The Microphotonics Revolution 49
MycoMan writes "Interesting article about photonic switching research, but there's a sentence in it that reads: 'So far, communications systems have managed to keep up because the volume of phone calls, Web pages and videostreams that optical fibers can carry is doubling every nine months, thanks in large part to the ability to squeeze more wavelengths of light into each fiber.' Doubling every nine months - is this really true?" True or not, it's an interesting article. Enjoy.
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:4)
These guys aren't saying they're going to build a motherboard with fibre-optic cables. They're talking about a silicon fabrication process that is used to build waveguides (micro-fibre-optic cables, if you will) into the silicon wafer itself.
It's not the speed of light that matters here (the speed of an electrical signal is virtually identical to a light signal) - it's the switching speed. Even with the best CMOS processes out there today, there is still a finite switching time - the time it takes a transistor to go from one logic level to the other - that presents a barrier to the maximum available processing speed of the chip. With decreasing size and voltage you can improve the speed of the chip, but there's only so far you can go.
These people are exploring the likelihood that you may be able to build something analogous to a transistor that acts upon photons instead of electrons.
If they can succeed in making these feasible - then you have a technology that is potentially 1) faster than CMOS and 2) much more efficient.
That is huge. It's not just a frivolous new motherboard with lots of unwieldly wires built into it. It would be a one-piece integrated design that would in all likelihood run very cool and perhaps even faster than microelectronics ever will.
Re:Hmm... (Score:2)
And I'm not saying that one is causing the other, this has nothing to do with the astrologer comment or seeing pattersn everywhere a la Pi [slashdot.org] or anything like that. But when a pattern is noticed and a possible correlation is suggested, I think it's worth asking if there is a reason for it. Maybe there isn't -- that's very possible. But maybe there is -- that's very interesting.
I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed this and put forth an explanation or refutation of the link.
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:1)
Actually there is a point in a photonic motherboard, but it is not related to this story in any way.
This story talks about advances in optical switching technology. At present, high frequency optical signals need to be converted to electrical signals before being routed. But high frequency electronics are very expensive so it would be much better if it was possible to do the switching without converting from optical to electrical and back to optical.
Backbonebandwidth increasing even faster (Score:3)
In San Jose at Broadbandyear John Sidgemore (Vice Chairman, MCI WorldCom & UUNET) said in a keynote:
"Bill Gates thinks that bandwidth should be free, of course we believe software should be free."
Heiko - who works for WCOM, but is not a mindless drone
Gilder's Law... (Score:4)
This, compared with Moore's law, has interesting consequences; among them the fact that as time goes to infinity processing power is expensive, while bandwidth is cheap. This is reflected in the differences between IPv4 and IPv6: while IPv4 has data fields tightly packed together, IPv6 spaces them out in a manner designed for easy access by software. While IPv4 optimizes bandwidth, IPv6 optimizes computational power.
Re:Will we ever hit a limit in bandwidth? (Score:1)
that point. Network congestion is a relatively
common problem on the internet. Just try to
dowload something sizeable at saturday evening.
(Or is that just my ISP?)
Re:Will we ever hit a limit in bandwidth? (Score:1)
God help us all really, and you Americans be thankful!
Re:I don't think so. (Score:2)
What the article is pointing out is that the total amount of traffic flowing over the web doubles every nine months. That means that if we assume everyone on the net has a 56k connection and will never have a faster one, there will be twice as many people, and hence twice the volume (assuming everyone surfs the same amount) over the internet backbones.
Re:Reverse engineered alien technology. (Score:1)
For example, in the mid 80's, the Dept of Defense thought it needed to sponsor Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC). The initial briefings talked about achieving 25 MHz and calling all such chips "munitions" and forbidding their export as a threat to national security. But as usual for DoD projects that try to compete with commercial, Intel had 100 MHz Pentiums before VHSIC had much more than some toy bus interface chips. Pentiums easily met the munition standard.
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:1)
In terms of development, it beats the hell out of vibrating mirrors.
Re:Why are photonics better? (Score:2)
I found a web page, "ELECTRICITY" MISCONCEPTIONS IN TEXTBOOKS [amasci.com], that does a good job of explaining the difference between electric current and electric energy.
Re:Hmm... (Score:2)
Ok we will start with 2 bandwidth and 2 processing power. Measurements dont matter, its the numbers.
For ever double the processing power makes, the bandwidth makes 2 of them. Look:
Bandwidth --- Processing Power --- Time
2 --- 2 --- 0 months
4 --- 2 --- 9 months
8 --- 4 --- 18 months
16 --- 4 --- 27 months
32 --- 8 --- 36 months
64 --- 8 --- 45 months
128 --- 16 --- 54 months
So processing power goes down 50% each 18 months compared to bandwidth.
