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IBM Invests $200M In Linux In Asia-Pacific 35

Al writes: "Linuxworld Australia is reporting that IBM are set to invest US$200 million over the next four years in the creation of seven Linux developer centres and four Linux competency centres across the region. IBM will deploy Linux experts and all IBM platforms at these centres to liase with software developers, be they established or startups. This will provide a huge boost in the porting and creation of native Linux applications within the region. The article is here."

A million here, a million there, and pretty soon you're talking about some real money. IBM seems to be grinning a big mona-lisa-penguin grin lately, which if nothing else is cool to point out to your boss / I.T. manager come requisition time. To paraphrase, very few people have ever gotten fired for buying Big Blue;)

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IBM Invests $200M In Linux In Asia-Pacific

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  • The last thing a decent operating system needs is to be branded with the Microsoft stigma!! How could anyone take Linux or the BSD's seriously again?
    However, if IBM are so keen, why not an IBM-Linux. Now there's something you could sell to corporate bosses.
  • I see huge amounts of money being invested in linux in 2000, but I can't seem to point at any single thing that has been accomplished. Please someone point at the tangible output of all this money so far, I'd love to be proven wrong.
  • For those of you who don't like AVI's, try the MPEG version [ibm.com] instead. It's larger, and has higher quality.
  • Why "Racist" ?
    You don't even look like you try to understand somebody you don't know so, you do "sound" racist.
    Why "Shit" ?
    You use such a violent language to just vomit what you can't explain.
    Let me reformulate, instead of accusing me in such an idiot manner.
    Bringing Free Software to China will also bring mentalities to a new era.
    It will help the civilian to increase their technological knowledge, thus opening them to the joy of Internet communication. (of course, joy is not adapted in your case)
    I also think (maybe too implicitly for the paranoids) that the Tibet problem is, of course, due to governmental policies rather than the civilians themselves.
    Now, because they accept these contacts with external democracies and multinational which act here as diplomats, this implicitely sound like they slowly open themselves to the rest of the world until they can't refuse to soften their presence in Tibet.
    I believe it will happen as I believe there are people of good will everywhere.
    This is just a question of time, Chinese representatives know that their civilization is too intransigent to keep as advanced as they used to be.
    BTW: You call me a racist but you have not tasted my Pekinese Duck... Lecker ;-)
  • I'm moving to Japan in December, it'd be nice if I could get a Linux job there.
  • And Australia in particular has massive tax breaks for doing R&D in their country. Much of this could be "free" to IBM as the hardware that gets shipped into Australia is freed from import duties as a result
  • The page at mxlinux.org calls Linus Linux. I'm sure he doesn't like that. If that is your page, you should fix it.

    I don't like that either. Not my page.


  • I thought the monkey trip to Mars was pretty amusing... just the thing to fix those pesk bluescreens :)
  • Did you bother to read the article?

    Just asking ...

    The company will also be extending its alliances with Linux-focused business partners such as TurboLinux and Intel. TurboLinux is now shipping a Linux based data server using IBM's DB2 Universal database. "Looking forward," said Ted Liu, Vice President Marketing, Alliance & Business Development, TurboLinux. "TurboLinux will work with IBM to continue the development of the Linux market."

  • Plus also i believe that you can claim the salary of employees doing R&D for at least 80% IIRC, as a tax deduction.
  • As we all know, IBM invests so much in Linux for one reason: The applications for the big IBM operating systems should be developed on Linux and run on mainframes. I think this is calles business...

    sig you!!
  • by MartinG ( 52587 ) on Friday September 01, 2000 @02:12AM (#812387) Homepage Journal
    > those same companies hope to be in the dominant
    > proprietary vendor position.

    IBM have already been there and done that. And look what happened to their dominance. They don't want to go back and do it all again.

    And look what is happening to Microsoft as a result of their dominance.

    Large companies are beginning to learn that increasing numbers of their customers don't want them controlling the markets.

    > IBM's 'commitment' to Linux can be summed up as:
    > "Thanks for the kernel!"

    What is more important IMO than their commitment to Linux (the kernel) is their commitment to open source. And if you think they are not committed in that area you haven't been reading much IBM related press lately. (some clues: Gnome foundation, AFS, sash, linux s/390, XFS, jikes, etc etc...)

    > Companies will use Linux as long as it is
    > beneficial to them,

    If its beneficial to their customers (or for whatever reason, their customers want it) then in the long run it is beneficial to them also.
  • This is a hilarious troll. Nice one.

  • In at least two Asia-Pacific companies that I have personal contact with, the IT people will get fired if they use NON open-sourced OS in the company's computers.

    Those two companies are not huge conglomerates, but they _are_ expanding.

