Gates orders survey with Rigged Results? 59
Normally I don't post this sort of thing because it's
major flamebait, but this one is just so funny so I'm gonna
let it through. Jason Eric Pierce writes "The DOJ surprised Microsoft's computer "expert" by revealing
that the survey he used as part of his testimony was actually
ordered by Gates. Bill being the nice guy he is, he went
ahead and specified what the results of the survey should be. "
Read this one and laugh.
Why do you think, we haven't heard that before? (Score:1)
Microsoft Rigging the evidence? (Score:1)
Can Microsoft survive? Should we let it?
Not Illegal, Just Stupid (Score:1)
It would help me... (Score:1)
``It would HELP ME IMMENSELY to have a survey showing that 90 percent of developers believe that Jón is underpaid,'' wrote jonrx on slashdot.org on Feb. 14, 1998.
hehe, of course!
Is Gates competing... (Score:1)
Is Gates competing with CLinton fotr the
"(Un)Slick Willy Award"
While it was very bad of him to do this...
it goes on every day. In fact...it is funny
the US Gov would point to someone doing this...
since they are the worst offenders!
(However they do it with so called "Scientific
ANyway....I hate Microsoft, I will never use their
software again unless I am paid to (which I am
so I am...but at home its linux all the way)
I Hope that ALL that comes of this trial is to
discredit the hell out of MicroShit and help
deplete their resources. I do NOT wan tto see
regulation of the industry...just discredit them
and show int he open what rotten bastards they
Then let Linux and Open Software do the rest.
76% polled said MS good for consumers & industry (Score:1)
How many American's can even answer the question "What is an Operating System?" It's gonna be interesting to watch, anyway.
Ok, I'm pissed. I'm going to rant. (Score:1)
AT&T was a monopoly, but it didn't have 100% market share; there were competitors like MCI and GTE, who probably weren't very pleased to be permanently consigned to "niche" status by the near-omnipotence of The 800-Pound Octopus Known As Ma Bell. OS/2 wasn't designed to be a "niche" OS; it was supposed to be the successor to the ubiquitous DOS, no? It ended up a victim of IBM's cluelessness and Microsoft's predatory practices. But the fact that there are still passionate (or nostalgic) OS/2 users out there may be a clue that a superior OS got muscled out of a chance to really succeed in the MS-tainted marketplace.
Windows 95-98-NT,2002.4, are all property of Microsoft. They own it, they can sell it at any damn price or any damn way that they want to. They don't HAVE to sell you what you want to buy. In return, you don't HAVE to buy what they want to sell...
MS can do whatever they want, as long as it can't be construed to be an act of flexing their OS-monopoly muscle to extend their dominance to other spheres of activity. Like the browser market, for instance.
I've got to go to class, I'll finish this rant later.
There's probably better things to do on a Friday :)
Ok, I'm pissed. I'm going to rant. (Score:1)
And, sir, if you don't like this country's antitrust policy or you feel it is politically motivated, DON'T LIVE HERE!
Meeting illogic with illogic,
Um (Score:1)
Reminds me of when thieves stole statues from some NY church. John Gotti said something like "That was not a very nice thing to do." The statues suddenly showed up again.
What about Thomas a Becket?
I need your help finding this article (Score:1)
Yesterday on Pointcast I found an article titled "Majority of Americans Believe Microsoft is Good for U.S. Economy abd Has Benefited Customers." It's on the Companies channel, under MSFT. The article is a PRNewswire release which gives all of the questions asked in the phone survey, along with how many people gave each answer.
I desperately want to give people the URL to this article... problem is, I can't find it anywhere on the web. It's not on Microsoft's web site, it's not on PRNewswire's web site, and I can't find a web site for the polling company (Hart and Teeter, who have run similar polls to show that Americans didn't want the government to block the Win 98 release and that Americans love Microsoft in general).
If anyone can help me figure out why this press release shows up in Pointcast but not anywhere on the web, I would really like to know!
: ) (Score:1)
The art of survey rigging (Score:1)
One wonders (Score:1)
New Catchphrase (Score:1)
New slogan for the masses:
There are lies, damn lies, and statistics... and then there's Microsoft.
FLAMEBAIT - no further replies necessary (Score:1)
Who ever thought surveys really meant anything? (Score:1)
Surveys, Polls, Opinion Polls, etc., mean nothing, especially when the questions are worded such that you have to agree to something because you only see one side of the issue.
I'm not surprised that Microsoft uses tactics like this, but it would be nice if more people noticed this type of manipulation. And it comes from the government, from other media sources.
