Open Source Software And The Non-Profit Sector 71
This May, the University of Michigan held a conference on how Application Service Providers and Open Source Software could help community serving nonprofits achieve their goals. Participants from the nonprofit world, open source projects, ASP's (definitely not Active Server Pages here) and foundations attended several days of intensive talks on how OSS could be applied to help smaller nonprofits realize the benefits of information technology. For a full list of participants, please refer to the conference website. This was a small group, thirty people total, who met in intensive sessions designed to bring them together for the first time. Remarkable for a conference, it seemed to energize rather than enervate, and conference members have kept in contact over the months that have followed.
Community Serving Organizations
Obviously, there are several sizes and varieties of nonprofits, ranging from the mega lobbying organizations of the NRA and AARP, to three people sitting in a kitchen trying to clean up a local river. The Michigan conference was mostly concerned about such smaller organizations that are trying to make a change in the world on small budgets. Typical organizations of this kind include local environmental groups, community theaters, food gatherers, advocacy groups, individual churches and so forth. Basically, nonprofits who do not have the benefit of a huge infrastructure driving their efforts to engage in some community-serving activity.
These groups could benefit from the blessings of information tech as much as their private sector friends have, but see expenditures on technology as drawing money away from their core missions. After all, a Big Deal has been made in recent years about how much donated money actually goes to direct service, so people in nonprofits have been reluctant to increase the money they put into this thing called 'administration,' which includes money spent on computers. The problem is, information technology might be able to help some of these people with their missions -- and in many cases, it's vital.
A computer is unlikely to directly feed a homeless person, but it could certainly connect a nonprofit to a broader range of opportunites to find food and housing for that person. One of the commonalities of most nonprofits is a need to communicate -- either to solicit funds for future activities, or to disseminate information on their particular cause. Use of the Internet and computers in general can go a long way in helping nonprofits seek and maintain a group of supporters, as well as the typical office tasks that all organizations need to deal with.
For most of the community service population, coding their own applications in unfeasible. These are people who want and need to deal in their specialties, and if they have little or no money for computers, they have less to spend on programmers who can work out proprietary apps for the nonprofit. It would suck pretty hard if a homeless person got to the shelter and heard, 'Sorry sucka, we sold the beds so we could hire this programmer.'
Application Service Providers (ASP's)
Lately, a deluge of ASP's have popped up to serve organizations without the money to install of the technology pieces they might want. The idea is pretty simple. For an honest fee, the ASP provides server-side applications available to anyone with an Internet connection. The most common type of ASP offers data storage, but others allow one to use office style products (though pared down for efficient transport). Some very clever ASP's have even popped up that allow people to create forms and collect data, super simple style, over the provider's server.
The problem is, there really aren't any ASPs designed for nonprofits specifically. This is weird, since the nonprofit sector is worth hundreds of billions of dollars in spending every year. Some of the conference members are working towards creating such a business -- ASPs aimed at nonprofits will emerge -- but the question becomes whether that will happen under a proprietary model, or under one of the Open Source style licenses. There is still so much money to be tapped in the private market, where it is easier to find funding, that most ASP's will not turn their attention to nonprofits for a good long time. Finally, the ASP market has become volatile since April of this year, and it would be unlikely for a private company to take on the risk of starting one without more of a measure of success than most people find in the nonprofit sector.
The Role of Open Source for Nonprofits
The obvious connection is that many open source projects are nonprofit, community-serving enterprises themselves. However, there are many positive interactions available between the open source community and the nonprofit sector, and not just free coding for the nonprofits if that is what you are thinking. If there is one thing that the nonprofit sector has learned how to do, it is to get the message out there. Their experience with advocacy combined with the communications experience garnered by the Open Source movement could do wonderful things for both players.
Also, the list of successful Open Source projects is limited in many ways. The best known successes, Apache, Linux and Sendmail, were coded by the people most likely to use them. This is not bad, obviously, it's just that the Open Source community needs to decide if they are going to remain forever in the shadow of a niche, or if they ever want to move into more mainstream endeavors. Working with the nonprofits, developing applications that would bridge that gap between helping ourselves and helping others, would be a great way to burst self imposed bonds. Scratch someone else's itch, as it were.