    With the availability of Linux in mainframe (from IBM) and with all the already available Linux distributions running in all sorts of workstations and such, I don't see any limit for those two Asia-Pacific companies in applying their current rules of using only open-sourced OS in their computers, for by the time these companies have expanded that they need to use mainframe (or RS-6000 and/or AS/400 series of workhorses) there will be options ready for them.

    Congrats to all for making this possible.

  • well they won't support slackware
  • Have you ever used WebSphere?
  • its already there in RedHat
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...for buying OS/2?

  • The page at mxlinux.org calls Linus Linux. I'm sure he doesn't like that. If that is your page, you should fix it.

    "They want me to be a whore!" -- Linux Torvalds. "

  • This is exactly what we have been needing - big companies willing to start putting money into Linux. We can have the "commercial quality" that people seem to want, and open-source software.
    Now we just need 'Microsoft Linux' ;)
  • Close to 10 years ago, I was asked to pick 10 stocks I would hold for 30 years in a retirement investment portfolio. IBM was high on my list despite their then business problems. I took a lot of flack back then for my pick. But my reasoning then as well as my reasoning now is the same: IBM's willingness to accept as well as initiate changes. (aside: I applauded IBM's work on OS/2. It didn't work out in the end, but I still believe it was good thinking)

    While popular hi-tech picks back then (MSFT,Intel) have floundered lately (basically for their inability to adapt to recent challenges to their market monopoly, whether from competitors or from government regulators), IBM has flourished, re-inventing itself yet again ... this time as a leader in e-service.

    I'm not surprised that IBM is putting money into Linux development in Asia. They seem not to be afraid to peek at the future and act/gamble accordingly. Clearly Linux will play a large role in information technology in the future. And Asia promises to grow even more than it has so far - this is most notably apparent in the number of Asian developers working at Silicon Valley outfits.

  • by Phroggy ( 441 ) <slashdot3@@@phroggy...com> on Thursday August 31, 2000 @09:06PM (#812397) Homepage
    Now we just need 'Microsoft Linux' ;)

    http://www.mslinux.org/ [mslinux.org]


  • Linux is already becoming a big thing in Australia. IBM supporting Linux will help to calm all the server admins (HINT to all Universities!) about converting! It will bring in more to Australia, and help the already large computer industory here. The reason for centering in the Asia Pacific would most likely be export controls. As Australia has no export controls on software (at ALL!) it was also a planned move for many companies after the USA tried to stop high bit encryption!
    - There is no work, there is no work...
    - Damn, it worked for Neo!
  • by SpookyFish ( 195418 ) on Thursday August 31, 2000 @09:07PM (#812399)

    As IBM puts more and more energy into promoting Linux, it will be interesting to watch how much credibility it lends to Linux as a whole.

    As someone responsible for a mission critical deployment of many servers, I have been a strong Sun supporter -- not because they had the best bang for the buck, but because they have a true enterprise class operation. I can have Sun on-site in 2 hours if something goes wrong.

    When we are faced with a potential Fortune 500 customer's RFP, answering that the platform is completely Sun based has *weight*. As silly as it may be, customers have confidence in buzzwords, and Sun rarely fails to impress. That, combined with 10+ Solaris Exxxx boxes with 300+ days of uptime, makes it hard to look elsewhere.

    If IBM can bring the same level of support, "recognition", and stability / quality assurance to the Linux market, there are truly great things ahead for Linux.

    I sure hope so, because the technology behind Linux is world class, even if the world doesn't know yet. Much like AMD has done to Intel, another strong platform will increase competition and ultimately make both systems better, to the benefit of all.

  • ...is here [ibm.com].

    Also note:
    • this is planned for the next 4 years (only ?)
    • 300 consultants will be sent in : Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul, Bangalore and Sydney.
    • About the above ones in bold: As China seems really repressive, it is just a good thing for Linux (andn Free Software in general) that will then be:
      1. endorsed by IBM
      2. validated by the Chinese
    I just hope this initiative will help Chinese C programmers code intelligent stuff like: free(Tibet);
  • I'm surprised noone thought of this before: hiring people in these countries costs a lot less than hiring them in the United States or in Europe.

    Let's hope they are better coders than the Elbonians (if you don't know what Elbonians are: read Dilbert).
  • The AMD vs. Intel analogy is really interesting here. While AMD has only recently won over the hearts of the hard-core geek, it has had a reasonable presence in the mass market for quite some time. Linux, on the other hand, has pretty much always been a toy of the l33t, and is only now starting to make inroads in the mass market.

    Even so, it's likely that Linux will soon do to M$, Sun, and anyone else caught with their pants down what AMD is currently doing to Intel. This is, of course, thanks in no insignificant amount to efforts like this one.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    IBM's 'commitment' to Linux can be summed up as:

    "Thanks for the kernel!"

