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Watch Web's first "Open Company"? 85

soulhuntre wrote to us about They're running an odd little experiment-trying to open a company, and make the whole thing "open". As he says: We are telling the whole world what's going on, you can call us, watch us via our webcam and ask us anything you want. Live or die, we have 29 days and counting to secure an investor. " They've got the phone numbers, the real business plan-it's sort of like Jennicam for B-school graduates. Or the Real World gone tragically wrong. Update: 08/03 12:58 by CT : for those of you who haven't caught on, this site is really stupid. Stop emailing me to complain- we shared it because we thought it was stupid.
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Watch Web's first "Open Company"?

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  • by Otto ( 17870 )
    I am tired of seeing people whine, bitch, and complain about what does or does not belong on Slashdot. Frankly, I think you people do not belong on Slashdot. Shut the fuck up already.

    Whether something belongs here or not is not for you to say. It is for Hemos, and CmdrTaco and JonKatz (yep, even Katz) and the people that run the site to say.

    Have you nothing better to do with your pathetic little lives than to whine about the content of a NEWS site? Whether or not you think this (or any other story) is "Stuff that matters" is not the point. The point is that you are not the only one reading this site! If a story doesn't interest you, ignore it. Do not waste everyone's time bitching about how it shouldn't have been here in the first place. If the signal to noise ratio becomes too low, in your opinion, then are a quite free to stop reading Slashdot, setup your own site, turn to TV, become a crazy guy in the forest who likes to mail explosives to people, whatever.

    The best way to exercise freedom of speech is to know when to speak and when to shutup. So shutup!

    /me calms down
    /me grabs a water hose
    /me waits for the inevitable flames..

  • How does stuff like this make it here?
    Where as I wrote a week ago, suggesting that my project get listed, as I am in process of throwing together an AirPort system on a PC laptop to see if it works with the Lucent drivers and external booster antenna....If it doesnt work for me, atleast others will know that way.....

    anyways, the site is at t/airport.htm []

    -Dan Guisinger
  • "Lisa and Shannon have are both celebrities in their own right as the stars of girl2."

    celebrities? pah.

    i'm a celebrity too.

    and sometimes the press go too far. can't a boy continue the past forgotten legacy of The Red Hot Chilli Peppers down mainstreet in peace?
  • two words: fat chicks
  • This will probably get moderated down as "redundant" or something, but that was one of the funniest things I have read on Slashdot.
  • I have to agree- definitely a laugher. The subject was just too ripe, though.

    "The electric light is pure information"
  • this is a porno scam...
    seen this before, before the internet.
    In LA in the forties and fifties, there were a series of scams from a set of "adult" magazines that set up ads that were little more than cheap ways to overcome the postal legalities.
    This is the same thing.

    "sweet little things"????!!! what crap!
    open source does not mean open scam.
  • by Otto ( 17870 )
    4 minutes.. that took not long at all.. :-)
  • From :
    [ignore the obvious grammatical error for a second]

    "We spend some time debating how much of our journey we are going to expose - and we rededicated ourselves to the idea of letting you see everything. If you don't know - you can't help right?"

    From tml

    "The details of [the company's primary asset] are themselves proprietary..." [followed by lots of buzzword blather]

    Anyone see any contradictions here? But at least they're planning a site dedicated to amateur porn...I'm so glad, we really NEED more of those sites around.

    Anybody who gives these guys 50 cents, let alone $50,000, needs to lay off the crack pipe.
  • by B1FF ( 73807 )
    3V3RY 1 W4NT5 T0 C B1FF G3T N3KK1D 2. BUT 1 D0N'T D0 1T. 1 H4V3 MY D1GN1TY && S3LF-R35P3CT!!!!!!!!!!!11
    ------ ------ ------
    ALL HA1L B1FF, TH3 M05T 3L33T D00D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    ------ ------ ------
  • You can't just throw the word open into something and make it worthwhile (or Slashdot material).
    Indeed, you cannot. However, apparently, this time, somebody thought it was worthwhile (odd notion, I must say). I'm thinking the thirty days deadline also had something to do with it.

    "Hurry honey! We're almost too late!"
  • i think it's just some guys using their psychologically maladjusted girlfreinds to make some money and gain a bit of cyber-fame.
  • Well, the link to the submitter, "soulhuntre", is the same as the link to the sight. So either the html got crossed, or someone forgot to check for the "blatant self-promotion" flags when the story was submitted.

  • Who knows, these guys may actually have something substantial?

