Toolkit Available For WAP programming 107
mge writes: "According to this story in some local Aussie IT pages, Nokia is looking for developers to make online games for mobile phones and it has established R&D centres in Helsinki, Belgrade and Sydney to provide content for the company's new mobile entertainment centre. There's a WAP Client Toolkit, Game Construction Toolkit, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), documentation and sample source code for applications to download. An Australian company, Fluffy Spider Technologies, is also offering assistance to game developers. They have posted free code online for a simple Tic Tac Toe game. Of course, they want games, but how about automated dial-ins (to take advantage of lower call/ISP rates), smart forms etc ... " Well someone needs to start giving all our smart phones something to think about, eh?
Hang Up And Drive! (Score:1)
New Cell Phone Games (Score:1)
I'm going to get the kit and start right away! I've got plenty of ideas for games....
"Super Battery Waster"
Help Nickle Cadmium and her sidekick, Sparky, find the power source before she loses her only communication line!
"Roaming Fee"
Collect returnable cans to pay your phone bill! Avoid unfair competition from professional homeless people, take vengeance on nasty store owners who refuse to give deposits on your cans, and try to score with environmentally minded chicks who will be impressed by your recycling efforts - and your super cool tiny phone (which means a big you know what!) Miss too many payments, and watch your credit rating burn to ashes!
"Super Battery Waster 2"
Nickle must find the power source again, as it is worn out and leaking toxic goop all over all sorts of expensive electronics! Help save her peaceful land of BoardTrace! Avoid the Radio Shack Super-Secret Battery Purchaser Tracking Database!
"Adventures of Block and Square"
An 8-bit classic game, updated for the modern cellular phone screen! Includes network multiplayer for a small free of $49.95 a month - that's less than $50! You could earn that money in a DAY, and spend the whole other 29 playing it! So don't be a cheapass, get "Adventures of Block and Square" today!
"Memory Effect"
A challenging logical puzzle which will keep you amused for days on end! Keep all your portable devices in good working condition by carefully scheduling charges, trickles, and drain periods in between your busy schedule of work and social life! When you lose all your amp-hours, you will lose your job and all your friends because you won't be able to keep in touch with them! Then you'll have to kill yourself! So be careful......
Also coming soon...
Coverage Area, Beep and Boop Sing The ABC's, and 1-900-STABLELASTINGRELATIONSHIP!
Kids already got phones (Score:1)
phones.. so I guess they want games as well..
"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
Shall we play a game? (Score:1)
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
This is an IT site? (Score:1)
Doh! EPOC is not open source. This paragraph implies that if a project is not on Windows, or is open source, then it is harder for developers to get their hands on. This ignorance makes me wonder if the rest of the story holds water.
Barry de la Rosa,
tel. +44 (0)7092 005700
Re:prediction (Score:1)
Belgrade? (Score:1)
Just unroll the screen a few inches... (Score:1)
Network speed shouldn't be much of a limiting factor for games like Backgammon. Given that mobile delivery of audio and video is planned for a few years hence, the bandwidth for playing Quake doesn't look so impossible.
As to screen size, colour is almost here and flexible semiconductors as well, so having a 6x4-inch (15x10cm) unrollable screen (2x4 (5x10) rolled up) in your 'phone is a realistic expectation.
Quake in 320x200 at first. Maybe later we clip the phone to the dashboard or bus seat and project a HUD onto the glass. With an aync ARM CPU and async ARMified version of the Voodoo 5000, you should get 10, maybe 15 minutes before the battery dies. (-:
They'd HAVE to! (Score:1)
new way to crash your car. I wonder if microsoft will write there own products if wap takes off.
"Where do you want to go today? That wall over there? Consider it done!" (-:
Given how enthusiastic they are to crash your computer, I can't see how MS could resist an opportunity to crash your car as well. It would kind of get back at Lee Iacocca for his nasty rebuttal to Bill's "if cars were like computers" speech if MS could get cars up to crashing twice a day... and the market for SensiPeril Blue windscreens would soar... General Pedestrian Fault? (-:
why don't they offer free WAP ph. to developers? (Score:1)
Also, they should seriously consider making an Open Source toolkit available for Unix if they want more support...
Re:Shall we play a game? (Score:1)
GameBoy Emulator (Score:1)
Though personally, I think that 'snakes & apples' game is sufficient for most of the cell-phone users, since they (& me!) mostly complain about short battery life -- and this ain't gonna help!