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:1)
This speed limit is so significant that it drives CPU architecture towards the Itanium (wide instruction word) and Transmeta Crusoe (software scheduling) and away from superscalar/multiscalar, all because it's to difficult too design hardware that coordinates pipeline stalls all over the die.
CDROM, the states? (Score:1)
"new hardware has often been developed and used secretly by states"
I may have been misinformed, but as far as I know the CDROM was invented in the Netherlands by Philips electronics.
Reverse engineered alien technology. (Score:2)
You can divide electronics and computing into three generations of hardware platforms. Vacuum tubes in Zhe 30's and 40's, discreet transisters in the 50's and 60's and finally integrated circuits from the 70's to present. Each evolution in hardware platform brought a huge infusion of capital into the computing and electronics industry. Each new generation also brought about huge increases in hardware efficiency and speed.
Now what if the powers that be made optical technology available to the public? You would expect that these new computers would be much faster than silicon-wire and be very efficient.
No B fields and the ability to run perhaps tens of thousands of circuits in the same space. The paranoid might suggest that allowing the sale of such a machine would be a threat to national security, who knows. If history is any guide new hardware has often been developed and used secretly by states for a decade before the general public even hears about it. When did you first hear about the transister or the CDROM?
Re:CDROM, the states? (Score:1)
http://www.cd-info.com /CDIC/History/Pioneers/CDPioneers.html [cd-info.com].
Sony and Philips, according to that, but there is no detailed information. A japanese company and a dutch company. Not exactly "secretly developed and used by the states for a decade", is it?
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:2)
The propogation losses should be significantly lower... and if you can create a switching device that's efficient enough, you would be able to drive signals as far as you need (or at least as far as the "pin").
Of course, there are probably a zillion other issues that aren't occuring to me.
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:2)
Re:CDROM, the states? (Score:1)
Re:Gilder's Law... (Score:1)
Erik's law: My hair seems to double in length every three weeks. I wonder what would happen if I didn't cut it at that point.
Re:Why are photonics better? (Score:1)
Re:Is this really true? (Score:1)
Gooch & Housego (Score:1)
Will we ever hit a limit in bandwidth? (Score:3)
With 'everything' being networked and everything talking to everything else in the near future is it conceivable that our advances (such as the optical switching) won't keep up with the growth in transmitted data?
Could it reach the point where we have communication restrictions (like water restrictions :-). eg only allowed to send emails on odd days, or no emails over 3k in size :P
Re:In my opinion. (Score:1)
Corning, Inc. increases photonics capabilities (Score:2)
Recently, Corning, Inc. [corning.com] (mentioned in Fairley's article) announced that they will increase production at their Erwin, NY facility... by 700 jobs and $50 million. Read the press release here. [corning.com] Corning expects their photonics division to increase
One personal connection for me is that this plant is literally just down the street from my summer job.
Re:It shows. (Score:1)
Re:#UnixPunx/EFnet (Score:1)
Re:Will we ever hit a limit in bandwidth? (Score:3)
If the world travels down a purely client/server model (read: dot net... well, not quite) the bandwitdth requirements grow _very_ quickly. Go down a distributed path, and local traffic stays local, and the network grows strong :)
Seems like the latter path is more sustainable, and more elegant.
Re:In my opinion. (Score:1)
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:1)
Well, the "for most people" part is right, at least for now. Note this from the article:
The article also says that the electrical engineers "won't begin to exhaust improvements to metal interconnects by 2008." While it still remains to be seen whether or not optics can replace electronics on our buses (an possibly CPUs), time seems to be running out on the circuit technology were used to. The hardware companies will find a route to the next breakthrough, just like they always do.Is it just me, or is anyone worried that some key patents in this field could hold the future of computing innovation hostage by two or three viciously greedy companies?
Speed of Electrical Signal (Score:1)
An electrical signal travels about 2x10^8 m/s through copper wire, with SOL being 3x10^8 m/s through free-space.
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:2)
What's the point of a photonic motherboard?
Well, for one thing, with a photonic based system you don't have to worry about electromagnetic interference between adjacent data tracks. That's one of the main stumbling blocks to compressing the size of circuits at the moment - at some point the individual tracks start behaving like capacitors relative to each other [that's all a capacitor is - two metal plates with a small gap between them].
With light beams on the other hand, you can even have the beams shine through each other, and it won't have any effect. That in itself would be very usefull in designing circuits. What today takes several layers could be compressed onto a single layer.
Re:Speed of Electrical Signal (Score:3)
In crown glass (I don't really want to figure out the velocity in silica fibre and can't seem to find it quickly), light travels at roughly 66% of its free-space velocity. This is, indeed, very close to 2 x 10^8 m/s.