This isn't high school, so there will be no lecture on how helping community serving organizations is good for the soul, or how one should devote their talents to help those who have not been blessed. Bugger that for a box of rocks. However, it is true that males between 17 and 24 are the group of people least likely to volunteer their time. It's also true that an organized attempt to code an ASP for community serving organizations could allow people to hone coding skills for future personal use. Besides, it's a damned good feeling to be part of something that makes the world better, that makes people better. Not better in that way that they can get their job done a little bit faster, or that their computer crashes less often. Better in the way that they eat, or that get medicine to save their lives, or that there is air for your kids to breathe. It's a very good feeling indeed. OK, that got a little close to preachy, but suffice it to say there are reasons for the Open Source community to consider creating an ASP for the nonprofit sector.
What needs to be done next
There are several steps that need to be taken before the Open Source movement can mesh well with the community serving organizations.
Most people in these community serving organizations are unaware of the potential of ASP's, much less of OSS. We'll need to do some basic advocating for open systems of development. Most of the nonprofits will see the inherent wisdom of the open source method of application development, having a culture much more used to cooperation than does the private sector. On the other hand, they will have the same newbie style questions about a decentralized system of software development. Who is responsible in case it doesn't work? How do I get changes made? How does anything get done with no one calling the shots? Whom do I call for help? Basically, these organizations are a little gun shy about being abandoned with buggy software, and it would be a coup for the open source movement to not only convince them to follow an open strategy, but to make sure they are not hurt by that decision.
The Open Source movement also has some things to learn. Assume that the people in the community serving organizations are not able to change the code themselves, which is a pretty safe assumption. What does open source matter to them at that point? Also, the software will have to be as transparent as possible, something not only uncommon in most open source projects of the past, but rather frowned upon as "un-leet". It would be interesting for someone to manage a successful open source project where the end user is not also the major developer. The nonprofit sector provides a beautiful guinea pig for developing under this slight alteration of past open source success.
There are few standardized apps that are currently used by the community serving sector. This includes both the very macro types of software, like client trackers, or more subtle things, like XML standards for the community. These will be necessary if we want to make the whole schmeckis fit together. Later, there will be a diagram that will discuss the various elements that all need to work together to make an entire system revolving around an open source ASP that serves this target population.
Secondly, it will need to become apparent that sharing these tools will lead to a stronger overall "market" for community serving organizations. Past attempts at sharing tools often became mired in bureaucracy that would cause anyone to start popping Excedrin like Pez. Not only do the benefits of sharing the information need to be made plain, but the security of that information needs to be guaranteed. Nothing is more precious to a nonprofit than their lists of contacts, client information or advocacy materials. They walk a fine line between the proprietary and the open, and need to be helped to draw that line based on the experience of the open source movement, which will in turn learn from the nonprofits own struggles.
A community serving organization obviously needs to get to the Net in order to reap benefits from it. Connectivity for these types of organizations is more essential than for individuals, which has been the main focus of the widely touted "Digital Divide". There is no easy solution to getting the nonprofits to the Net. Many can afford it, especially if their funds are freed up by having access to a good Open Sourced ASP, but some still will not be able to. For some the telecom infrastructure where they are from will not be good, especially for those community serving organizations in poorer parts of the USA, or in less developed countries. All we can do is advocate for increasing ubiquity of the Internet, which should not go against the grain for any person who believes that technology can make a positive difference.
The time is now
Someone out there needs to jump on this. The potential gains, for open source, for the community serving organizations, and for the individual themselves are great. In the coming six months, more nonprofits are going to be pressured by the apparent successes of the private market to seek out more and more information technology. Many are going to turn to ASP's, which do not currently support the special needs of those community serving organizations. Many are going to turn to proprietary software, either out of misunderstandings of the power of open-sourced applications, or out of sheer ignorance that such things exist. Think of this as a few separate open source projects, enough for many of the bright people here. One is the creation of the open source ASP to serve the nonprofit sector. A few more open source projects will devolve out of the infrastructure that will need to spin out of that ASP-OSS project. And one more, that everyone should be involved in, is thinking of open source like advocates, if it is something you do believe in, and trying to recognize how it could be exposed to a broader world. This problem is one area where we can combine self interest with advocacy.