Re:WAP : "P" for "Patented". (Score:1)
> other set of protocols that more adequately
> addresses the issues involved in deploying
> applications over the wireless networks they
> have spent all their money on.
Ever hear of Imode? It's likely to blow the doors off the WAP standard. Practically exponential growth here in Japan.
Re:I'm WAP'ed Out (Score:1)
My prediction is that we are going to Moore's Law WAP to death in short order ("I'd like 'The Patently Obvious' for $400, Alex")
WAP will become obsolete. It'll actually converge with internet technologies as a whole. But that doesn't mean it is useless now. We're a long way off (years) before the wireless networks can deliver the same amount of bandwidth that, say, a DSL line delivers to people's home today. It doesn't make sense for content companies to just sit and wait for WAP to fade away -- the potential size of the WAP market is too huge.
Re:Nokia (Score:1)
Re:WAP, HTML.. lets face it, they're short term... (Score:1)
However, WML, the markup language, will be useful for some time to come. The reason for that is simple: screen size.
A typical phone has maybe two to three square inches of screen size, the NeoPoint being a notable exception. On devices that size, there's no way you're going to get full-fledged HTML to look like anything but crap. Display technology is irrelevant to this - you can't make text smaller than a certain size without making it unreadable.
Therefore, if you want your content to look good on a mobile, you're going to need to reformat it anyway. Might as well use WML while you're at it.
nokia 7110 may be to blame (Score:1)
Looking through the logs of the WAP site my company operates (, I have noticed that the Nokia 7110 phone is the only phone out of the dozens we've had hits from that doesn't send an x-up-subno header - so if sites are doing tracking and don't have good error handling, the lack of said header could prevent them from working for you.
Re:Been here :/ (Score:1)
The thing is, it's not that doing things in WAP is hard.. it's that it's either reasonably straightforward or literally impossible.
You try designing any practical puzzle game for WAP. To make a move, you have to fill in a bunch of submit forms. It's practically useless.
Re:Been here :/ (Score:1)
You want to see REAL wap service? [] (click on "TADY" to go though, it's in Czech so far).
The service is not finished yet, the "photos" are from Stileproject
Re:WAP Development kit here : (Score:1)
Re:A dead end? (Score:1)
Re:Jeez - whatta bunch of whiners! (Score:1)
HTML (shortened):
<input name=a[1]> <input name=a[2]> <form>
WML (some ' omited):
<input name=a1>
<input name=a2> <anchor>submit<go href=p>
<postfield name=a[1] value=$(a1)
<postfield name=a[2] value=$(a2)
Cool... (Score:1)
Laptop006 (RHCE: That means I know what I'm talking about!)
Melbourne, Australia
Re:WAP, HTML.. lets face it, they're short term... (Score:1)
I do. Text will be text. Future clients will ofc. support all sorts of functionality, the current prototypes have two way live video streaming - but if I need to find some information, I don't want to watch a movie, I want to read the text. There will always be text support. HTML/WML doesn't necessarily mean that the pages are static, you know that. They have their limitations, correct, but can coexist with the technologies you seem to think about.
Personally, I believe WAP is going to be around for only a brief period of time, but I reckon that another markup language will replace it, rather than flash movies and what have we.
Re:Been here :/ (Score:1)
I've been through much the same process recently. What helped me a lot, was Nokia's toolkit. Too bad you have to go through so much in order to get it to run Linux. The toolkit for debugging (don't you just love those "No reply from gateway" and "Page could not be showed" messages?
I think the engineers got stressed to release the phones ASAP and that resulted in the different ways they render WML. Since when was a table supposed to be showed as a single column?? That sucks, it's damned marketing and sales again!
As for caching, argh. Everybody who has done a little server side content generation knows what a pain caching clients is. Whoever designed these phones could have been more aware of that. Let's be able to turn it off via WMLScript based on URL, puh-lease. You can set newcontext="true" in your cards, but I'm not yet convinced that it works in all phones. Actually, I'm not yet convinced that anything works in all phones.
One thing that I found really helpful, were the emulators at YoSpace [], they're the best emulators I've come across, by far.