    I wouldn't have said that, except by the time I bothered looking at the site, on several spots they've added comments about they're working hard now to revise their information as a result of comments made by the slashdot community

    So, I that I've made comments about their comments, perhaps they'll make comments regarding my comments about their comments?

    Not that my comments actually have any more substance than their website does.

    Anyway, just thought that a lot of the naysayers could perhaps benefit from a second look at the site.

  • I laughed at that post more than I had all last week! I really cannot believe Rob hasn't looked at all the links for this lot before whacking (Oer!) them up as a headliner. Ah well, I suppose this is one way of passing a boring tech support shift, and I could always check back in 20 days to see if a) the web cam is fixed, or b) they're naked or whatever :-)
  • Question No. 1 from a VC will be:

    "Why is your site useful?"

    And your answer is?
  • Gee, d'yah think?

    (What is the smily for extreme scarcasm?)


  • Its just a group of pay-per-click losers, attempting to justify their pathetic perversion with a quick dollar by designing a few stupid porno-sites. Sometimes I start wondering if we should have a screening process to keep morons like this off the net.
  • I'm glad I popped over and read the Slashdot comments before I checked the site out. A porn site, even one disguised, is not a good site to look at from work. And here I thought Slashdot wouldn't hand me blind links. *sigh* Would it have been tough to mention it was lame smut (as opposed to good smut, eh) when the disclaimer was posted that said "yes, we knew it was a bad site"? At least some kind of "This isn't exactly office-friendly" warning, perhaps.

    Those of us in offices with curious cow orkers and large monitors would indeed thank you, Rob.
  • by Malo ( 32623 )
    This happened to be one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. As I am a long time patron of any number of totally skeezy p0rn sites, including such notables as Danni's, and, I couldn't help laughing how they tried to compare themselves to some of the truly great names in B&D, and failed so patethically.

    I wonder if they could even afford a breath mint from Suze Randall, let alone her services. Maybe she'll do pro-bono work.

    But I doubt she'd have an easy time, primping up too Joisey Girls. Who knows, maybe they'll clean up pretty well.
  • "When we started making money directly from the web, about 3 years ago in addition to the consulting we have been doing for more than a decade, we found a mature and complete business model in the adult web that did not exist in the mainstream."

    So they've been making a ton of money and don't have $50K to put into their business? What have they been doing with the money they're making? Spending it all on girls?

    This really seems like a publicity ploy.


  • This media gimmick should flash out so fast on the news cycle that it will make Rob Toup's 95 phenom "Babes of the Web" [] seem like it lasted an eternity. Hopefully they can nab at least 15 suckers, if the birthing rate for them remains constant to Barnam's era.
  • by skeptic ( 6226 )
    This is ridiculous. How in the world could this ever work?
  • I wonder if there was a business plan for creating the business plan...
  • is this just another gimmick for an adult site?
    I was chuckling at some of the links for the
    employees. Fairly obvious what kind of business
    they're trying to start. Nothing new there.
  • This is the story

    [SBTALKER Voice-over]: True story...

    Of several people...
    picked to live in a cubicle...
    We (heart) Dilbert...

    and have their lives taped.
    Will you get that @#$!@$ fax!!?

    ...THIRTY DAYS. *New Joisey*

    In reality, 'thirty-days' is probably the amount of time they're planning to spend online before taking it all and going public.
  • Sigh.

    Reminds me of some of the South Sea Bubble companies. "Trust me, we'll make money from the riches of the Americas\\\\\\\\Internet."

    If you play the slots at Reno, you might as well go for this, it's of the same quality of investment.

  • "Watch us succeed... watch us fail"

    The nice thing about the internet though, is that there are plenty of people who are willing to give out advice for free. Why not take advantage of it?

    I am a little confused about starting an internet company that is based on starting an internet company.... uhhh, good luck i guess.

    Does anyone want to do my taxes for free?
  • Oops, my mistake. Most of those are domain names they have available.
    Their portfolio is at lio.html
  • From looking at their business plan, they are going to start out with some kind of porn site as an easy cash flow source, and then transition into something else. The "something else" involves "model handling," so it may be more of the same, just on a larger or more artistic scale.
  • by lichen ( 13438 )
    I remember seeing something almost exactly like this before called They wanted someone to invest in them and support them but what they don't understand is people don't want to sit there and talk with them. They want to watch people get naked. Plain and simple. Its kinda funny how they wonder why no one is investing in them.
  • How can they expect anyone to invest in a company that doesn't even have a business plan? Are they expecting us to come up with a business for them?

    Yeah, we can watch them. But watch them do what, exactly?

    I think this would be really neat had there been an actual business created already.