The paper at the the conference web site includes many possible steps that could be taken in the next months. There is also some money possibly available for someone taking this on. Many foundations were present at the conference, and all made committments to see that this thing happened, or more to the point, that if someone tried to make it happen they would not be flying alone. The opportunity here is rich, and it would be a Good Thing (tm) if someone from this population were to make some action happen. You could not find a better time or a more worthwhile enterprise.
The diagram below is something of a summation of the conference proceedings, which, again, are available here. Yes, the diagram is ripped directly from the site, with permission of course. It was initially drawn out by Brian Behlendorf, and immediately became a community property creation, like a center point that created a common vortex for the different working groups. For more information on the subject, you can contact the author of this article at cacl@umich.edu.
Ummmm...what? (Score:2)
It would be a lot smarter to just switch to Free Software but continue adminning it yourself. No change in operating expense (actually probably a decrease since Linux has fewer maintainence problems than Win95) and a big decrease in capital expense.
My Experience (Score:4)
OSS has allowed a lot of kids net access that would normally have never seen it, and made it economically viable for us to provide it.
It not cost but Quality of service that matters (Score:1)
The vast majority of non profits... (Score:4)
Generally, they look to do things on the cheap, which often means not doing things well. Keeping good geek help is tough, because geeks often feel underappreciated in environments that really don't understand them. We had some difficultly convincing organizations to move to DSL (when it was available, and given that they could lose the dedicated analog line, the ROI was a no brainer).
They do "get" email. A killer app would be a package Linux/BSD distro that could roll out a web based email and contact management system by default. A lot of the somewhat larger non profits have heavy conference attendee or running schedules, so ubiquitous web based access to core line of business info would be critical.
They really don't need special apps for non profits, they could use cheap or free good ones. A PHP pased finance system could be huge as well. Push it to the web.
Re:Ummmm...what? (Score:1)
Founder's Camp [founderscamp.com]
I'm the IS Admin for a nonprofit (Score:5)
The first step of the approach (Score:4)
After giving this doc a quick read, I'm convinced the beneficiary would probably be happiest with a tech volunteer. This is where I usually end up.
Vote [dragonswest.com] Naked 2000
Why don't I go ask? (Score:1)
Exactly! (Score:2)
Not that story. (Score:1)
This isn't invisibility. It's translucency. It might win the science fair in some high school, but it's not earth-shaking. I probably would not have accepted it on my weblog either.
Non profit corporations ... (Score:1)
Don't these people understand?!? (Score:2)
Non-PROFIT!?! What's wrong with these people? Donating their time and (most importantly) money, without ever considering getting something tangible (as in more money) back?
We have to rid ourselves of these evil communists before their cult of "sharing" and "cooperation" destroys the fabric of capitalism!
As the Great Prophet Ayn Rand once said, "Screw the poor, I got mine."
Or was that Ronald Reagon who said that? I can't recall. In any case...
We can't allow these godless pinkos to spread their ideas. We must rid ourselves of the whole notion of "altruism" and "selflesseness." People who care about other people will never help out those in need. Only people who care purely for themselves can help out the poor, the homeless, the sick, the underprivileged.
Join me as I pledge my allegience to these people, these leaders of the capitalist utopia.
Our Beloved And Respected Comrade Leader Bill Gates!
Our Beloved And Respected Comrade Leader Phillip Knight!
Our Beloved And Respected Comrade Leader Donald Fisher!
All Hail Monsanto-Novartis-DuPont-PhillipMorris-Time-Warne
Michael Chisari
Re:Scientists discover key to invisibility [Way OT (Score:2)
I think this classifies as news more-so than many of our "vaporware stories"...of course, would the concepts behind this classify as vaporious(sp)?
It sucks trying to get stories submitted....