Re:prediction (Score:1)
Re:WAP needs to whack North America on the head (Score:1)
Part of the beauty of wireless for the service vendor is that they can guarantee captive eyeballs, since it is relatively difficult for users to change the "default home page" in their phone, and even if free-form URLs can be entered into the handset, it is relatively difficult to do that as well. So, they now have valuable advertising properties in the form of top slots on the phone's menu for your company.
Wireless internet through phones is definitely not the internet as we know it.
WAP is just plain boring (Score:1)
How about a server remote control.... (Score:1)
Re:nokia 7110 may be to blame (Score:1)
Re:Been here :/ (Score:1)
Most developers I've spoken to say this, though: "It's not worth getting into WAP. Let's wait for 3G".
ANybody who thinks there is going to be significant 3G coverage in Europe and the US before 2005 is being rather optimisitc.
Nokia can't make WAP phones fast enough. But hey, if companies want to stay behind, waiting for the next big thing, because WAP is too hard for their poor programmers, well, I guess someone else will be there to tap that market.
Dr Dobbs Journal (Score:1)
Italians should not be allowed on the internet. (Score:1)
Re:A dead end? (Score:1)
Really? []
And it's been out for a year now, I almost bought one myself. You may, however, be correct in that such phones may not exist for the US market -- the 6250 is GSM 900/1800 only.
-j. (a former Nokia employee, but glad to be out)
Another set of experiences... (Score:1)
development team working on a medium-sized WAP
application. In our case, it's a mail connector
(at the moment).
Does WAP "suck"? Depends what you want from it.
There are certainly hurdles - Nokia and UP phones
have quite different navigation styles, and a good
application will want to play to the strengths of
each phone. There are problems with deck lengths,
encodings, different gateways choking bizarrely.
On the other hand, as a consumer - I rather like
being able to read email practically wherever I
am, and reply in a primitive fashion if need be.
I rather like having Colossal Cave available at
any time - or Hangman, or a crossword solver.
No, it's not Quake or anything like that, but
that doesn't stop it from being useful.
WAP may well not be the future - but it's a viable
present. I'd say that any company betting that
WAP will be used much in 10 years is shortsighted
- but while it's here, let's make the most of it.
I haven't looked at the Nokia toolkits yet, but I
*hope* they're able to produce "cross-platform"
WML. Yes, WML is meant to be standard, but we all
know how "standard" HTML is, for example. The same
bit of WML can look radically different on
different browsers. I *hope* the Nokia toolkits
have a way of dealing with this, rather than just
targetting the 7110. We'll see.
Re:A dead end? (Score:1)
Ah but soon enough we'll have phones with more than one or two square inches. According to my T3, Ericsson are bringing out a new one shortly where the whole front of the phone is LCD, mostly covered when not in use by a flipping bit with the numbers on. You could get a good read of a decent WAP/HTML web page on it.
A rubberized, ruggedized, waterproof cell phone.
Too late, Ericsson already have one of those. I think some of the other manufacturers do too?
Re:Jeez - whatta bunch of whiners! (Score:1)
It might be a good idea to note that, in Japan, NTT's i-mode service uses Compact HTML rather than WAP, and commands about 7-7.5 million users (dwarfing the other two carriers combined, and about equal to the top two ISPs). Of the ten million phones with IP out there (here, whatever) at the moment, 1-2 million are wapped.
Right now I'm hearing fairly strong interest on the XHTML front, and more and more skepticism on WAP--heard the old saw "Where Are the Phones" from a DoCOMo guy the other day...
In the interest of fairness, however, it should also be noted that the venture that I am working for is looking to develop in both WAP and compact HTML, at least until market development is a little bit more clear. Cheers, jimbud in Tokyo
API? (Score:1)
Re:Web services. or server? (Score:1)
Re:Shall we play a game? (Score:1)
Interesting idea. Too bad I don't have any moderator points. Someone else can be "0" after this , tho. Sorry if the grid doesn't line up right - preview got me a 404.
You know, I never understood the appeal of having games and such on a telephone. I mean, I'll bet there are cell-phones on the market that play MP3s, but I doubt any have AM/FM radios. Just a competition to be the owner of the coolest stuff?
Imagine The Possibilities (Score:1)
Re:WAP needs to whack North America on the head (Score:1)
Re:A dead end? (Score:1)
I'm sorry, but I'm having a difficult time getting over how cool that would be... I could stick my phone behind my ear... make interchangeable roller-ball/stylus/mech-pencil/chalk tips, and expand your usable areas... (chalk for cell-phone clad carpet installers/construction, etc.)