People lie with statistics all the time. Unfortunately, they only teach you how to really read into statistics in college. Sure, you can learn this yourself, but this is why I think college is important. There is a lack of critical thinking, and college helps foster that.
Most people believe these surveys and use them to defend a poorly research opinion of theirs. It's unfortunate, but it happens all the time.
What I'd like is for companies to reveal the survey questions, as well as the results, as well as the sample that they sent it to for all of their surveys. That might help foster some sort of fairness.
76% polled said MS good for consumers & industry (Score:1)
Call 100 random people in the town of
Vandergrift, Pennsylvania (trust me,
languid wills and torpid minds abound
there) and ask these two questions.
Then, you can try this question in big cities
like Williston, South Dakota to compare results.
Stupid Americans abound.
What happened to MEEPT! ? (Score:1)
This is so frikkin' embarrassing (Score:1)
To make this all the more bitter, this guy has tenure.
I hate to say it but I told you so! (Score:1)
To Recap
M$'s strategies are going to be close to the following. (from a source inside of M$)
1.The closer to the Win2000 release the more FUD we should spread about open source.
2.Spread FUD about how it is unstable, hard to use and is not in use in large numbers in corporate America.
3.Spread the perception of ease-of use of Windows
4.Infiltrate the newsgroups (SlashDot et. al) with inflammatory comments making more rift in the Linux camps and then spread more FUD on fragmented the so-called "Linux-Community" is.
5.More than embrace & extend, we go after the companies that are known to use or embrace Linux and offer them large incentives to switch to Windows.
6.Use the news sources and media outlets at our disposal to conduct mock tests against Linux and other competing operating systems, first by making windows lose to the competing OSs then after the debut of Windows-2000 conduct tests by "Independent Media Outlets" to let the world know how much our product has improved and outdone the competition. This "Impartial Validation" methods wins consumers over.
7.Increase marketing pressures on current media partners and increase our financial stake in those companies.
Microsoft is scared... hell they have a server there running Linux....
The interesting thing that I see is that in Office2000 they have a new "advanced" feature that makes the curser disapear if it is not moved for about ten seconds..... it's called unclutter.rpm(or T.gz) folks...we've had it for several years... So many of the things touted by the clueless idiots (reporters) in the media are things we have had for years. No one hears about them because up until this week, there has never been a concerted marketing effort by a Linux group.... That changes this week....wish us luck!
Sometimes Polls Show the Truth . . . (Score:1)
>by revealing that the survey he used as part of
>his testimony was actually ordered by Gates. Bill
>being the nice guy he is, he went ahead and
>specified what the results of the survey should be
Sometimes polls can useful for showing things: you just have to look at the petty details that don't fit in.
For example, in a poll done before a local election, the pollster knew the mayor was in trouble when one unknown candidate was the choice of 2% of the folks surveryed. Why? Cause the unknown happened to be the pollster's dog.
Gates ordered^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hstrongly suggested that a poll be commissioned showing that 90% of the population thought Windows was the best operating system. Despite all of their efforts to spin the question, the best the posllsters could get was 87%
What does this tell me? That if Microsoft were the last software company left in the world, 13% of the US population would be scouring garage sales & Goodwill for old TRS-80s, CPM machines & Apple ]['s before they would buy Microsoft.
That's not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Next! (Score:1)
After the way this bozo Schalmansee was ripped apart on the stand, I can't wait to see the rest of Microsoft's "defense."
The whole thing will probably go so badly that they will be forced to have Gates testify. Now that will be really damaging to Microsoft. For a great laugh, read through his depositions as http://www.usdoj.gov.
Innovations?!? (Score:1)
Innovations?? Like what??? Having to reboot my NT machine at work every 10-15 min? Not being able to totaly rid myself of IE?
New Survey! (Score:1)
Microsoft strategy really becomes clear. (Score:1)
Gates: Lets make sure they define all the variables precisly so we can step around this on technicalities...
Teaching Statistics (Score:1)
Typical Microsoft... (Score:1)
Meanwhile...in an interview with Barbra Walters, he simply said "its a tough business" in repsonse to everyone accuseing him of shady business. In actuality...it is a though business...but take some lessons from the good guys. It can't hurt.
How to Lie with Statistics (Score:1)
But your right, no really talks about this until stats class in college.
Errr....actually. (Score:1)
Piracy keeps prices DOWN?? (Score:1)
Now all of a sudden I hear software piracy being used by Mikey$oft as a factor in keeping software prices down?????
What's the deal here?
Add comment on piracy. (Score:1)