    And what's with all the references to the girls? Are they talking about the girls on the web cam? I certainly hope they aren't the only company assets...

  • The 'up to the minute' web-cam image is 4 days old. There goes investor credibility. They can't deliver on their own marketting ploy. If their advertizing gimick fails to advertize, how can they produce anything?

    And as for producing 'content', well... This is either a business school term project gone awry (a bunch of overly enthusiastic co-eds) or we'll be looking at 'NY/NJ models investing all of their ass-ets'.

    Shazam! It's a sham, it's is a sham.
  • The team has a long history in the adult web market, we maintain several sites currently for our parent firm and for clients. We have and continue to handle
    design, programming and technical support for many of these sites.

    Our experience does not stop on one side of the camera - Lisa and Shannon have are both celebrities in their own right as the stars of girl2.

    We would like to put that experience, and our contacts in the industry, to work on a site we call "Sweet Young Things". This domain currently operates as a
    free website, generating revenue from sponsorship programs and advertising partnerships. It is our intention to turn that site into an amateur website,
    featuring some truly amazing local models.

    While there is a considerable number of activity in this market, it is clear from our experience as insiders in this industry that there is still room for a successful
    website that has a quality standard and the ability and desire to maintain it. While revenue details are of course proprietary our experience shows that this
    site will reach break-even in less than sixty days and provide a growing and dependable revenue stream for us.

    There are ancillary benefits to this. Our team needs experience working with third party models, including the issues involved in high production value photo
    shoots and the associated problems. The experience gained on this will be invaluable when the time comes for photographic work to be done in support of

    Well, it is true that the few internet sites that actually *ARE* making money right now are the adult sites. But aren't there enough?
    Is this supposed to be "Porn for the Intellectual"???
    Whatever... I do not think I will be a fan.
  • by Jim Morash ( 20750 ) on Monday August 02, 1999 @10:26AM (#1769467)
    Oh, how nice, another company trying to ride the IPO wave with a stupid gimmick that hasn't been tried yet.
    Hmmm, what have they done so far?
    *clicks link*


    Well, that's quite a list. I'm so pleased that the antics of a team of morons who make pedophilic-sounding web sites merit mention on /.
  • Does this sound like a new UPN sequel to anyone else?

    VO:"You're about to be let in on the best-kept secret America has to date. We've developed a machine that'll let you work on nothing and get paid for the next....

    Thirty Days!"

    Cameos by Charo, the Gabors, The Kennedy's, and various other people who got famous and rich through no fault of their own.
  • I believe that the recent book The Nudist on the Late Shift: And Other True Tales of Silicon Valley by Po Bronson includes the tale of a entrepreneur who sells dope to fund his Internet start-up.

    What a failure of imagination. Clearly the cash flow a young company needs is best provided by running an adult-content site on the side.

    Behold the New Economy in all its majestic glory.

  • These guys have an ad posted on check it out:

    Database Administrator wanted for exciting opportunity with hot new internet startup. seeks talented, unihibited, young, attractive, female DBA to join our team.

    The ideal canidate for this job will have at least 3 years experience in the following:
    • installing, configuring and supporting MS SQL Server 6.5.
    • Performance tuning and optimization of large databases.
    • Anal Fisting.
    • Database backup and recovery.

    Duties will include:
    • Automation of Database Consistency Checks (DBCCS).
    • Writing of extended stored procedures.
    • Group sex on floor of server room.
    • Swallowing of large quantities of semen.

    Benefits include:
    • Stock options
    • Complete medical and dental Plan
    • 401K
    • Light bondage/discipline

    Salary dependent on experience, breast size.
    Don't wait, join today!
  • Sad, but interesting way of getting attention and they'll certainly get their fare share- how many of us from Slashdot have already checked it out??

    p0rn nothing more, nothing less...

    "The electric light is pure information"
  • hmm..

    Then they can make some money.

    Tatsumi looks pretty cute.
  • shoot...if only i was familiar with MS SQL...

  • Good point about the whining, but that's the beauty of this communications medium. We have to take the good with the bad and the good makes it worth it.

    "The electric light is pure information"
  • Come one, come all watch the greatest show on earth: adult models trying to run an internet startup... Thrill as they begins to subsist entirely on pop-tarts and Mountain Dew... Wank as they attempt to work around their clueless PM... Cheer as they start sleeping in their cubes... Drool as they try to justify hardware upgrades to management... Gaze awestruck as they take up chain smoking... Lose interest when they start to look like your coworkers.