Nobody else may embrace that idea, but I think it's cool...
Re:Just unroll the screen a few inches... (Score:1)
The perfect WAP App! (Score:1)
Anyone else think a MU* client would be perfect on a cell phone? It's text-based, multiplayer, allows chat, the whole bit.
And I could go for telnet on a cell, too
Zardoz has spoken!
Re:WAP, HTML.. lets face it, they're short term... (Score:1)
Questions (Score:1)
No, it's closed source, WinNT only. Very stupid license (AFAIR). Costs heaps of money.
Does the client software matter?
No, reference running on WinCE *only*. Costs on "case-by-case" basis.
Does WAP matter?
No, in 9 months there will be phones that have the displays and the computing power to do HTML. IP space is private to the provider who masqs them to the internet or they use ipv6.
Above all: Why is this story on slashdot ?
The news is old. The software is available for years now. Nothing about it is open-source or connected to Linux or *BSD. Did I miss something ?
Re:WAP needs to whack North America on the head (Score:1)
How can there be random content when there's simply no way of accessing it?
Personally I'd love to be able to do a script hack and try it out but I can't, not on a phone anyway.
WAP would benefit massively from a way for the average man to try out new ideas and solutions. In the time it takes phone operators to come up with one decent application, the public would have come up with a hundred, each more suited to their needs than the operatrs could ever think up.
Of course then they'd loose the leverage - such a shame.
Driving (Score:1)
I can see it now. Some schmoe gets in a wreck because he's playing with his phone.
"I swear officer, I had the high score!"
Dammit, my mom is not a Karma whore!
Re:A dead end? (Score:1)
Wow, I got my weather forecast right before I left for work, in about 1 second and with no per-call charges. Let's hope the weather doesn't change too much in the next twenty minutes!
.. and, hey, watch out for those open manholes. ;)
I wonder... (Score:1)
Experiences (Score:1)
Systems Administrator
Servu Networks
Re:I'm WAP'ed Out (Score:1)
Web services. or server? (Score:1)
But thats exactly the point! (Score:1)
business = cellular, cellular = business
Now one half of that equation is great but the other half is restrictive. What if they could get people thinking "cells are fun, cells are cool, kids like cells, kids want cells!" Keeping in mind that in Finland where Nokia originated, there are more cells than people or some crazy stat like that and in Europe in general a good deal of their traffic is ring tone trading, banner message sending (ie novelty cell features). Now in North America where we seem to be a couple years behind the times when it comes to cell phones and social integration, so what better way to tap into the huge youth market who arent afraid of technology and usually have some amount of expendable income? Why add more games and entertainment features to your phones of course!
Two words: phone virii (Score:1)
Bradford L.
Re:Shall we play a game? (Score:1)
O|X|_ []
|X| []
Yu Suzuki
Re:Shall we play a game? (Score:1)
[] O|_|_
[] |X| []
Yu Suzuki
Games? attracting the kids in Adults? (Score:1)
Or are they focussing on kids to buy their cell-phones on their own....( they'd better buy that Sony PS2).
Or they are trying to experiment with WAP to somehow get something out of the thing?
Perhaps nobody told them the real things about WAP!
Re:Nokia (Score:1)
WAP Sucks (Score:1)
Re:gr0w up (Score:1)
You're welcome.
Re:Driving (Score:1)
A New Games Platform? (Score:1)
I can see it now... The new Nokia PSX.
It's a phone, it's a console, it's got an awesome 3D rendering engine for it's pixely lcd screen.
Perhaps if they try hard enough, and fit a little of that "matchbox server" tech into it, I can play Gran Turismo 2, while talking to a judge about traffic tickets, and driving on the freeway.
There are plenty of other areas that Nokia could focus their resources for improvements. Come on... Do we really play games with the cell phones? Right before we turn on our high end PC's and bypass Quake III for
Give me a break. The only useful thing the "games" do is kill time between meetings when you're sitting on the couch. We don't need more games.
Get the lead out, and give me a 16 bit display, complete with a true OS, and a touchpad screen... That would rock... (And be very difficult to read too...) Maybe then I'll own a cellular laptop.
Re:Shall we play a game? (Score:1)
(me need to type here to avoid lameness filter) =P
Re:Shall we play a game? (Score:1)
Only if 0 doesn't cheat.
