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'AD Police' Makes A Comeback 76

randomErr writes " recently got a preview of the upcoming Japanese TV series AD Police. Just as the OVA version of AD Police is the prequel to the OVA of Bubblegum Crisis, so is this series the prequel to BGC's TV series. This series takes place approximately one year before BGC 2040(TV). The major difference with this series is that the plot follows the exploits of squadron leader Sasaki Kenji instead of rookie Leon McNichol. You can view the full article and a Quicktime of the upcoming series here. "
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AD Police Makes A Comeback

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  • by Valdrax ( 32670 ) on Saturday July 29, 2000 @05:53AM (#895655)
    Okay, in Japan, it seems to be a semi-common thing for series to be reinvented every now and then. "Bubblegum Crash," the original "Bubblegum Crisis," and "BGC 2040" are all seperate universes based on the same theme -- of the Knight Sabers crusading against the rogue Boomers of the Genom corporation. While they share the same characters, the plot lines are different, and the looks, attitudes, and motivations of the characters are different.

    You can also see this in the original "Tenchi Muyo" OVA, the two TV series, and the 3 movies. All of these can be argued to happen in seperate universes, due to changes from slight inconsistencies to radical reinventions. Similarly, the first El-Hazard OAV series, the second El-Hazard OAV series, and the 2nd TV series can be considered the same universe, while the 1st TV series was a seperate universe in its own right.

    This kind of thing happens all the time. Sometimes it's a result of pople going back to make a series more in line with the original manga, like Kia Asamiya's Silent Möbius. Other times it's just a tinkering with the formula like the gorgeous new Sol Bianca OVA. So don't got twisting your brain in a knot trying to figure out how the series all interrelate -- they don't. <grin>

    BTW, the original series happened in 2035-2036, I think. However, that doesn't mean the "BGC 2040" is in the same timeline. After all, the characters all look different, they haven't all met each other before the start of the series, and Brian J. Mason is still alive and working for Genom.
  • Anime is good. Its fun to watch and it can be very interesting if the quality is good.

    Lets take a look at a Japanese word that turns up frequently when Anime is discussed: "otaku". From what I have been able to gather from most Japanese people i know, "otaku" means someone who is "addicted" to something. You could be a computer "otaku".. a game "otaku".. i jokingly even refer to my girlfreind as being a fashion "otaku". I would definately classify myself as being an "otaku" of the computer variety.. Computers: I know a fair amount about them, i enjoy goofing around on them, and Im the guy my freinds call when their theirs just refuses to boot up. When the term is used this way, it appears to be harmless... i could be wrong, im not a sociologist. There is another term I have asked many of my Japanese freinds about: "Anime otaku". Everyone Japanese I know all seemed to make the same odd face and say "kimochi warui~~!" or in English, "ewwwwww.. gross!" when i enquired. Hmmmm..

    Im sure i, or anyone else could write volumes about these Japanese "misfits" (Ive seen Jon Katz write: please Jon, go to Japan and witness them for yourself.. good luck!). I have been aquainted with about half a dozen. All seemed to match the Japanese equivalent of a western "nerd". There was one striking distinction though: The japanese anime "otaku"'s lives' REVOLVED around anime. I witnessed one anime "otaku" copying down on a peice of paper the lyrics to every anime intro song he could find. I told him he could probably find lyrics to all the songs he was looking for on the internet, but he replied (almost furious that i could be SO unaware of his goal), "I want to do it MYSELF!!!!" Hours and hours sitting in fromt of his television copying down lyrics... and why? I was still clueless. I asked my freinds about this. They all chuckled, nodded, and told me, "Yup, Thats an Otaku alright! Dont try to understand them. Just avoid them.. theyre too weird and gross." "Anime Otaku" apparently arent not normal, and arent accepted into the mainstream of society. I dont care why.

    From what i can gather, otaku anime usually starts out as manga (japanese comic book), becomes popular, then gets turned into a TV series and/or movie(s). The majority of "otaku" anime, IMO (and a large part of my Japanese freinds' aswell), is garbage. The characters are almost always the same.. The plot lines hardly differ, and all are equally boring. The only upside would appear to be that they quality of the animation itself is good.. but so what.. non-otaku anime has incredible anime aswell. Most of the Anime I've seen posted on /. lately has DEFINATELY fit into this "otaku" classification.

    Im not a big anime freak. I like a lot of Anime out there, but Tank Police just doesnt do it for me. Neither does crap like Ranma 1/2, Fushigi yuugi, Macross II, etc etc.. It was all produced either for young kids, or for "okatu". Taco, Hemos et al. please stop posting updates about this horrid Anime. Works like Miyazaki's mononoke hime DO NOT fit in with Tank Police. They are intended for the people other than just "otaku". They are clearly not the same genre. I doubt many /. readers are interested in Anime at all anyway! There are several Anime news sites out there which are able to provide all the western "otaku" with news about whats happening in the anime world anyway..