    Linux is an average low to middle end UNIX implementation. Nothing more. There is nothing world class about the technology in Linux. In many areas it is actually quite far behind other Unix implementations. Companies on the loosing side in markets where proprietary products are dominant naturally will embrace something open. However, those same companies hope to be in the dominant proprietary vendor position ranking in the cash themselves someday.

    Companies will use Linux as long as it is beneficial to them, no more, no less. 'Getting it' or seeing the light on open source or other phrases that fill Slashdot have no basis in business world reality.
  • If you've never lived in China and Hong Kong, chances are that you don't know what happen here:

    China The government, inbed with big int'l enterprise, just sell out any stuff onhand - including it's people - to make "a few people" rich. You want 1000 programmers? No problem if you can pay 1000 "residential fee" (charge for each head employed by oversea company) to local government. The salary? Any amount you like, no prob.

    Hong Kong In controlled by a few rich families all that matter are: High land (house) cost and hot stock market. (Don't be fooled by tom.com's strong IPO.) I know many programmers who earn US$1200/month, worry be be killed by much cheaper "programmer" from "People's Repulic of China."

    If I'm Big Boy of American I'll follow IBM's move (and motive) to exploit these countries. Just buy some support from local government and you have thousands of "cheap" morons (programmer don't care their values) onhand.

  • Have you guys seen this commercial? Check out my .sig!

  • Right now, TurboLinux is the strongest Asian distro . . . but not for long. Clearly this is a move to nuke Turbo. It'll probably work, too. No competing Linux vendor can stand a chance against the economic firepower IBM can bring to bear on this market.

    Would you like to touch my monkey?

  • ... ship the systems overseas, or contract out to a "usa" based company that the majority of technical staff (80%) is comprised of h-1b visa indians ... insidious exploitment by company A that doesn't have to defend it's violation of "not hiring an american available" because company B that is doing the "outsource-ed" work acts as the shield ... my current work site resembles Bombay or New Delhi and the edict is to hire only these firms, while skilled veteran programmers are compelled to (a) retire early, (b) adopt a career change in a different line of business, or (c) accept a lower salary ... granted, most of my business xp has been as a long time mainframe hack, but it gonna happen soon in the pee cee weenie world too ...

    look for china to be more than a bit player now that that trade agreement deal passed ...

    let me say that i have nothing against fellow geeks and geekettes seizing gainful employment/contract opportunities, but when the acts are done (either outsourcing to foreign country, or "temporary" workers brought to usa ...) ... it affects the market rate for programmer salaries as those individuals either here or abroad often times are placed in the role of indentured servant, and not quite the capitalistic model of a "free" labor market ... for more information, facts and detailed research, read Dr. Norman Matloff's Debunking the Myth of a Desperate Software Labor Shortage [ucdavis.edu] ... funny how large corporate interests crow about free markets and deregulation when it comes to taxes, property rights, etc ... but when it comes to a free "labor" market, a different tune is heard ...

  • I think this is an exellent move for big-blue, investing money in Linux, it is the best thing that they can be doing. It's alway's great to see a company pay back the community for what they have or will earn by using open source products. I just wish they open sources OS/2 and DB2.
  • As much as I dislike that git I must admit,
    you are a woolly woofter.

    ( \
  • ""what AMD is currently doing to Intel.""

    "Are they?"

    Yeah, they are. Intel just _recalled_ their 1.13 Ghz P3 chips that they'd announced and _tried_ to ship merely because AMD is shipping solid 1.1 Ghz Athlon chips. AMD's kicking Intel's butt lately and this looks likely to continue for some time.

    And it gets worse for Intel. Their "Pentium 4" chip (they blanched at "Sexium" and could not quite leap to "Septium" for whatever reasons), is a 20-stage pipeline (versus 10 stages in the P3), and it won't run faster than the P3 in real life. AMD's upscale Athlons will bury the P4, for sure.

    Moreover, Intel's Merced/Itantium 64-bit chip is so badly designed that they'll likely not produce it! Again, AMD's Hammer chips have a much more legacy 32-bit friendly architecture and they will surely leave Intel's lame new "recompile every program" Itanium scheme far down, in the gutter. AMD will _own_ the high-end PC CPU market, with Intel a lame second.

    Yes, AMD has their sh*t together, Intel doesn't. Intel's recent chipset glitches and Rambus crap won't help them. Since they can't execute, AMD appears poised to become the leading CPU source, despite Intel's greater manufacturing capacity. I mean, who cares if you can build 100 million chips, if the demand has dropped to half that? Intel's dead unless they wise up, real soon.

Don't tell me how hard you work. Tell me how much you get done. -- James J. Ling