Re:Nokia (Score:1)
Re:WAP Programming Info (Score:1)
What is a bitchslapping?
Who is natalie portman, and what is this fascination? I'd rather not have to find out by visiting tawdry fan-sites.....
AC has spoken (Score:2)
To paraphrase : "WAP Sucks".
Free Music []
Re:WAP vs. i-mode (Score:2)
UK WAP pricing is not too bad - 5 pence (= 7.5 US cents) per minute from Orange, and that's after you've exhausted the bundled minutes that month. However, it's very easy to end up with 10 minute calls, largely due to the crap text input via the keypad - I really want to see stylus input with Palm's Graffiti or something very similar.
In fact, the Palm format may win in the end - just use a Bluetooth-connected earpiece, and maybe voice-activated dialling, and you can use any PDA format you like, since you'll normally just use the earpiece, with your PDA/phone in your pocket or bag. This would address the large screen issue as well as text input - my Palm screen is much more usable for WAP browsing, and I can enter a URL much quicker than on my Nokia 7110 WAP phone.
I find many WAP sites don't work with the 7110, maybe 20 per cent or so - it's not a well defined/implemented standard at present.
Re:A dead end? (Score:2)
Goto URL feature (Score:2)
Google's service for WAP is very impressive - combined search engine and HTML to WML gateway.
Re:Open Source Mobile Phones? (Score:2)
Re:WAP needs to whack North America on the head (Score:2)
There are several things causing that situation:
- Right now there just isn't very much random WAP content available, so there is no point in a "goto URL" feature.
- The cellular carriers don't like the idea of users going just anywhere -- that diminishes the leverage they have with content providers.
- From a usability standpoint, most cellular phone users aren't interested in typing in a 30 character URL with their keypad.
But eventually there will be enough WAP stuff out there that omiting the "goto URL" feature will lose the carrier some customers. It'll come.
Re:WAP : "P" for "Patented". (Score:2)
Imode is pretty awesome, but it is specific to NTT DoCoMo (the dominant cellular carrier in Japan). While DoCoMo is a powerhouse, I don't see its standard being able to take over the world. In fact, DoCoMo is a member of the WAP forum!
The rest of the world is behind Japan in terms of wireless technology, so the rest of the world will start with WAP (which they can and have deployed today) and WAP will grow with their networks.
Are games the right social activity for phones? (Score:2)
Human beings are social animals but we undertaken specific activities in specific spaces. (see Worlds []). Now cell phones are associated with work (business) and communications. Is it worthwhile also turning it into a game-boy type of system? If a business saw a highly paid worker killing time playing with their Palm (OK stop sniggering in the corner) or cell phone I suspect that they will question your productivity or dedication. If you're driving, you certainly won't be playing at the same time and if you're taking the bus, then it's likely you're not going to be affording the pay/minute for on-line games. If you're at home, then you'd likely to already have a computer or sonsole handy.
I'm not knocking the idea but building a better mousetrap doesn't always lead to higher utilisation. One study revealed that the cheap wooden mousetrap significantly outsold a plastic box with pheromes because it ignored the fact that housewives didn't like throwing out an expensive looking box and the fact that if they saw a dead mouse in the wooden trap, they could get their husbands to dispose of the carcass immediately whereas they had to look in the box themselves. In short, the social circumstances may have subtle but significant factors in purchasing decisions.
So will people play games with strangers on their phones given the relative small screen-space, the low-battery life, and high relative costs?
Re:I'm WAP'ed Out (Score:2)
The real question is bandwidth. I'm honestly amazed that we're not already doing 1+Mb/s wireless as a standard part of laptops. My vague understanding of the problem is that in the US, the FCC is really being a pain in the ass about it all. That eventually has to come, though.
So, if all of this comes together, where will that leave WAP? Another footnote in the rapid expansion of the technology. WAP is an interim solution, and as such it is eventually doomed. That doesn't mean it's useless for now, though.
Re:Are games the right social activity for phones? (Score:2)
Long answer: Look at what is already happening: you wouldn't believe the amount of teens in Finland who use a ridiculously expensive method of communication by sending SMS messages at 15 cents a piece, tens each day, when they have access to free email.
Look also what is happening in the games market: the high-end PCs are sold almost exclusively for gaming purposes, and people are paying insane amounts of money so that they are able to play Q3 at high frame rates.