    The only Anime I want to hear about is stuff that isnt your run of the mill, "otaku" shit. Its obvious that the people running /. have been unable to determine which is which yet. The majority of the rest of the /. reader population doesnt want to hear about it either.

    Just do us a favor and find a way in which we dont have to hear about Anime through ./. Thanks.
  • But this isn't news for nerds or stuff that matters...

    Oh wait, i love anime. nevermind, carry on.
  • Please. No more Star Trek stories. If I want Star Trek news, I'll go to a site more suited to such a thing.

    Please. No more computer hardware stories. If I want computer hardware news, I'll go to a site more suited to such a thing.

    Please. No more astronomy stories. If I want astronomy news, I'll go to a site more suited to such a thing.

    Please. No more legal-issue stories. If I want legal-issue news, I'll go to a site more suited to such a thing.

    etc etc etc...
  • an otherwise god-fearing website like Slashdot promoting it

    /. fears God? shhhheeeeeeeshhhh! *tsktsk*

    I get the urge to write to my congressman

    Freedom of speech prevents nazis from getting their way, pal, your congressman won't (can't) do anything about it.
  • by PsychoKick ( 97013 ) on Saturday July 29, 2000 @08:32AM (#895660)
    I'm probably going to come off as insulting to a lot of people here, but a related idea has been sitting in the back of my mind for the past few years and the less-than-warm reception of the Anime topic here is a convenient trigger for me to let it out. And I'm in a less-than-nice mood right now, so...

    /*begin rant*/

    Why is there such vocal opposition to anime articles here on Slashdot, even when there is an opt-out function? One reason, IMNSHO, is because many geeks are overly sensitive to appearing wussy or less-than-manly. Heck, one complaint even described Slashdot as being "officially gay" upon the introduction of the anime topic.

    (A shame, because many anime and manga creators take a very hackish, geek-like approach towards the creation of their work, using the same general sense of elegant efficiency that good programmers use, as opposed to the bloated corporate committee approach so prevalent in American cartoons and comics.)

    Anyway, back to my original point, look at well-accepted geek hobbies such as Star Trek, fantasy rpgs, computer games, comic books, etc. Most of them just _bleed_ machismo, if not through physical depictions (ie: swords and dark necromancy, gunfights in dank dungeon-style arenas, overmuscled superheros) then through the mental equivalent of penis-waving (ie: important-sounding sci-fi technobabble). For insecure geeks, anime is an easy target (given its cute, animated nature), a chance for them to reciprocate the social abuse they suffered for not being football team material, as well a chance to feel "macho" and superior by beating down on something (this also applies to trolls in general).

    Now, I'm _not_ saying "if you don't like anime, you're insecure of your masculinity." Neither am I saying that anime is free of such stupid machismo (it's got plenty of its own kind), nor am I dissing macho entertainment (I probably enjoy booting skulls more than the next guy does). What I _am_ saying is "if you INSIST on trashing anime, even going out of your way to post complaints to a topic you could easily opt-out of, then maybe you're trying to compensate for something."

    And people wonder why there are so few female geeks... maybe 'cause most females in general don't enjoy senseless macho posturing? Heck, the one-upsmanship and egotism I've seen around programmers rivals that of jocks (Ion Storm ring a bell?).

    /*end rant*/

    My apologies to geeks that don't mimic dumb jock mentality. I haven't eaten well in days, and I'm in a bit of a nasty mood right now.
  • Series like "Tenchi Muyou" and "Ah! Megami-sama" are by far a cut above American direct-to-video stuff such as Disney's Aladdin sequels.

    Not really. The quality of the animation itself may be superior in the above mentioned anime, but the plots and characters are equally boring and predictable.

    The manga and anime businesses are quite large

    I wasn't making comments about manga. Manga is far more socially acceptable in Japan than otaku anime. FAR more. Besides, most of the anime series that are spawned from manga do a great job of mutilating the original characters and plot anyway. Several of my favorite manga were later turned into shows and completely ruined. Im sure i'll find another forum to rant about that at a later time though.

    The Anime industry is huge, and yes, of course, not everyone who watches them are "fIf^fN" ("½"ÍñÜèZgíÈËA'îݽũç). There are always exceptions. A lot of the shows that are released here to our audiences are children's shows. One main reason for anime's huge japanese popularity is from the children who watch it... not otaku.

