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Halo Graphic Novel In the Works 42

A new chapter in the Halo story was announced this past week, and it's not going to be a videogame this time. Marvel comics will be working with Bungie studios on a Halo graphic novel. The tome will include four short stories and a bevy of art from concept artists. Joystiq has overall impressions and some artwork, while Gamespot has details on the deal with Marvel. From the Gamespot article: "Marvel has said they will feature signature characters and weapons and be set against a backdrop involving the alien races of the Covenant and the Flood. Perhaps more interesting to comic fans is the roster of talent secured to put words and images on the page. Beyond renowned French comics artist Moebius, the Halo graphic novel will also feature the talents of Phil Hale, Ed Lee, Tsutomo Nihei, Jay Faerber, Andrew Robinson, Simon Bisley, and Lee Hammock."
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Halo Graphic Novel In the Works

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  • Could have sworn it said "holo-novel" and was very confused...
  • I read this title as "Holographic Novel In the Works". Now, that could be sorta cool.

    (Although the classic Illuminatus Trilogy [] comes close, in that cutting the book in half loses surprisingly little information, which as you may recall is one of the characteristics of a hologram. But real holograms would be even cooler.)
  • Blah Blah Blah (Score:3, Informative)

    by nmb3000 ( 741169 ) on Saturday March 18, 2006 @07:56PM (#14950001) Journal
    Instead of the ad-laden websites of Joystiq and Gamespot, go directly to the source [].

    Why the dancing around these middleman sites that contain no additional information or insight? Does /. get some sort of kickback for sending people to see ads?
  • Is it going to be in the third-person or first person shooter perspective?
  • What's the fuss? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by PhrostyMcByte ( 589271 ) <> on Saturday March 18, 2006 @07:58PM (#14950008) Homepage
    This may be taken as a troll, but- What did I miss out on that everyone else seems to have found? I've played Halo for the PC and found it enjoyable, sure, but the amount of praise given to it seems far overblown. Was the Xbox game that different?
    • by Turn-X Alphonse ( 789240 ) on Saturday March 18, 2006 @08:33PM (#14950158) Journal
      You've hit the nail on the head. The Xbox has very few worth while games, so a decent FPS which plays well on a console was huge. Then it just snowballed as most popular series did and the hype made it sound like the greatest game ever.

      Same with HL1 and HL2. Both are fine games, but they arn't overly special (HL2 right now is special, but give it a year or two and it'll be run of the mill).
      • HL2 right now is special, but give it a year or two and it'll be run of the mill


        So many games now have taken the good ideas from Halo that Halo itself isn't as great as it used to be, relatively. The same can be said for Doom.

        But, Halo did a very good job on gameplay and weapon balance, and was actually fun to play. The same can be said for Doom.

        And, I still believe the Halo campaign was a work of art.

        Of course, the main complaint is that it's repetitive -- you know what? That isn't always so bad
      • Hmm, I disagree about Half-Life. The original was an excellent game - a first-person shooter with a good story and most of all, excellent atmosphere. I have never felt so immersed in a game before.

        Half-Life 2 was fun, but not nearly as good as the first one. I think it mostly rode on the predecessor's tails.
    • Halo = best Console FPS since goldeneye.
      Halo 2 = best console FPS since Halo.

      The biggest deal is Halo 2's online play... in 2005. Good job being 10 years behind the PC.
      • Except that Halo 2's online play is far easier to get into in terms of functionality and interface than anything found on the PC to this day.
        • I doubt that. For example: I find it far easier to simply click on a server that clearly says it's running CTF than, say, choosing a matchmaking playlist thing in Halo 2 and waiting ten minutes for the game to start. Plus, with the former method I can see how many players are in the server, I can know if I've played there before, I can see how my ping to it is, etc.
        • "far easier to get into in terms of functionality and interface than anything found on the PC to this day."

          What games are you playing? Name one PC FPS that needs a subscription to play online.
        • You're right. You know why?

          PC games don't assume you're retarded. They assume you can learn a little something about servers and ping times.

          At least the other things that make Halo so accessible to morons don't get in the way. The constant "Press Y to dual-wield" messages don't prevent me from just holding Y as I run over the weapon. But the multiplayer element makes it impossible for me to find and remember specific servers, or find a server playing a specific map, or to find a group of people playing
          • You make some valid points. But what makes Xbox Live for me is the friends list. I can just login, see what my friends are playing and decide to join them if I want. Most of the time that negates the need for a specific serer playing a specific map, since you can choose in custom games, and so on. Voice communication is built right in to boot, so you don't have to run separate programs like Ventrillo, get everyone on board and setup servers for that.

            I generally don't like playing with random people I don'

      • Hey, don't forget Perfect Dark! It took everything that made Goldeneye the best FPS of its time, and improved on it vastly; Counter-Operative mode, anyone? (why the hell was that mode not copied by every FPS developers on the planet?! HOURS of replayable fun!) and the plethora of types of multiplayer simulants was excellent! AND i think it's still the only FPS where you could choose where each weapon appeared on each map. Fantastic! Ahhh, those were the days :-(

        I agree, Halo 2's online play was amazing fu

    • You didn't really miss much. unless you look at what HALO was supposed to be. To quote myself from another article:

      Halo is a PC game. It was designed to be a PC game and the original version always will be an unfinished PC game. Bungy made it, and they made it great.

