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Caldera Publically Trading 81

Fred Palmer noted that Caldera has officially begun trading their stock. The stock is currently trading several points above where they opened: congrats to everyone who got in on this one, but especially to the guys at Caldera. Now lets see what they do with it ... Linsight has a good summary if you're interested.
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Caldera Publically Trading

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    How is it anonymous? He says who he is in the title: Jon Katz!
  • Caldera System's focus in NOT on the embedded market. There was a complete spinoff from caldera created just to serve the embedded market and the name of the company is Lineo. Caldera Systems is 'linux for business' whatever the hell that means, but its not 'linux for embedded' because that is the domain of Lineo.

    I also agree with the other posters that Redhat will be strong in embedded with their cygnus support.

    I think that Caldera is probably going to focus on the 'thin' applications, taylor made solutions, and in this realm the OS is also probably less important if you can slap on a nice interface. Thats at least what I gleamed from Ransom Love's interview on CNBC today.

  • of course its in poor taste, but its obviously not serious. noone ever got the sudden urge to rape little boys by reading some flamer's post. if you read my message the reason I think its funny is that people get upset because of it. its just a stupid post but you guys think its a threat to slashdot and all our freedoms online. ITS NOT SERIOUS.

  • because its designed to make people react just like you did and it worked. Don't take everything so seriously
  • I too applaud his/her use of CTRL-F, but in this case you needed to have looked at Caldera stories from a week or three ago to know that the whole "logo looks like mouse ears" thing has already been run into the ground.
  • Huh? You have to look at percent change.

    To buy 100 shares of MS you would need ~$100k, which would give you a profit of $600 on a 6 dollar per share rise.

    With $100k, you could instead buy ~4350 shares of CALD at $23, which would give you a profit of ~$26000 on a 6 dollar per share rise.

    ANd you say there is no difference? Suuuuuuuuure. Whatever. Go learn how the stock market works.
  • I was given the option of asking for between 100 and 500.

    I asked for 500 and received 250.

    Others had different limits and allocations.
  • Yea, my math is wrong, thanks. Same point though. You can only compare percent changes.

  • Oog, you're right. But have you seen the curve on Caldera's stock price? It's completely flat!
  • Sounds to me like CmdrTaco is taking his job as editor in chief of Slashdot very seriously...

    His job is to ask questions to get info that we'd want to know... I DO want to know what Caldera is gonna do with their money...

    He's merely fulfilling his charge... As far as Slashdot giving back to the community, it's not a company, Andover is. If you have a problem with Andover, contact their CEO.

    AFAIK, CmdrTaco did give a bunch of HIS money to GNU/FSF...

  • Yes, it does! I was about to post the exact same observation (but an Alt-F "disney" led me to yours).
  • What do you care what other people do with their money?

  • I bought it. I've been waiting for a long time for Caldera to go public and now that they have I'm so happy. I got in at 26 1/4 and that was only possible because I believe the market situation was such that investors didn't know whether or not to jump into another Linux company. I missed the boat on Red Hat, VA Linux systems and But this time I got in before the price shot above what I was willing to pay. In this case I set my limit at 30.

    So when you say Hackers don't buy and sell stock you're wrong. Not only do I do it, but some of the most succesful stock traders I know are computer geeks.

    Caldera is a real company with a real product and anyone who doesn't own any Caldera stock should buy NOW.
  • No, you're not alone. The funny thing is that I was considering a post with the same sentiment.

  • A company like MS likes to keep the price affordable. You make your money on the splits. I know someone who went from 30k to 1.3 million in a few years.
  • Red Hat has bigger fish to fry. Embeded will suffer.
  • OOG, you sound like Zach the dog from ToyFare. I think you'd get along, HAVE MANY COMMON INTERESTS LIKE CHEWING TOYS AND BUSTING HEADS! But I think you're smarter. You should check it out, probably availiable at any caveman comic book store!


    "And Rufus is back home grow-l-in'" -bbobys
  • Thanks dude - stuff like this really goes over well with luddite lawmakers already looking for a reason to make you put your life history on government servers.

    Crap like this slowly but surely kills slashdot more every day. Thanks!