    Besides, would you prefer their live-action sci-fi shows? Blech.

    hahahaha, id rather have teeth pulled than watch those! ^_^V
  • How about the next poll being something like

    I like anime

    • yes
    • no
    • Hot grits down $whoever's pants

    Even if there's just 5% of yay-sayers (as opposed to the usual masses of grits-voters), anime is no worse than a lot of other low-interest(?) topics no-one ever complained about, and it's just a vocal few having their personal jihad against anime... it's Jon Katz all over again, see?

    np: Biosphere - Nook & Cranny (Cirque)
    (Oh my, I'm an electronic music geek as well... ain't life horrible? Did I complain about lacking coverage of this topic on Slashdot? No, because it's THEIR DAMN OWN choice what to make on-topic and what not!)

    As always under permanent deconstruction.

  • so posting as "Valdrax" removes your anonymity? if you want to stand up for you comments, what is your real name and where do you live?

    Point. At least I have some history and some karmic responsibility for my posts, though. I'll take any negative karma that comes my way, but I seriously doubt any will, except as a result of continued off-topic replies like this.

    However, I have no desire to open my e-mail account, or my life as a whole, to the pranks of trolls, script-kiddies, and general jerks. This anonymous screenname provides me with all the liability I need to have within the Slashdot community without exposing me to attacks beyond it, and I'll stick by my right to do so. ACs aren't even willing to take that much responsibility for their actions, and I have no sympathy for them.

    I stand up for my comments in the context that they are made in. I attach my screenname, but I will give people like you no further option of recourse. The only reason someone would need to contact me beyond these message boards is for personal retribution against imagined offenses. Forget that. God forbid what would happen to someone like "Signal 11" if he gave out personal info.
  • (ore mo nihon ni sunde iru yo)

    "I live in Japan too."

    I think if you read my earlier post, you'd see i have a bit of a high disliking towards "losers", probably insinuating that i am not one. Im not even living in Japan right now anyway and wasnt trying to show the fact that i had off. As well, i had the balls to not post anonymously, opening myself up to some serious flames and critism (critism being the only one i welcome!). Correcting your japanese, however, is showing off:
    ore mo nihon DE sunderu yo.
  • Your gross generalization of all anime that you don't like -- shows that aren't artsy enough for you -- as being only for obsessed, drooling morons is amazingly offensive. Furthermore, your associated generalization that all people who like such shows are also obsessed, drooling morons is doubly offensive

    I dont remember saying he was drooling, but now that you mention he might have been. I dont think that everyone who watches it is dumb and drooling though.. But a person who is a fan of that kind of anime wouldnt be on my "lets make freinds!" list... I dont understand why so many intellegent people find such obviously lame anime so entertaining. I seriously dont!

    There's a reason why Japanese find otaku disturbing -- they're not well in the head, especially by Japanese societal definitions.

    You got that right.

    I'm glad your high-and-mighty sense of discriminating taste is shared by all of Slashdot's readers.

    Left myself waaaaaayy open there, didnt i.

    "(BTW, what's wrong with kids stuff anyway? Just because it's for kids doesn't automatically mean that it sucks. You seem to be lacking in a sense of humor.)

    I have a sense of humor! I just dont think children's shows are funny. Pokemon, Digimon and other children's shows dont do it for me. Otaku seem to love them though. And there are a couple anime flicks out there that were intended for children that i really enjoyed. tonari no totoro was one. there have been a couple others, but their titles escape me now.

  • I think youll find you are mistaken. Congress is very receptive to Christian views. You sick anime freaks will get your dues

    Good thing im canadian!

  • AD Police TV was released over a year ago, this is hardly "news" ..
  • The way I see it, aggressive != macho. One can be plenty aggressive (and a lot more effective)without a lot of macho posing, by virtue of not wasting energy on it.
  • Oh boy! Another gruelling series of ADP incompetance! Watch as the AD Police get ground into the dirt! Marvel as yet another Buma shouts, "Dance ADP slug!" Laugh as another faceless ADP officer does the 50 cal chaingun cha-cha! Swoon As Daley Wong (snort) romances Leon!

    Yes friends, you too can enjoy the ensuing hilarity of the good ol' AD Police!

  • 1) Filter out Anime
    2) Start CONTRIBUTING stories that you like
    3) Stop reading slashdot altogether
    4) Start your own site, like the kuro5hin guys did (which was a cool site, so sad to see it go down)
    5) Continue reading slashdot "as is" and quietly mumble "grrrrr...." under my breath when i see otaku anime news being posted.

    The internet is full of options and choices, but the ultimate choice is that of your own, to make the choice to choose. Choose wisely.

    You sound like Yoda.. Add ", young Jedi." to the end of that sentence next time.
  • YES! Finally! Someone who knows how to use you're/your correct! (watches /. crowd sweatdrop) Sorry... just had to troll that without being lame/offensive/insulting...

    -Elendale (in addition, i agree with pretty much everything the guy says...)