      Unforunately, not long before the game was ready, Microsoft bought Bungie studios and shelved Halo. They then ported whatever they could from the carcass to the then new XBox just in time for a Christmas release. Thus Halo/XBox was born.

      A few
      • Bungie stated out time and again that Microsoft didn't affect Halo's development, but somehow the message never seems to get through.

        Halo started life as a new map renderer for Myth, and then Bungie decided that they could try large-scale cooperative games. After developing down that path for a while, they shifted focus to a single-player game with online matches similar to Marathon. The reasons I recall from that time were around development and game focus. Bungie was strapped for cash, so they looked arou
        • Bungie stated out time and again that Microsoft didn't affect Halo's development, but somehow the message never seems to get through.

          You're kidding, right? A Microsoft department says that nothing has changed now that they are owned by Microsoft? What else did you expect them to say? "Our dictators have screwed us over and changed everything, now can we have a raise?". Do you really believe Bungie was developing Halo with the XBox in mind?

          If Halo would have been such an amazing game, why didn't Microsof
          • The 'original game' was never made. We only ever saw tech demos, and they were all single-player. The idea of a huge co-op game was put out there, but never implemented by Bungie because they changed direction.

            I think you're letting the conspiracy theory get out of hand. The game that was released is all that ever will be released for Halo, and from Bungie's own people, even those who left the company it was a Bungie decision to make the game what it was. Microsoft don't control these people, so why are the
            • And poor quality of the PC version? The X-Box uses 640x480 graphics, doesn't it? The PC version can easily scale to 1600x1200 on good hardware, and the image quality...

              You completely missed the point. It's not that the PC version is crap, it's that it's crap for the system requirements. The xbox is a dumbed down PC, if I remember, it's a 700 mhz, 64-meg box. So why does the PC version require so much more than that?

              The reason we want the original (intended) PC version is that it wouldn't suck as much as
          • Actually, when the game moved to the Xbox the engine was almost completely rewritten - it went from being a slightly naff heightfield based effort [] on the PC and Mac to a rather nifty arbitrary geometry renderer [] on the Xbox.

            As for the apparent lack of performance on the eventual PC port of Halo when it was released - that could have something to do with the original Xbox version of the game being designed to take full advantage of the hardware it was running on. On the Xbox, you got ~30fps at 640x480 on appr
  • The Halo novels were great! Personally, I didn't like the video game, but I really liked the story and the three novels (I think that's all there is) were fantastic. I have high hopes for these "comic books." As far as the semantic difference between a graphic novel and a comic book, as one other poster asked, is about 100-200 pages.
  • Red vs Blue (Score:2, Informative)

    by jthayden ( 811997 )
    Seems like a good time to mention the great animation done using Halo over at Red vs Blue: []
  • ... the Doom comic? []

    That one sets a pretty high bar. I can only hope a Halo is half as good.
  • Isn't Red vs Blue [] a Halo graphic novel?
  • Man, this project would be too easy. You'd be able to just repeat the same pages several times over each chapter until the characters move onto a different terrain type.
  • i thought the same thing when hearing the crap about the bidding for the Halo movie: wtf? Halo, while fun to play, has a very flimsy story. but even worse for expansion into movie/novel/comic/whatever, is that the main character is one-dimensional... at best. he's got to be the least interesting character ever. basically no back story, no motivation, no personality, no vulnerability. i mean, he doesn't even really have a name! he's just a cyborg warrior who unceasingly is ready to fight and occasional
    • Re:no potential (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Saffaya ( 702234 )
      There are already several books on the Halo universe (check 'halo' at your fav online book retailer), including prequel to the game's storyline.
      Masterchief's name is John117 and you can learn about him and other members of the Spartan project, and see that he and cortana have been a long way together (remember the 'so you did miss me' line ?).
      You'll also see Captain Keyes' prowess as a ship commander against unfavourable odds.
      "no back story, no motivation, no personality, no vulnerability" ?
      There is a limit
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Yet somehow the terminator series was a success and Arnold is considered an actor go figure. Just becuase the main charcter is devoid of life does not mean that the story is boring, you know that little thing called plot. Won't be Hemmingway, but it could be entertaining
  • Now correct me if I'm wrong (everyone usually does) but Halo bears a very close resemblence (at least in the game) to Larry Nivens Ringworld story. I don't know it there was an explicit connection and he was paid or whether the whole ring-word/Ringword thing was pure coincidence. I can however see a very close resemblence to a contemporary courtcase being undertaken by one Dan Brown.
    • The idea of a ringworld is similar, although Niven's version circled the star, while Bungie's version was far smaller, and orbited a planet. The mechanics behind both are very different then. Ringworlds were, I think, based on Dyson Spheres. Niven didn't create that idea.

      Further, the plots are vastly different. I think any case for plagiarism would be extremely difficult to make except at the most superficial level.

      The Dan Brown case relies upon the extreme similarity between the book "Holy Blood, Holy Grai
    • Luckily, you can't copyright an idea, you can only copyright an expression of an idea. Dan Brown's large (and completely unjustified, his books are terrible and I want to slit my own wrists for buying three of them after it was perfectly obvious from the first one) commercial success might bring out "Oh no you CLEARLY stole my unpublished manuscript" claims but they'll be legally dead on arrival. I could write a hackish novel about a middle-aged Harvard professor discovering an ancient conspiracy in the C

Heisenberg may have been here.