Why not a non-profit ASP for nonprofit orgs? (Score:2)
The main advantage of an ASP for the non-profit is that it can facilitate distributed collaboration. Second to that, it offloads the load of administration and the operating and hardware expense. But ASPs don't make software cheaper if there is free software that does the same thing already.
non-profit ASPs already exist.... (Score:2)
There is a non-profit ASP! (Score:2)
What would rock... (Score:3)
The package would have to serve all office (not M$!) applications such as PIM, word processor, spreadshit, db, etc AND be compatible with MS file formats (let's be real, do you any office that doesn't use a flavour of MS Word?).
The cherry at the top would be a web end that would update a site automagically... (think XML all the way)
Yes, it sounds like M$
If it already exist, tell me... I got clients for that!
Btw, does anybody know of a hosting provider that would host for free or for very little money a moneyless, small NGO site?
Au contraire... (Score:1)
Keeping good geek help is tough, because geeks often feel underappreciated in environments that really don't understand them.
I've been interning this summer at a non-profit in DC. They were between webmasters, and needed someone to do website maintenance. Now they have a webmaster who is also the sysadmin, but I'm still doing a lot of web work (including ColdFusion programming...yum!). The organization has nothing to do with computers, but I don't feel at all underappreciated. If I have a burning desire to talk computers with anyone, the sysadmin is a nice guy. In fact, I enjoy the ability to work in an environment that is not totally computer oriented but where I can flex my computer skills and learn new ones.
Granted, this is just my personal experience...
Re:Don't these people understand?!? (Score:1)
Maybe this isn't for you (Score:2)
Re:Scientists discover key to invisibility [Way OT (Score:2)
Probably rejected because of me, and other /. readers who have complained about the "tabloid" quality of some /. stories. I think the editors were wise to reject this one. Keep up the good work.
Software isn't the expensive part (Score:2)
The cool thing about ASPs is that they can afford to hire technical hot shots, and spread the benefits across a large number of organizations that normally couldn't afford to pay for that person's time.
Of course, this is all based on the premise that the ASP won't load up the pricing with large margins. The problem with corporate ASPs is that they can charge a premium because they companies that need this level of help and expertise can afford it. That's why I think that the only ASP suitable for a non-profit is a non-profit ASP. Otherwise, the motivation is wrong- you want the ASP reducing costs to provide more benefit to it's nonprofits, not it's own profits.
Re:Exactly! (Score:3)
There are also technical problems with the model. If you are outsourcing complex apps, there is the question of how they're configured and whether you/your users can customise them. Similarly, there's the question of who holds the data: you or the ASP ? If the latter, can you access it without going through their apps ? In this area, ASPs overlap with hosting services.
There is a real force driving this though, which push lacked, which a desire to offload the extreme hassle of managing and maintaining big, complex apps onto someone else who, presumably, can develop expertise and thus make their costs lower than yours would have been and thus make the whole deal cheaper for everyone. Will it work ? Good question, but don't write it off yet.
Re:What would rock... (Score:1)
Re:Why not a non-profit ASP for nonprofit orgs? (Score:1)
If it is possible to finance that it seems like a pretty interesting idea.
Re:What would rock... (Score:1)
"speadshit" is a M$ feature I DON*T want to see in OSS software...
Re:Exactly! (Score:2)
The core reasoning hasn't changed though; it is still entirely possible to serve many users' needs from a single, more powerful, computer, and to do it more economically and efficiently. A well-run ASP can offer better securtiy, data integrity, and support than most small non-profits would ever be able to maintain internally. Open sourcing the tools being used further increases the support and development base, and the non-profit using the service shouldn't have to worry about anything much more complex than getting a hard backup of their data put into storage somewhere every few weeks or months.
Re:The vast majority of non profits... (Score:1)
Re:Kewlies (Score:2)
Re:Not For Profit Licence (Score:1)
Re:The vast majority of non profits... (Score:1)
But they don't seem to want streaming audio or video.
They could definitely use some web-based contact management system, since a lot of officers travel around their regions a bit, but never have cash for the fancy methods. One that generated email reminders would be good as well.