    Karma burn coming
    As i meta-troll again

  • Why in the Hell is this person even on Slashdot?

    See morons web page []

    He obviously doesn't fall into the catagory of a person who ought to be posting to Slashdot at all. I wonder if he even knows what the word "root" means?

    Just a wakeup call to people who thought they were replying to the comments of a halfway intelligent person.

  • Have you looked at the guys Webpage?

    He's a drooling 37337 moron, his comments are the equivalent of letting a cat loose in a hen house.

    In other words, he's a troll.

  • Moron speaks two languages fluently and is an honors level student. Moron is a pretty bright guy. Moron plays with computers in his spare time and doesnt worship them (no offense to those of you who do, its just not a high priority for me). Moron has better things to do with his time than sit infront of his computer for hours upon hours forgetting that there is a real world out there in which we were actually MEANT to live in. Moron finds his computer is far better used to write essays and complete assignments than provide him with a social life.

    Moron knows very well what "root" is.

    Moron also would like to remind "ronfar" that /., linux, and many other things that nerds could once call only theirs hold interest for others aswell now. Moron was unaware of any set criteria for a slashdot poster. Posting, yes, poster, no (if only nerds and people who agree with the majority of /. popular opinion are allowed to post here, moron won't let the door hit him on the way out). Moron visited ronfar's page but ronfar is too far gone in nerdiness to hold Moron's attention for very long (i guess that's why ronfar refers to Moron as semi-intellegent.. perhaps Moron isnt a boring enough person for ronfar). Moron would also like to point out to ronfar that Ranma 1/2 is a children's show! Children's shows are for children and otak... uhhmm.. forget it. :)
  • Edit your slashboxes []

    PS: Now please all of you quit bitching about anime stories.

  • A lot of nerds really like anime, so this is "News for Nerds." Personally, I don't give a rat's ass about crypto, Jon Katz's views, or the latest super-sized hard drive, but you don't see me bitching to get those pulled from the site.

    Get over it.
  • I'm not sure, but 2040 is like a complete redo of the original BGC series. It has the same characters and some new ones. But, I don't think they acknowledge the other series in any way. You can find out more from the distributor , ADV.

    "Crash" is something most people want to forget.
  • Sci-fi is big with nerds. Nobody seemed to mind hearing anything about Star Wars or Trek.

    As a nerd, isn't D&D and Tolkien part of your geek heritage, too?

    All work and no play makes Eugene a dull boy!
  • by EXTomar ( 78739 ) on Saturday July 29, 2000 @08:58AM (#895679)
    One of the trends in Anime today seems to be the ressurection of older shows from previous decades, recycling plots, and retooling character designs and storylines. BGC TV and AD POLICE are some of the last in this current trend.

    Ever since the colapse of the OVA Market, some claim that this is a "disturbing" trend. Especially since they usually take established characters etched into fandom(at least the ones who were around to watch it the first time around ^_^) and possibly mangle them into something else.

    BGC TV, fortunately, did a good job. The character designs change but the core feeling is better and more convincing. For instance, the original Nene was supposed to be a Hacker but she didn't really act like one in the OVA. She acted more like a "consultant" than a hacker. On the other hand, Nene in the revamped TV series has an appartment full of computers(which is rather messy it seems), eats bad junk food while using the computer, and has a hacking ego the size of Genom Tower. I will miss the red hair though. ^_^;

    These days, I approach revamped shows like these carefully. They must remain true to "form" and yet have modern sensibilities(if that makes sense in Anime ^_^). If they do that, then I have no problem watching it. If they don't, I'll ignore them faster than DIRTY PAIR FLASH. ^_^
  • for western otaku/japanese otaku: "direct to video" != "sucks on toast"

    for everyone else (in Japan and the western world): "direct to video" (almost always) == "sucks on toast"

    Tenchi, Oh My Goddess, Bubblegum == "sucks on toast"

    Go watch more anime. You'll clearly see that all the otaku crap is basicly the same. There isnt anything noteworthy about it. Its the other stuff that makes you think and really catches your eye that is worth watching.

    The rental market (for anime) is really big (for otaku) in Japan.

    Dont be mistaken and think that every Tarou and Tomoko in Japan watches that crap. Its very much geared towards the large otaku population.
  • The problem with both sides of the anime-on-Slashdot argument (a sub-genre of the films-on-Slashdot argument) is that this is not a black and white issue against which an easy value judgement can be made.

    It's part of a continuum: films in which technology figures highly, and real life in which the explosive growth of technology is changing all the rules daily. These are not totally separate areas, whatever some hardcore "realists" may think. Today's reality is yesterday's dream, and the day before yesterday it was magic.