So, building games for a 100x96 monochrome display sounds stupid. But as you point out, you can't exclude other issues - and considering the current trend in places where mobile phone utilization is at its highest, there will be a sizable market for mobile phone gaming. Your kids are gonna love it.
(For your comments about cell phones associated with work and business: not any longer. Here in Finland they already are a part of your everyday life, like your wrist watch. The US will follow in a year or two.)
WAP, HTML.. lets face it, they're short term... (Score:2)
I find it very amusing that HTML and WAP are still touted as the great e-business this and the great interface that.
This is static screens which you download from a server. This is the sort of technology that only someone on a limited connection could love. In two years time we'll have upto 2Mbs on a mobile phone, we'll have the same or much better at home.
Does anyone really think that HTML and WAP provide the sort of functionality that will be possible over a 2Mbs connection ? Ladies and gentleman, I await the stunning announcement from Sun, MS and IBM that the new way forward for the broadband generation is.... client server.
We've almost caught up with the Star project, just a couple more years to go.
prediction (Score:2)
Re:Been here :/ (Score:2)
Will you take a rain check until I have some up-moderation points ? Good comments.
I've tried to feed WAP / WML to Palms. Total disaster, the WAP protocol is so squeezed dow to fit phones that it's unworkable for anything bigger than a Tamagotchi.
Tomb Raider IV: PCS Edition (Score:2)
A dead end? (Score:2)
Two killer portable ideas of mine, one easy, one hard:
Re:I'm WAP'ed Out (Score:2)
Re:And when the message comes... (Score:2)
This web-server is busy with 16 connections, 3 voice calls, 1 fax and 2 game consoles. Please try again after 5 minutes. Till then have a chance at Tetris at your own phone!
Re:WAP needs to whack North America on the head (Score:2)
The main problems are high costs combined with unattractive design. Who wants to pay 20-50cts per minute for surfing in b/w text mode ?
The consumer magazines tested WAP extensively and most concluded that it is a mad proposition as it stands.
The operators have been extremely greedy when deciding on the pricing. After all the bandwidth which WAP uses is minimal compared to speech. A flat pricing like DoCoMos imode charges would have been appropriate.
The WAP setup is designed to give operators a leverage over the content. In theory most phones can change the operators default URL and point to some site which could provide you with a field which allows you to enter your real destination URL freely. But how many users are going to do that ? This leaves WAP content providers at the mercy of the operators portal. Not suprisingly the WAP content is extremely small.
Another drawback is that the display is too small to carry attractive adverts. 99% of the web's business models fall flat on the face because of this. Operators have not shown much ambition either to pass on some of their outragous charges to content providers.
I guess that WAP will eventually fly when i-mode arrives and the operators are forced to offer free WAP access.
WAP shmAP (Score:3)
I don't want several things added to my cell phone but I can think of several things I DO want added to it. I want an electric ink screen rather than buttons and an LCD. There's a funny thing about devices that don't continuously need electricity, they preserve battery life a great deal. Electric ink in its various forms holds the image you put on it until another charge is applied to it and besides which the charge is meager compared to the backlight of an LCD. Such a screen compined with touch sensors could be altered to display any language easily and different keypads. Another thing I do want on a cell phone is a decent data rate that makes downloading of fancy XML dataforms quick and relatively painless. If we're going to WAP cell phones do we really need companies like Nokia and Motorola defining how we WAP our data (pun intended)? How about we use old skool HTML before Netscape and M$ extended it to be modernized sandskrit. Wow maybe we can even listen to those W3C guys talking about something called "HTML standards". It seems to me XML is not the greatest of ideas in some cases for limited bandwidth toys like cell phones and handheld computers. The main problem I see is bandwidth, with XML the processing is done almost entirely by your client machine. While this is fine and dandy on a four exahertz home system with a DSL hook-up a mobile device is somewhat limited by the battery and bandwidth which are both costing you money. People wouldn't be jizzing all over the internet right now if you had to pay by the house/minute/Planck second for access.
More to the point of this article why aren't we seeing more Java for these new and wonderful toys? According to McNealy a couple years ago by now we ought to be seeing Java everywhere. Networked phones seem like the perfect niche. JIT compiling and Applets let you write your WAP toy once and run it on any phone you get your hands on. Don't like Motorola's XML parser? Pop in a third party browser written in Java and you're good to go. Jini's marketing plans come back to me now, as do Bluetooth. I put my cell phone and laptop on a desk and turn both on and WAP! I have a wireless internet connection. Not only do I get to share my connection but I also get to upload a new program for the phone. Eh, oh well.