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:2)
Not particularly... this type of stuff has happened before... Jack Kilby (TI) and Robert Noyce (Fairchild, later Intel) both applied for patents on the integrated circuit at about the same time (1959) and eventually settled their disputes by cross-licensing each other's technology.
Does TI dominate the world market in ICs today? Not really. Fairchild is still around but I don't think anyone would say they "control" the world's supply of integrated circuits.
The important thing here is that there are many different companies working in parallel on this next generation of technology. Agilent, Lucent, Nortel et al are competitors. They each want to be first to market with this stuff. And when they are first to market, they want to be entitled to collect the rewards on their considerable investment.
This is exactly why the patent system exists. To reward innovation.
So what will Agilent and Lucent do if Nortel is first? Find a rock to crawl under and die? Hell no... they'll develop their own processes.
Healthy competition is what's needed to ensure the public benefits from the technology.
I don't think the public is served in any way by refusing patents to these companies. Without patents, companies will viciously guard their secrets and forward progress is slowed considerably. With a patent in effect, others can see what one company has done and come up with novel new ideas that 1) circumvent the patent and are 2) well, novel new ideas. =)
Patents are not inherently bad. A microphotonic switch is not exactly as obvious as "one click buying". =)
Re:Why are photonics better? (Score:1)
Re:Photonic Motherboards? (Score:2)
This fortune was at the bottom of the page when I refreshed this thread:
Neither do I (Score:1)
Why are photonics better? (Score:1)
I can see that it would be somewhat faster, as you don't have to contend with electrical resistances and so forth, and the information carrier is travelling at the speed of light (by definition) - but electrons also travel at a sizable fraction of the speed of light.
What characteristics of photonic computing am I missing that would make is oh so much faster than what we have now?
Where do I cook my burgers? (Score:1)
Re:Where do I cook my burgers? (Score:1)
Re:Corning, Inc. increases photonics capabilities (Score:1)
A couple insights--don't worry right away (Score:1)
Not only are individual providers having problems meeting customers needs, but the peering points (NAPs, MAEs) are having trouble keeping data flowing between the disparate networks because their switches can't handle the amount of traffic. Do a search for "MAE" or "NAP" plus "outage" and see how many are switch-related.
Some of the larger networks have partnered with, or ARE, the actual wire providers (Qwest, etc) so they can actually provision the pipes fast enough to meet demand, but the companies that have to lease the OC3s and OC12s (and fatter) are running into provisioning delays. (There have been lawsuits due to 'conflict of interest' problems. WorldCom was really bad about that. They could provision a new line for their internet in days; for us they said it would take months.)
The bottom line is, internet traffic is increasing rapidly because:
1. More people are using it. More AOLers, more Earthlinkers, etc, plus everyone wants a dot.com to run their flower or plumbing business.
2. Some people are using it more. Cable modems, ADSL, and ISDN have become more affordable and more widely available. Think warez and mp3s.
3. Overhead. What most people don't realize is that a GOOD CHUNK of internet traffic at the level they can't see is overhead, retries, fragments, etc. The CEO of my nameless-ex-employer made a rough guess that up to 30-40% of internet traffic could be reduced by tidying up certain protocols, configuring equipment PROPERLY, eliminating MTU mismatches, cleaning up and trimming routing announcements, etc. Some of this is also a result of crowding at the NAPs/MAEs causing packet fragmenting, busy webservers causing endusers to retry, DOS attacks by petulant teens at other petulant teens, etc etc. (non-productive traffic.)
Wave division multiplexing and more and fatter pipes help. I think routing and addressing are a concern, but not right away. Private interconnects help with the NAPs/MAEs, although this tends to help the larger providers more than the smaller ones.
Personally, I think we don't have much to worry about. The problems we do have are being solved by very smart engineers who come up with outrageous new equipment that outperforms the old equipment, or they come up with ingenious workarounds to the problems.
Is this really true? (Score:2)
Photonic Motherboards? (Score:1)
Re:I don't think so. (Score:1)
Still, with speeds(in MBps) higher than most users IQs, it's dissapointing to see T1's still so high in price.
Hmm... (Score:3)
Moore's law says that computing power doubles every eighteen months
The two seem to be moving at proportional rates. Interesting coincidence. Anyone wanna speculate about reasons for this? Just a glitch of the numbers, or does one have something to do with the other? How far back does this growth in communications speed go? Moore's law is claimed by some to go back in some way to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and with the telegraph and such I don't think it's impossible to speculate that communications has been doing the same thing.
So. Anyone care to put forth a hypothesis to explain this coincidence?
That is SO true... (Score:1)