    The answer as always is to not make any arbitrary decisions, but to give each reader total control over what he or she sees. Well, that shouldn't be a problem -- it's merely technology, not magic, after all.
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  • well if Star Trek is so "bad ass" (personally I think Trek is a bit efeminate) let's see, Capt. Pickard vs. Sylia Stingray, me thinks Jean Luc would be toast.
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  • hmm... I hate to point it out, but "ni" is perfectly OK to use in this case.

    Anyway, I do agree with you about "kimochi warui" otaku, and how they are viewed by most people over here (in Tokyo). I myself find some of the people that can be seen, say, in Akihabara, pretty scary.

    However, while you speak the language, have lived in Japan, and can understand the culture, I don't think it's fair to expect people who haven't lived in Japan to understand the difference between "good" anime and "otaku" anime. Especially when just about everything availible outside of Japan falls under the "otaku" variety.

    (Actually, I'm not 100% sure what falls under the "normal" category myself! Miyazaki stuff and "Sazae-san" seem to be generally viewed as OK, but almost anything else has at least a slight "otaku" association with it.)

    Anyway, since I think the slashdot crew and most of the readers have only a little exposure to Japanese culture, I see nothing wrong with articles about some "chou-otaku" anime that I would never watch (or at least admit to having watched, ha ha). As many people have pointed out, slashdot is "News for Nerds", and I think anything anime-related falls under this category!

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  • As an anime fan (found out about this from, I have to remember that most people are really only familiar with anime like Pokemon (which I detest). Anime like Bubblegum Crisis are much better than the standard american cartoon fair. I remember growing up, I used to like the Flash GOrdon cartoon on saturday mornings, and then I got home from school one day, and discovered a revelation, Starblazers (Space Battleship Yamato in japan IIRC). That show served up more action than I've ever seen before, and as a plus, it had a plot that continued through the series. Needless to say, it rocked compared to what was on TV here at the time, then came Robotech (Macross). Again, anime blew away every US made cartoon, and it had a deeper plot line than most anything, cartoon or live action on TV. In 1990, a friend of mine introduced me to a subtitled copy of Bubblegum Crisis, needless to say I was blown away, the action was all-out, and there was a decent plotline to it. Recently, I finally got ahold of all of the available episodes of BGC: Tokyo 2040. While I was leary at first, i found it very enjoyable, a work that stood on its own.BTW, BGC: Tokyo 2040 aired on Japanese TV at like 1am in the morning, clearly, some anime is NOT for kids.
  • Excuse me, but I'm well entitled to my opinion, and those are some of my favorite series. I agree that not all anime is of the same quality, but you're insulting some of my favorite series. Series like "Tenchi Muyou" and "Ah! Megami-sama" are by far a cut above American direct-to-video stuff such as Disney's Aladdin sequels.

    Dont be mistaken and think that every Tarou and Tomoko in Japan watches that crap. Its very much geared towards the large otaku population.

    Don't assume that I care anymore about that than the fact that not every Tom and Jane here in America doesn't watch them. I'm no obsessed cos-play going, lyrics copying u½v, but I find a lot of enjoyment in the more light-hearted and comedic shows.

    Also, don't assume that the only people who watch such shows are obsessed freaks. The manga and anime businesses are quite large. Besides, would you prefer their live-action sci-fi shows? Blech.
  • Basically, the original Bubblegum Crisis spawned both an ill-concieved sequel ("Bubblegum Crash") and a prequel (the original "AD Police"). "BGC 2040" is a complete retelling of the story. The character designs (both graphically, and, in many cases, storywise) have changed, and the feel, IMO, is quite different. Not bad, mind you, just different.

    It's rather controversial, at least in the circles I hang around in. It does seem to lack something that the original had, but its still worth a watch. All in my not so humble opinion, mind you.

  • Meh. I just don't care for it. With the exception of Daley and possibly Linna, I like the old character designs better.

    OTOH BGC has plenty of faults on it's own; the animation doesn't really get good until episode 5, 'Bye Bye My Crisis' is the worst song ever, and there's the curiously large phone. But it's a good series nonetheless.
  • If this is the series I saw last year, it is most definitely NOT similar to BubbleGum Crisis in any way. Though they share the same universe, AD Police has a very dark feeling to it. Likewise, the art is completely different.
  • They also have a whole different perspective. See, for instance, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijyo, which was aimed at high/junior high girls, and aired at 6pm (5:30pm through 7:30pm is the typical time for most cartoons). Their main characters had, <gasp>, sex! :-) Not that there was an actual sex scene, but there wasn't any doubt about the event either.

    In Japan, they make anime for all ages. They have kids stuff, teen stuff, and adult stuff (both sexual content and non-sexual content).
  • The original series was 2032 according to the logo during the intro. "Megatokyo 2032"
  • drooling? no.
    troll? hmm.. no...
    annoyed with otaku anime and the majority of people who watch it? yes.