Another concern sometimes is privacy. Many advocacy non-profits don't trust corporations to safegaurd their information, so they would go for privacy, so long as it's easy and free (note I did not say cheap).
PHP based finance system - that and some software for writing grant applications are the major needs I can see.
Most non-profits would write way more grant applications if they had more help with this.
I provide most of the IT services for a local non-profit myself.
Re:Not for profit and open source (Score:1)
Instead of trying to make a magic bullet for every project, identify what each different non-profit organization really needs and build software to address those needs.
Up until just recently I worked at CCL [ccl.net] a non-profit group that supplies newsgroup/ftp/web site for the computational chemistry community. For our site, we have very different needs.
1040 (Score:1)
Wouldn't it be great if you could claim open-source work as a charity/tax deduction?
A flat per-hour rate that you could claim up to a certain limit for any open source programming...of course, the implementation would get a little hairy I guess...expecially with the million and a half minscule projects on source forge...maybe each project would have to qualify based on certain merits...hey, it's better than campaign finance...
Although, I've always felt giving to charity for the tax deduction (or even for the chance to win a car the local United Way Raffle) is lame.
Re:Don't these people understand?!? (Score:1)
I urge you to
Yeah, yeah, I know, lots of volunteers do lots of good work. But they're only able to volunteer because the vast bulk of the economy exists to take care of most people through the charity of paid work, paid work that feeds the vast bulk of the people quality food, and comes up with lifesaving medicine, heated houses, tax revenues to take care of the unfortunate... oh I could go on... so by all means, volunteer! ... volunteer to work overtime and get paid for it, you owe it to your fellow man. You will not be called a hero, but you will be a hero, because the best antidote to poverty is the vast wealth, capital and intellectual, of a robust economy.
Very, very good idea (Score:3)
The main stumbling block for a non-profit ASP is going to be the large capital investments required to build out / buy the needed infrastructure. This goes for both hardware and software. Yes, software -- although the application delivery systems could be entirely open source, many of the sophisticated management tools that ASPs are buying to help them gain an economy of scale (application management, capacity management, trouble ticketing, integration middleware, etc...) do not have open source equivalents.
Fortunately, the non-profit world has organizations that can help overcome these issues- foundations. Foundations already provide many kinds of assistance and enablement for the non-profits they fund, and it would make a lot of sense if that extended to IT, in the form of an non-profit ASP. I know I'd pitch in to help, if someone got one started... in fact, I've considered doing it myself.
I disagree with those who've disagreed. (Score:2)
NPO's need cheap, fast, reliable, easy-to-use servers and applications. And most geeks are willing to volunteer some time to help others in need, simply because anyone who codes for pleasure rather than profit is aware of needs greater than worshiping the Green God of Gloopy Glop.
I've done plenty of volunteer work, myself, revamping the web pages of public parks, helping non-tech minds understand what the overgrown desk calculator in front of them can do, etc.
IMHO, the free exchange of ideas is central to the whole Free Software model/ideal, with the "reward" in knowing that you scratched an itch. In the case of non-profit organizations, esp. genuine charities, these are itches that can afflict many people, but very few have the power to scratch them.
Re:My Experience (Score:1)
Re:Don't these people understand?!? (Score:1)
Surely, Open Source has its own share of these nutters, starting with Eric "Love and altruism don't scale up very well [tuxedo.org]" Raymond (the linked piece, btw, is the single stupidest piece of political polemic on the internet, IMO
StarPortal (Score:1)
Backend requirements:
- Solaris[tm] 7 Release 5/99 operating environment or higher
- Java[tm] 1.2 platform
- Ultra[tm] 60 system, 256 MB RAM, 2 CPU or higher
- Netscape Navigator 4.7 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 browser
I believe the Ultra 60 server would be waaaayyyy out of NGOs financial league.
I'm mostly looking at something that would run from an x86 server, or a cluster of them (depending on the needs, thanx to Linux modularity isn't much of a hassle).
The best would be either StarOffice, but it lags on old boxes without enough RAM, or KOffice/Konqueror with Zope for the web front end. A single box could do the MS formats translation for external compatibility would solve many problems, and anyway there's always some MS Office license hanging around in a bundle offer with a cheap PC.