  • Perhhaps more appropriate to say,
    "Behold the Nude Economy in all its majestic glory". :)

  • that has such obvious grammatical errors (unless it's slashdot!)

    From the FAQ page:

    Are you people for real?

    Absolutely. Your welcome to see for yourself by watching us on the office webcam. You can even call us on the phone if you really want to or fax us or send us mail. All
    the information you need is on the contact page.
  • I think this site is a ploy to get more publicity for their company.

    Think about it: Now they will have scores of Slashdot readers visiting their site and reading about their projects. Notice they ask you to tell your friends.

    They make their primary project secret but entice you with promises that it will appeal to science-fiction and role playing audiences and that it may include CD-ROMs, comic books, movies, and the like. People will keep logging in (they hope) to see if any additional information is posted about this project. This builds up excitement in anticipation of their launch.

    You have to admit, it's creative.
  • Or kicks up ad revenue.

    "Our business plan is to have a site completely funded with ad revenues while having absolutely no content of any kind..."
  • It appears to be a portal for a porn site. Too bad--I would have found it much more amusing had the company been completely self-referential. It's still pretty funny, though. It's as if they took mindless IPO hype to its conclusion, beyond the point where the image overshadows the substance to the point where the substance is the image itself. (The medium is the message?!)

    How fucked-up. This is hilarious.
    Beer recipe: free! #Source
    Cold pints: $2 #Product

  • This is kinda funny, I still don't see the point of this site exactly? Are they just making some "internet company" that designs "adult" websites, or was that their previous attempt? Shouldn't they finish the site before putting it online? Oh well, I guess it's a semi-commendable effort at getting into people's wallets.

    All in all, I'll donate $5 if I get any one or more of these rewards (that they listed):

    a big hug from the girls (why not :)
    web-hosting (whoohoo, i always wanted a shell on a porn site)
    homemade lasagna (we love lasagna)
    stock options (stock is good, specially on porn sites)
    free T-shirt (depends on what is ON the t-shirt)
    good pizza (we love pizza)
    a little money (yeah 100%+ of what I gave them would be fine)
    free CD-ROM (of what? porn? warez? or a blank cd?)

    I dunno, I guess we'll find out exactly what this thing is about when they re-write their "business plan"
  • [root@chef ron]# whois virtualchemy

    Virtualchemy Inc. AMATURE-WEBCAMS.COM
    Virtualchemy Inc. LUCID-VISIONS.COM
    Virtualchemy Inc. THE-ESTATE.COM
    Virtualchemy Inc. KIMIKO-DREAMS.COM
    Virtualchemy Inc. TEEN-WEBCAMS.COM
    Virtualchemy Inc. REAL-THINGZ.COM

    Welcome to The Estate. We are a training facility, located in the NYC metropolitan area, for submissive men and women dedicated to the idea of service-orientated submission. We work with both uncollared and collared submissives as long as
    they wish to improve themselves.

    hurt me....
  • If you think this is the stupidest thing that's ever been on Slashdot, you've obviously never read Katz's bit about the sex-bots...
  • Did he buy the drugs from someone who was selling them to raise money for an internet startup?

  • ... not to say that it's irrelevant to slashdot; it certainly isn't. But this poor Internet startup does not have the ability to handle the dreaded slashdot effect -- you can already see the lag on their IRC server.

    Something for them to list on the "not to do"s later on. :)

    -- Stargazer

  • where the daily operations are open and controlled by the users. Simply having the people open to public (pubic) view is not open at all. It's simply voyeristic.

    Two-bit shiesters come a dime a dozen on the internet. When will we work together to achieve the collaboration capabilites the internet offers. O ya, we are...

  • its not really that creative, since its completely transparent. marketing is one thing, delivering an actual useful product is another.

    yes, they'll be getting a lot of traffic, but you'll notice the almost entirely negative reaction.

  • This is the stupidest thing that I have ever seen on Slashdot. You can't just throw the word open into something and make it worthwhile (or Slashdot material). These are N guys in some city that make porn sites, who cares.
  • I wonder why my email to their team didn't get there.
  • frankly, I expect more from slashdot. This site doesn't really seem to be breaking any ground. Frankly, it's about as interesting, as reading about TransMeta. It's a company that's doing something, that they don't really want to talk about. The only gimmick, is that they are broadcasting "live" shots of the office on the net. Big whoop.

    And as a bit of truth-in-advertising, the person that referred the site to /., is apparently involved with one of the primaries. So it's not like someone other than themselves thought they were doing anything cool, or innovative.

    Howabout screening the postings a little guys.

How come financial advisors never seem to be as wealthy as they claim they'll make you?