  • I have to agree with most of what you have to say. The typical "anime" out there is pretty crappy... oddly, that is all you can find out here in the States (i.e. what Americans want to see).

    Just look at the Comic Book scene here. Superhero comics, X-men, etc... you get a general idea of what people want. Of course there are a few "alternative" comics that I think are wonderful (stuff from Neil Gaiman or Alan Moore) but they are definantly not main stream.

    This said, the average comic reader/anime viewer in the States doesn't seem to demand high quality story lines; they just want "eye candy" be it cool looking robots or scantily clothed underaged big headed/big eyed girls. This is a shame... There is more to anime than this. I know the more sophisticated stuff is a *LOT* harder to translate (I have fansubbed a few of the Gundam episodes out there... next on my list are some of Ginga Eiyu Densetsu.) and cultural translations never do the original justice... Most of the time it makes it sound stupid (just look at Toonami).

    I won't go to the extent that /. shoudn't post news on anime... but it would be nice if the Americans could get exposed to the real good stuff for a change.


    PS I can't stand dubbed anime... I refuse to watch it and so should you! :)
  • What does OVA stand for?
  • Have you looked at the guys Webpage?

    He's a drooling 37337 moron, his comments are the equivalent of letting a cat loose in a hen house.

    In other words, he's a troll.

    This refers of course to the parent post from jidai and not to Valdrax. I appreciate Valdrax for giving an eloquent defense of anime versus the drooling luser, jidai. I'm very sorry this guy, jidai (if I am to believe his page) teaches English in Japan, because he is a poor representative of the English speaking world for any country.

  • ova stands for original video animation.
  • tsktsk, still going for below the belt personal shots instead of staying on topic. Everyone else who has disagreed with my (ill admit) selfish opinions, has at least managed to do so.

    Now, because this topic had to do with anime and not me defending myself from rude and mistaken personal comments from someone who has never even met me, I wont bother wasting anyone's time (including my own) with any further off-topic rebuttles to Mr."sprites good! polygons bad!" (jesus christ, kid, go outside and get some fresh air). Ronfar, you seem to be quite familiar with my page, why not look for my email address on it and send your comments to me directly.
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  • Explain something to me. If you don't want to even see the story, why are you posting on it? There are people who would like to discuss this topic without having to filter out the invariably moderated-up posts kvetching about the existance of anime topics.

    You don't have to read this if you don't want to, so why are you bothering with it? Why don't you try respecting other people's interest in the subject and move on to whatever you consider to be a "good story."
  • Maybe, one day, slashdot will start posting the good stories again.

    Maybe a good percentage of slashdotters think this is a good story. More importantly, perhaps those who run the place think so.

    I assume you've been submitting stories you consider to be 'good'.

    BTW, nice use of your +1 bonus. I think I'll follow your lead. Remind me again why you not only bother to read these stories, but also post to them?


  • You see, in Japan, "direct to video" != "sucks on toast" like in America. A lot of the best anime was made as short OVAs, like the original "Tenchi Muyo," "Oh My Goddess!" and the aforementioned "Bubblegum Crisis" series. The rental market is really big in Japan.
  • OK, It's great that Anime has it's own category now, that means I can choose not to see it, right?

    The problem is the edit home page, has no option to select the anime category! Every other category is there....But I'm forced to view Anime news against my wishes. I'm sure others feel the same way.

    Please update that page! Anime is nice and all, but I really don't care that much about it.
  • Obviously because he would like an option to not see this article or your mindless posts to it.
  • by Valdrax ( 32670 ) on Saturday July 29, 2000 @06:11AM (#895708)
    Unfortunately, now that Slashdot has added the much-requested Anime category, they feel they have free-reign to post a lot more of it ("hey, if they don't like it, they can always turn it off").

    Like I predicted, however, no one is turning it off. Instead, they're continuing to lower the signal-to-noise ratio of these discussions by bitching at the existance of the articles. Getting a new topic does nothing, just like getting a new topic didn't really reduce the flames on the Katz articles for a long time.

    The problem with that is that CmdrTaco has gone on record as saying he tries for 15-20 stories a day. If Anime is using up some of those slots, then we are seeing fewer "normal" news for nerds stories, and personally I think Anime has enough fan sites for the hardcore fans.

    Yeah, it's a shame. I could be missing something I care about like more phony Mac rumors or the latest never-ending crypto contest. After all there aren't too many hardcore sites specializing in that. Maybe I'd be missing the latest development in the DeCSS and Napster cases. I mean, they're not covered by other sites.

    Get over yourself. Just because there are other hardcore sites that cover this info doesn't mean it doesn't belong here. I like to think of Slashdot as one-stop shopping for all the news I care about, and that includes anime, as it does for other people.