If there's anyone who feels that kind of stuff is possible, get in touch with me! Geneva, Switzerland, is the home of hundreds of international NGOs. They all have needs...
Not a very fair characterization (Score:1)
Your ISP analogy isn't a bad one- obviously, we survived that period of their growth, and now there are many well-resourced ISPs providing high-quality services. The same thing will happen with ASPs. Of course, there will still be some crappy ones around as well, but that's true for every industry I'm aware of.
Re:Why not a non-profit ASP for nonprofit orgs? (Score:1)
I'm an engineer at a for-profit ASP for non-profits called 4charity.com. The company actually started out as a non-profit one since many of our people came from non-profit backgrounds. However, we realized switching to a to a for profit model made the most sense. There were a number of reasons for this:
Open Source certainly fits into this. We've always run many of our internal servers on Linux and BSD. We're now moving to build as many of our core products using Open Source as much as possible. The company is even very supportive of the Open Source projects that many of us work on in our spare time.
We think non-profits are certainly best served by Open Source and occaisonally by a good for-profit company :)
-Matt Tucker
Re:Don't these people understand?!? (Score:2)
I wonder if I can moderate a moderation as funny? :)
Better still- (Score:2)
But what is it worth to give such powerful, free tools to that one kid who can use them and might never get the chance otherwise?
Sneak that ol' gcc on there, or perl or something. One day you might be glad you 'wasted' that HD space on it, when you come in and some little display hack is zipping about the screen :)
The Nonprofit Sector (Score:1)
A) Direct-service nonprofits (i.e., folks who are out feeding the hungry or saving the whales) with ideas about how their work can be improved with technology.
2) Nonprofit technology assistance providers (i.e., nonprofits that exist create technology plans, install LANs, and upgrade PCs for other nonprofits) with ideas about how we can help their nonprofit clients.
iii) Members of the geek community who would like to become individual or corporate donors.
Please feel free to email me at finn@techfoundation.org.
Many thanks and best regards from Deborah
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
TCN/Technology Foundation
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Re:Don't these people understand?!? (Score:1)
Re:Kewlies (Score:2)
Linux, BSD, etc. (really, any UNIX-like OS) should only be used in a non-tech-savvy office for one of a short list of purposes. Web hosting, file sharing, or firewall configurations should be more or less rock-solid for months on end if they're done right. Maintenance shouldn't be much more than a remote checkup every few days (logs, drive space, etc.) and a weekly tape backup.
one problem... (Score:1)
An ASP for not-for-profits already exists... (Score:2)
There already is an ASP targeted directly at not-for-profits. (Distinction: Bethlehem Steel is a non-profit, the Bethlehem YMCA is a not-for-profit.) Look at 3rd Sector.net [www.3rdsec...argetblank]. 3rd Sector was launched by a group of software executives who did well in a buyout and decided to invest a chunk of their boodle in providing services to the community. (I'm on a couple of local economic development committees with these guys--very, very good people.)
Re:Don't these people understand?!? (Score:1)
and I missed where in the world or in history you've seen the elimination of private property leading to anything good?
Re:There is a non-profit ASP! (Score:1)
BTW the project that orkz mentions is on Source Forge here [sourceforge.net]. They are called Action Apps, they are an automated web publishing and sharing application, it's actually fairly extensive and easy to use. It is still in the works however, but the early institutors will be putting it up in a matter of weeks.
Check it out, vive la revolution!!!
What Non Profit's Need (Score:1)
The list:
Why open source software is not the best answer:
The nature of non-profits force them to use whatever means at their disposal for doing work. However, the lack of resources (mainly time) necessitate that whatever is used must be able to be picked up by several different people because many people may be sharing the same job responsibilities. It may also be common that outside resources are used. This means the simple solution that requires the minimum amount of resources and training is likely to be the most successful.
Some volunteers will have previous training in Windows or Macintosh systems. Do you throw out that expertise in order to use OSS? Are you going to train staff to use the apps you need? Do you run a mixed environment?