Jeez - whatta bunch of whiners! (Score:3)
* Of course it's basic at the moment - it's a new standard. It's got a way to go before it develops, but it's already being used to produce useable and useful sites.
* OK, so its not Open Source - and Geoworks is kicking up a stink over an alleged patent they have on WAP, but nobody seriously believes Geoworks' claims and it is completely free to develop WAP - just the same as HTML.
* Phones have small screens and so WAP is text based. Yup. So what? There's a lot of info that can be made available through text - or don't you guys use telnet?
* WAP is insecure|slow|boring|expensive / there are too few sites / can't handle video/audio etc. Give it time. When I started using the net all the above was true as well. People invent and create around such obstacles.
* WML isn't as rich as HTML. Right tools for right interface. Do you need <font size="7"> on your phone? WML is a new markup language that resembles HTML, but is built using XML and includes the features that are necessary for the current development of phones.
* WML won't last. Quite possibly right. I kinda see WAP as a bridging technology to other better methods of accessing the huge amount of info that's on the net - however it's an extremely important bridging technology because for the first time, mobile Internet access is a reality - for the masses. It'll take a while to fill out and mature, but the cat is out of the bag and you ain't gonna be able to stuff it back in again.
Finally, I suspect that many of the posters here are Americans. Nope, I'm not going to get into some kinda racial slur here, but the US has a terrible relationship to mobile phone technology. Maybe if you lived in a country where mobile phone use was as cheap, simple and ubiquitous as those of us in Europe or Japan (and other areas), then you would understand how truly revolutionary it is being able to get access to a portion of the huge, huge wealth of information that is available on the Internet.
Beyond that, mobile phones are quite simply easier to understand and use for many people than computers. Even my Mum understands what WAP is about and uses an SMS banking service on her mobile phone. She's been on the web maybe 4 times! Does she really need a computer in her life? I think not - but if she had access to say, a theatre ticket booking system, her bank account balance and a simple message service she would actually make use of such tools.
Well, that's my rant over - if you've read this far I hope that you'll maybe reconsider your view of WAP - if not, that's your perogative and I'll look forward to hearing your views in 2 years when you are whining that you missed the boat.
Feel free to check out some of the WAP services already available here; []
"Give the anarchist a cigarette"
Re:Been here :/ (Score:3)
It seems (and there's quite a lot of support for this theory) that WAP is really just a temporary hack put there until they get 3G services sorted. I'm damn glad of this -- ever since I started working on WAP I've hated it. It seems such a badly-thought-out solution.
Guesses are that there just aren't going to be enough WAP-capable handsets in circulation before 3G takes off two years hence. Nokia and the others can't make them fast enough.
The networks, the manufacturers, the content providers, all seem to be paying lip-service to WAP while focusing on 3G and other technologies. This is a fair point.
Most developers I've spoken to say this, though: "It's not worth getting into WAP. Let's wait for 3G". However, I'll put this to you: WAP is an experiment. Not an experiment in technology (3G tech is so different that WAP techie experience will be useless). It's an experiment in business models. How will we make money out of "m-Commerce" and "free" wireless services? How do people interact with wireless services? What are going to be the primary uses of wireless services?
We have all these great ideas like revenue sharing and loss-leading (based on building a membership base across mobile and traditional internet platforms). Do we know whether they're going to work? The best thing to do is dip our toes in the water while they're getting 3G ready. Once that comes, WAP will probably go the way of Gopher.
For now, the companies who pass over WAP for 3G will enter the arena of wireless internet with NO EXPERIENCE, and NO ESTABLISHED BRAND within the wireless domain.
Okay, I'm talking fluent Suit now. I run an internet games business and I'm also the main developer. I have to see both sides of the coin. Even so, I'm dreading having to write games for WAP.
Tally me up for a 'WAP really sucks' vote, though.
Sorry, can't download Game Construction Kit... (Score:3)
Yawn. What a disappointment. Here I wanted to see how quickly I could port my 3D "tetris" game to a cell phone and I have to wait another four months. This is a good reminder of how poor the quality of Slashdot information and Slashdot community information is. Well, here's one member of the community trying to get the facts I've learned out. We'll see if you moderators cooperate. :-) (Is my criticism of Slashdot too insightful for you? Oh, sorry, I'm not supposed to mention the invisible moderators in a plea for points, either overt or reverse- sychologically, right?)