    After all, anime beats hoaxes like the SETI@Home Accelerator card.

    I really think Anime has very limited geek appeal.

    I think you don't know a damn thing about the hobby if you don't think it's got geek appeal. Go to a convention some time and try not to find a geek. The only way to do so is to stay outside the building on the opposite side from the parking lot and close your eyes, singing "la! la! la! la! no geek appeal here!" Even then, a geek might accidentally stumble onto you and ask what's wrong with you.

    Anime is as much a geek hobby as RPGs and FPSs. Just because it doesn't directly relate to computers, doesn't mean it isn't "News for Nerds."
  • Hey - for those of us who've had only sporadic tastes of anime since college, can someone differentiate something for me? I watched most of BGC (in original packaging) way back when, but never finished it. I thought about trying to find it on rental video again lately, but I see different packaging and the title "BGC 2040" and the storylines don't quite sound familiar (as listed on the back). Same series, or a sequel/prequel? "Bubblegum Crash" was a short-run sequel (of sorts), right? Or am I misremembering? :)

  • Oh, but watching anime is part of the geek stereotype so /. must cater to it, promote it, and make as much money as they can from it. Hypocrites.

    As a computer geek and an anime fan, I must say that there is a great amount of truth to the stereotype. In fact, I'd go so far as to classify 90% of the members of my college's anime club as geeks. I haven't been paying to much attention to the "Star Wars," "Lord of the Rings," and "D&D" movie discussion threads because they don't interest me enough to post, but has there been as much bitch about the existence of the topics there? I don't think there has been.

    By the way, what's with this "making money" and "hypocrites" nonsense? I haven't seen a single ad banner for anime yet.

    Yes, moderate me down. Get on with it.

    I never will understand why people enjoy posting to articles just to annoy the people who care about the topic. If you know you're likely to be moderated down, why post? Go elsewhere and try contributing to a discussion for once.

    I'm not just the President of my local anime club, I'm also a client.
  • BTW, I intentionally Logged in..

    For one thing, if you don't like it and you're still posting under the subject, then you're a troll, go zark off.

    For another I consider anime is an art form. You actually have a consistant story. I don't know what you like to watch, but cartoons like Bugs Bunny and Ed, Edd and Eddy are probably more suited to /your/ intelligence level. Indeed, if you don't like any cartoons then I'm sure Road Rules, Jerry Springer and Cops would suit you fine. If you don't live in the US, then I would expect you to have more class, but if you don't then I invite you to watch the equivolent shows in your area. Find something that you can understand and stay out of the anime section of /.
  • As a HUMAN BEING who isn't as gullible as most of the rest of the population.. I must protest to this "Christain" Stuff. It was their crusades that they insisted on going on which set our civilization at least 500 years back from where it should have been. Christians are the cause of the dark ages!!!!!! They should be shot

    You'll also note that it was Christians like Newton whose inquiries into the nature of God's creation who set our modern sciences in motion. It was those same crusaders and monks who prompted all the European advances in masonry to create the gorgeous cathedrals of the day. Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, was a Catholic monk, and the very first widely printed book was the Gutenburg Bible.

    Oh, and it was our Christian founding fathers that created the first government based on principles of Free Speech and Freedom of Religion that gives you the right to complain like this without you being shot. You may claim not to be gullible, but you're certainly ignorant of history.
  • Your gross generalization of all anime that you don't like -- shows that aren't artsy enough for you -- as being only for obsessed, drooling morons is amazingly offensive. Furthermore, your associated generalization that all people who like such shows are also obsessed, drooling morons is doubly offensive. There's a reason why Japanese find otaku disturbing -- they're not well in the head, especially by Japanese societal definitions.

    (BTW, what's wrong with kids stuff anyway? Just because it's for kids doesn't automatically mean that it sucks. You seem to be lacking in a sense of humor.)

    The only Anime I want to hear about is stuff that isnt your run of the mill, "otaku" shit. Its obvious that the people running /. have been unable to determine which is which yet. The majority of the rest of the /. reader population doesnt want to hear about it either.

    I'm glad your high-and-mighty sense of discriminating taste is shared by all of Slashdot's readers. I must be some sort of deviant. Oh, wait. You've already labeled me as one of them. Get over elitist yourself.

    Just do us a favor and find a way in which we dont have to hear about Anime through ./. Thanks

    It's called your User Preferences page. Learn it, love it. Just click on one pretty little checkbox, and you'll never have to see articles about "borgeous" anime ever again.
  • The current logo reminds me of my first girlfriend. She looked just like that when having sex. My flesh crawls every time I see it. I sent CmdrTaco a proposed replacement GIF a couple of days ago but we've still got that icon. Ick.
  • I should have been a little more specific in the last comment i made. I didnt want to have to sift through the announcements of crap anime on /. in order to hear about the good ones. Crap anime annoucements about crap anime at crap anime based news sites is not an option, theres just too much crap for one to wade through. i thought the /. crew could perhaps differentiate between "good" anime and "bad monotonous otaku crap" anime: thus my rant.