Non profits usually have a great deal of turnover. What kind of system is in place to train new people? You need a simple system to minimize training costs and be able to increase personnel flexibility.
Not all non-profits are for middle-class white people. The one I volunteer for (Asian Media Access [amamedia.org]) serves the Asian Pacific American community. What kind of resources exist in the IT world for software that is used by ESL speakers? How much software supports Asian languages like Thai, Hmong, Vietnamese etc? Unicode looks nice here, but how many applications use it? What software packages are available for groups that need to publish newsletters in double-byte languages?
And what about non-profits that deal with government or business agencies that require particular formats for their documents?
I'm sure the creative community here can answer many of these questions, but I am far from sold on using OSS at non-profits, at least until OSS makes an appreciable dent in the desktop market. As for ASPs, I am worried about the viability of the business model, data integrity, and privacy issues.
Maybe it is a good model for keeping things simple, but I believe that dedicated volunteers are the best resource for non-profits when it comes to IT related areas. Yeah, it'd be great to have an IT staff (even if it is only one person) but it is unrealistic to expect such a person to work fulltime in a non profit environment given the current job market.
Non-profits need simple systems with unique characteristics more than cheap or free ones. maybe an ASP can provide that. Maybe not.
non-profits seem largely unaware (Score:2)
From the donation guidelines and other information, it is pretty clear that these organizations were largely only interested in machines that they could run recent version of Windows and MacOS on. Organizations that provided training for nonprofits were largely only looking for volunteer training for Windows.
In part, this is probably because Microsoft and other companies provide Windows software free or at a relatively low cost to nonprofits and educational institutions. This means that the most easily understood argument in favor of Linux, "it's free", isn't really that convincing.
I think nonprofits and schools should be very interested in Linux. Linux runs on low end hardware, it is stable, it doesn't require a lot of retraining from version to version, and it uses mature, industry standard, open APIs. And in particular at schools, we want students to be exposed to something other than Windows administration and the Windows APIs. The best way for Linux proponents to address that is through targetted donations and volunteering.
Where Open Source gets the shaft (Score:1)
If I'm an open source developer and I donate an infinite number of copies of FreeBlonk to non-profits all over the world, I can't deduct anything. What's the difference here? Arguably, the latter can have much greater value. The software would free you from the Blonk 2000, BlonkPro, etc. path of wasting money, and this is important in a non-profit, right? The software could even be superior. Still, it has no retail value.
What's one solution? One could go the way RedHat and many other companies have done. Package the software and sell it, with support, and donate a healthy number. Still, some applications are too niche to garner a healthy (for the IRS) number of sales, and who's going to buy something they can get for free? Only a few.
What's to be done?
Re:Don't these people understand?!? (Score:2)
Spanish Civil War, circa 1936. Anarchist Collectives form to redistribute land and abolish private property in accordance to anarchist-communist principles.
Also, most indigenous cultures don't have private property (especially when it comes to land), and therefore most of them didn't have poverty.
It would have been interesting to see industrialisation if it had occurred according to a dogma other than western capitalism or government.
Michael Chisari
Re:1040 (Score:1)
Yes, but AFAIK tax regulators in both USA and Canada refuse to allow donations of any professional services to be tax deductible. I suppose they've decided not to trouble themselves over issues of verification. With donation of a physical artifact, I imagine an auditor could ask to see it if there was a lot of doubt.
Re:I'm the IS Admin for a nonprofit (Score:1)
Re:My Experience (Score:1)
Why Don't commies understand?!? (Score:1)
that neither follows from the ethic, nor do we see it in practice.
it does, however, maximize the productivity of those who are able, thus increasing the wealth of society at large, as we can see in all of the protestant countries, those countries that do the best at providing for the unfortunate. kills you, doesn't it, that your failed ideology has no exemplars. To put it in Slashdot terms, communism is the 8008 of processor chips.
OK then, let's do it (Score:1)
We've had a lot of progress, and like the author (inquirer?) noted above, unless there is some input from all you open source developers that changes something (which is what I hope will happen) it will emerge as a proprietary model that the company currently employing me is in control of. If I can get some good arguments, I'll bet I can get everything we've done switched over to open source and refocus the company's business model on support etc. But I'll need all your help.