  • hmm. marc, you need to check out your math. 100 shares of msft run about $10K. or, put it another way, cald opened about about 1/4 the price of msft. so your comparison is off by an order of magnitude: you'd get about 4 times as much with cald than with msft.
  • Hackers aren't stock traders, and stock traders won't even TALK to geeks, so where are these players getting their information? It's all hype based entirely on the fact that it's an IT company related (in some distant way) to the Internet and e-commerce. Anyone with Caldera stock should sell NOW.
  • This seems like another case of traders, who don't understand the technologies and markets involved, not wanting to be "left out".

    They should be asking themselves key questions like "How many competitors does this company have?" rather than "How many buzzwords do they have in their press-releases?".

    I have no issue with Caldera (or with other people gambling their money). (In the UK) is a good example of people losing touch with common sense (and now losing touch with their money).

  • Best of luck to caldera. Its a heck of a lot of money. Seems like they missed the real linux boom by a few months, though. RHAT and VALinux have been on a steady downward trend for a while now (VA's never actually had a positive moving average). Could lead to some problems - specially in the waxing and waining NASDAQ of the past few weeks.
  • The best thing that I think that Caldera has done and many people might not know about is that they are responsible for QT becoming open source, thus ending the dreadfull gnome/kde wars. Caldera basically told Troll Tech that they wanted to do a lot of business with them but wanted QT to be opensource, so today we have the QPL and KDE and GNOME can fight on pure technical grounding.

    My gripes with Caldera is that they do add too much proprietary stuff onto their OSes, both 3rd party and in house things. I hope they stay true to the Free Software roots of this business.

  • I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Caldera for offering a directed share program to selected individuals who participate in open source software. Yes, it appears to have been significantly smaller than previous such programs. But it did seem to be reasonably well run, offered fairly easy and well documented online access to participants in the US through Wit Capital and offered slightly more complicated access to some who are outside the US though other brokers.

    Maybe going public is good for the company. Maybe it isn't. etc. But that is what any company that is going public faces. Regardless of if you think Caldera will succeed in their attempt or not or if they are worth their current valuation or not, I think that having them try is great for Linux and, if anything, makes them more accountable for adhering to the terms of the GPL, being a good community player, etc.

    I am also glad that their stock didn't shoot through the roof on the first day like VA Linux did; now, even though LNUX is still at triple its offering price, many slam its stock performance as a failure, with little cause. As with all tech stocks, only time will tell what the company is really worth. In the meantime, it will trade at the whim of the market and associated spin doctors.
  • by Pike ( 52876 )
    In case you haven't noticed, not only does Slashot "give back to the community" by simply existing and giving us a popular forum for discussion, but they also have developed some nice code [] for weblogs, which they kindly give away for free under the GPL, and which many sites use.

  • They refer to Caldera Systems as "Caldera" and say it was founded in '94 when "Caldera Systems" ("Linux for eBusiness") is in fact a subsidiary of Caldera and was spinned off on September 02, 1998 along with "Caldera Thin Clients, Inc." (since renamed as Lineo).

    I believe it is a bit irresponsible for a "Linux stock site" to keep using the wrong title for the company especially when it was Caldera and not Caldera Systems that agreed to settle the DR-DOS suit with Microsoft for an unspecified sum.

    CmdrTaco plugs in his opening the Linsight entry for Caldera Systems as a good summary. Hello? There is next to no useful (and correct) information for potential investors. Could someone kindly answer or correct answers to the following questions:

    1) What percentage of the stock is available for public, how many shares are there in total and who owns those?

    2) 10% of the public offering (which itself was 5% of total) was targeted to selected Open Source developers and _friends_. What was the breakdown between friends and developers (who have only seem to have gotten a number of shares closer to the low end of the 100-500 share allocation per person)?

    3) Which individual owns 73% and controls everything?

    4) Who got in before the IPO at $6 per share? (Sun, SCO, Citrix, Novell etc.)

    5) Fiscal '99 results: $3mil revenue and $9.4mil loss.

    6) Quarter ending Jan. 31.: $553,000 of revenue and a net loss of $5.5 million

    7) Product portfolio: OpenLinux distro (and...?)

    8) Open Source licensing status of OpenLinux (or other products)?

    Every single well-informed CALD investor should be able to answer these questions so let's see if anyone's interested. What comes to Linsight, they would serve those interested in "Linux stocks" much better by also delivering important facts about covered companies instead of only scratching the surface and keeping tabs of companies' PR releases.