    I also grow tired of the "get on with your life" thing.. as though somehow my life revolves around something as lame as this. Too cliche. its crap.
  • i thought the /. crew could perhaps differentiate between "good" anime and "bad monotonous otaku crap" anime

    The problem with that is that different people consider different anime "good", and "monotonous crap", much the same as with American movies, and There is no way for one person to know what every one of the readers will consider to be "good", or "bad" anime.
  • Pokemon, Digimon and other children's shows dont do it for me. Otaku seem to love them though.

    Actually, in japan pokemon is obscenely popular with a VERY large group of the audience right now, not just children, or otaku, but "normal" japanese adults as well.
  • OOOH, MY GAWD! Oh my GAWD how Kawaii!!!! (copies and saves it to hard drive), then jumps around for sheer joy.

    Kawaii! Kawaii!! SMOOOCH! Doomo Arigatoo, AC-chan!!

  • Neither does crap like Ranma 1/2, Fushigi yuugi, Macross II, etc etc.

    Ranma 1/2? Crap?! Crap, did you say?! Fushigi yuugi, Crap?? Exqueeze me?!

    The only Anime I want to hear about is stuff that isnt your run of the mill, "otaku" shit. Its obvious that the people running /. have been unable to determine which is which yet. The majority of the rest of the /. reader population doesnt want to hear about it either.

    Well, then I guess myself (and a lot of other people here) are not in your so-called "majority," then. We're all entitled to our own opinion, you know, so count me as one more otaku who most definately DOES want to hear about Ranma, Tank Police and yes, SAILOR MOON along with his computer geek stuff (more Win 2K stores, please!). Thank you and have a groovy day.

  • Posted by BSD-Pat:

    BGC 2040 was the revamp they did recently, the characters are the same, but theres more character development, the old series is better for those who like action anime.
  • Oh, but watching anime is part of the geek stereotype so /. must cater to it, promote it, and make as much money as they can from it. Hypocrites.

    Actually, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't watch anime, which I do. I thought it was interesting news. I posted it. So, you don't like it. Sorry, I apologize. This may come as a bit of a surprise, but I don't think everyone in the world will like everything I post.

    I watch anime. I thought the news was interesting. I posted it. Sorry if I offended your delicate sensibilities.

    Also, people shouldn't get too wrapped up in the whole 'News for Nerds' mantra, either. Besides, ever been to an anime film festival? Nerds, nerds, nerds. I'm glad to count myself among their ranks. Accepting an oft-misunderstood artform from a culture on the other side of the world is usually not the 'coolest' thing in the world to do, but you may like it if you give it a chance.


  • I thought I just did voice my opinion and without being such a lamer as to resort to heavy profanity. Of course, I wouldn't expect someone who has to post anonymously to understand.

    BTW, here's a nickel. Get a shift key.
  • Crisis was first, and it's still a good 8-episode series. On DVD as well, which is a plus. Crash was the sequel to Crisis, and was originally going to be 13 episodes long, but got cut to 3. It's terrible, and not really worth watching. The old ADPolice series is also 3 episodes, but takes place before Crisis (a prequel) and doesn't have the Sabers, or even Genom. It's all about Leon, when he's a rookie on the ADP.

    The 2040 series is a _remake_ of Crisis, but they changed a number of things; curiously, the hardsuit designs are the only thing that's still basically intact. It doesn't seem to be awful, though admittedly I haven't watched it since I don't buy VHS tapes anymore. Also I can't get over that they made Nene a blonde ;)

  • I think the anime should be put under "Sections," and like some of the sections there, have articles that only show up when you click on that section. (click on "askslashdot" over to the left to see what I mean). It is certainly not important enough to be put on the main page... Also the section shold be called "comics" not "anime" -- because some people such as myself like comics but don't like anime.

    Actually I have the "anime" category blocked, but blocking it doesn't seem to affect the previous-next arrows on the story page.. it only removes it from the main page.

  • This was the great thing about -- the readers chose the stories!!! Too bad some asshole had to ruin it for us all.
  • Get a better logo for the anime category. Surely there're much better choices than what looks like a character from some magic girl show.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • It doesn't a single thing. The only point to it was to upset you and reduce you to name-calling. It's served it's purpose now. Thanks.
  • First you bitched that anime should be a separate topic so you can avoid it. Now it is... and you're still bitching!

    Hey! It's there in the "exclude stories" list! Thanks, love and kisses, and an anime smiley for you: ^_^


"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