Here's some motivation. The truth is, the NPO's who need these technologies most are the ones who can afford them least (I know, it's already been said). These businesses writing web-based software will market it mostly to big corporations (like Wal-mart and IBM etc.- all of which have big volunteer / community action arms that need to be managed). That leaves the little group in the kitchen wanting to clean the river out of the loop. Most of these smaller organizations spend all their time going through two drawers in their filing cabinate- the drawer w/ all the community opportunities, stating what kind of volunteers they need, and the drawer with all the volunteers who have registered, along with what skills they have. The ma and pa NPO spends hours and hours a week matching the two up and then calling the volunteers etc.
We've estimated that a nice affordable piece of software (or online app for free) that matched appropriate opportunities to the interests of registered volunteers- we would be saving at least 10 hours a week for that small NPO. Here's the beauty- They're not going to use that 10 hours they saved to sit on their duff and watch TV- the people who usually run these are the type that are proactive and motivated enough that when they have 10 extra hours a week, they'll use it to find more ways to serve the community. A few hours of programming may in the end equal thousands of volunteer hours created...
Anyway, enough of _my_ preaching on the subject. Help me put a workable business model together here- it's not going to be by the book OSS, because the paradigm is a little different, as has been pointed out. We do this, and I'll open up all our source (lots of php running on apache on a debian linux, lots of DHTML / javascript and a couple of applets etc. etc.- all very open sourceable. Currently Sybase as the backend, though we're keeping a close eye on Interbase...).
Joseph Wecker
Product Development Manager
Samaritan Software, LLC
Re:OK then, let's do it (Score:1)
Non-Profit ASP's (Score:1)
wandering further OT all the time (Score:1)
"Anarchists are libertarian socialists," you say, which I've heard before... Anarchists are those who see no need for government, however they might dream of society without it, and I'm tired of having a heretofore useful and widely understood political label which I could self apply shanghai'd by the flakiest crusts of the fucking communists fer chrissake.
...and no, I ain't a Libertarian, either; violence is always an option.
...much, much better now
Re:Ummmm...what? (Score:1)
Advocacy in non-profits (Score:1)
Danny [danny.oz.au].
Re:It not cost but Quality of service that matters (Score:1)
Re:What Non Profit's Need (Score:1)
Re:Where Open Source gets the shaft (Score:1)
What about sending our old PCs to Africa (Score:1)
We could have volunteers to colect and check out the computers making sure that they are alright and others who volunteer their time installing software. And yet others who will go to places in Africa and set the computers up for various comunities and teach them how to use them.
We could assist whole communities by enabling to connect to the rest of the world.
Hat in ring... (Score:1)
I spend most of my time prostituting my skills so I can eat and buy toys, I think it would be worthwhile to use them to help someone else in my spare time.
Re:StarPortal (Score:1)
Re:Why not a non-profit ASP for nonprofit orgs? (Score:1)
While I can certainly understand the advantages of converting from a nonprofit organization to a for profit corporation, there are quite a few reasons that the nonprofit ASP I work with (pathways-usa.org) has opted not to make the change.
First, your corporate partners realize greater benefit when they work with you. In addition to making a positive impact on the community, there are positive tax implications. Second, it fosters the same sense of community and common purpose that is often present in the open source movement... which means that people with important skills and contacts make themselves available to you simply because they want to be part of the solution to the problem that's being addressed.
Without these positives, it would have been very difficult for Pathways Community Network to build a nationally honored secure data system. And it would have been very hard to break out of the pack and gain national attention.
The only significant down side to the nonprofit ASP model, in my opinion, is that - because traditional nonprofit funders don't want to pay for ongoing operations - licensing costs have to be passed on to the nonprofits that are being served. If the ASP is doing e-commerce applications, this can be a significant barrier.
This is where open source is most valuable, and it's why we at Pathways are convinced that open source is going to make a big difference in the effectiveness of, and quality of care at social services organizations around the world.
-Bill Matson