ also available on OS/2 (Score:2)
But I wouldn't personally know. Given the common hostility of Linux/X developers towards OS/2, I'm sure a lot of OS/2 programmers haven't even asked. Look at how difficult it's been to get Mozilla for OS/2 into the main tree.
Anti-OS/2?? (Score:1)
Re:First (Score:1)
Re:Slashmeat? Freshdot? What gives? (Score:1)
Re:Cross-platform tooklit (Score:1)