Sarcastically yours,
WAP vs. i-mode (Score:3)
Damn straight. And the bizarre thing is, these is a WAP equivalent that does not suck: NTT Docomo's i-mode []. Unfortunately, it's a proprietary PDC (Japan-only) system and so it will never be seen elsewhere, but it has managed to avoid the key mistakes which are likely to doom WAP to oblivion.
Pong (Score:3)
| *
Ericsson Wap Tools (Score:3)
WAP : "P" for "Patented". (Score:3)
WAP is simply not an open standard. We already have a technology for such applications, whjich is proven, open and runs pretty well : HTTP.
Re:WAP : "P" for "Patented". (Score:4)
Actually, what will incite developers to use WAP is the existence of phones and gateways that support it!
The people who decide whether this happens are not geeks reading Slashdot, it is the big wireless carriers who have invested huge amounts of money in their networks. Why do they choose WAP? Quite simply there is no other set of protocols that more adequately addresses the issues involved in deploying applications over the wireless networks they have spent all their money on.
WAP is simply not an open standard. We already have a technology for such applications, whjich is proven, open and runs pretty well : HTTP.
HTTP is not analagous to WAP. WAP is more like TCP/IP + HTTP + HTTPS + HTML + a browser operating environment + Javascript, but all designed in such a way that it can run over all the disparate kinds of networks that exist in the world today. In fact, WAP does use HTTP, but that is just a small part of the picture.
As for WAP not being an open standard -- there are real efforts being made to make WAP and internet standards converge (e.g. both WML -> XHTML and HTML -> XHTML).
This will happen at about the same pace as it takes the wireless carriers to convert their networks into beasts that look a lot more like the internet at large (similar bandwidth, IP based, etc.).
Re:I'm WAP'ed Out (Score:4)
Well, it isn't completely new, it's a dialect of XML.
My prediction is that we are going to Moore's Law WAP to death in short order ("I'd like 'The Patently Obvious' for $400, Alex")
The limiting factors for WAP devices by and large aren't processor power, so Moore's law doesn't apply. The two major factors are screen size and network speed.
The only guideline I know for network speed is Neilsen's Law [], which is significantly slower than Moore's, and that only covers Internet bandwidth, not Wireless bandwidth. And screen size is fixed. If you don't think that calls for a different UI, try posting to /. off a cell phone.
Your next mobile phone pitch... (Score:4)
*'castle with flying bats' card pack not included.
I'm scared to drive now. (Score:4)
Let it be known that I have no arguments against Asteroids or Missle Command. I would accept that.
Been here :/ (Score:5)
The fact that its based on XML is cool, the syntax is clear, the addition of a scripting language is fairly sensible, and yet I have many gripes:
Motorola and Nokia have implemented their browsers completely differently, you simply cannot write a simple WAP application that will perform well and be userfriendly on both, you have to do it twice, once for each browser basically.
Additionally, the WAP markup itself is full of redundencies, there are invariably several ways to achieve each effect. This would be fine except that each browser implementation treats them differently, causing something that is easily navigable in one browser to be a total mess in another.
This on top of the already obvious flaws such as over-zealous caching despite headers, terrible error handling, buggy simulators (Nokia in particular) and confusingly unintuitive choices for various aspects make WAP at its current stage impractical to develop in with anything short of a Motorola and Nokia phone right in front of you to test with.
I note however that if you can get your hands on a couple of phones to test with, things become easier, and with a bit of wire sniffing and using a decent backend language like PHP, you can whip up WAP applications fairly quickly. Its just not a small-time developers game at this stage
I'm WAP'ed Out (Score:5)
I've been trying to read a bit about WAP at the WAP forum [] and the W3C [] but the whole thing strikes me as semi-interim and only half heartedly standard and open.
My basic complaint is the premise. On the one hand we see a whole new type of device with legions of people trying to figure out how to make efficient GUIs while conserving either display space, or storage, or whatnot with WAP ...and on the other hand we have multi-zillion dollar companies building infrastructure and vastly powerful processors, that will render the need for "efficiency" as irrelevant as my 2gb hard drive.
My prediction is that we are going to Moore's Law WAP to death in short order ("I'd like 'The Patently Obvious' for $400, Alex")