  • If you don't like what /. is doing, vote with your feet. If you are going to stay, quit whining.
  • I have no idea about VA or Caldera, but Redhat was profitable for every year from its inception to Venture Capital Investment Round A.

    Furthermore, it has %54 of the market share and unlike Caldera, refuses to write and non-open source code, as well as contributing significants amounts of its funds towards open source development [eg, a quarter of its annual expenses went of GTK development in 1998].
  • 7) Product portfolio: OpenLinux distro (and...?)

    AFAIK, they sell OpenLinux 2.3, eServer 2.3 (and that one seems to be very cool, kernel tuned for server performance, hardware RAID compiled into kernel, the whole binary stuff compiled for Pentium Pro or better CPU, Webmin and much more), OpenLinux 2.3 Powerbundle and NetWare for Linux. Also, there is stuff like OpenLinux T-shirt etc. And there is a comprehensive Linux courseware which is non-distro specific, which is Good(tm).
    They are also selling some OpenLnux books.

  • ...but maybe not fast enough. It looks like CALD [] peaked around midday on its first day of trading. High 33, close 29 7/16. Could be another LNUX; all the gains on the first day.

    As usual, LNUX [] is down; closed at 80 today. Check the moving average [] on LNUX to see the trend. RHAT [] is down, too. So the CALD offering didn't do anything to pump up the other Linux stocks; it was a lousy day for both of them.

    And the Caldera logo [] does look like Mickey Mouse(tm) overshadowing the world.

  • by Zoltar ( 24850 ) on Tuesday March 21, 2000 @09:32AM (#1186119)
    Caldera is trading around the upper 20's right now, I'd say they don't have to worry about their stock falling down to earthly levels... looks like they are going to stay in the earthly zone.

    This is actually not a bad thing... I'll take constant steady growth over a meteoric rise any day. But hey... I'm a long term investor and I prefer to sleep soundly at night :)

    If Caldera had gone public 6 months ago they would have done much better, the Nasdaq has been sputtering lately and the Linux charm is starting to erode with the wall street pundits. Witness the major hit that Corel (down 20+% TODAY) and Inprise (down 20+% TODAY) are taking. As well as the downward slide of RedHat, VALinux...etc.

    Now the real work begins for these companies. Stocks tend to grow based upon a companies growth and earnings etc. RedHat and VALinux will have to prove to their shareholders that their billion+ marketcap is justified. I wish them luck but I feel sorry for anybody who bought them at the top.
  • by deblau ( 68023 ) <> on Tuesday March 21, 2000 @11:02AM (#1186120) Journal
    They just closed at $30, up $16 from their opening. Not stellar, but good if you got in early.

    Dave Blau

  • by Scooter[AMMO] ( 98851 ) on Tuesday March 21, 2000 @09:07AM (#1186121)
    Caldera takes the plunge and makes $70M in a day. Way to go. It's amusing with the certain "cookie cutter Linux IPO pattern" that we're seeing develop.

    Company X provides Linux services. Company X lost between 2 and 20 million dollars last year. Yet when company X goes public, their stock soars.

    Unfortunately for Caldera, they are doomed to follow the pattern of Linux companies before them, by having their stock fall to sane and earthly levels.

    I'm sure that the future is bright for our favourite players in the Linux game, it just takes time. But corporate America attitudes sure do make me smile in these cases. I'm looking forward to the time when Linux companies have strong stock prices based on their corporate performance, and not the 5 magic letters that they associate themselves with.

    Maybe these Linux companies should strive to see who can turn a profit first, instead of who can gobble up the most market share and start-up's :)

  • by Trickster Coyote ( 34740 ) on Tuesday March 21, 2000 @11:06AM (#1186122) Homepage
    ...or does the Caldera logo [] look like a giant Mickey Mouse casting a shadow over the world. The first time I saw it, I though it was some sinister new logo for the Disney&#174 Corporation.


  • by MountainLogic ( 92466 ) on Tuesday March 21, 2000 @09:25AM (#1186123) Homepage
    Caldera is placing them selves much different from the Red Hats & VAs. They have a unique offering for embedded support. RH/VA really are positioning themselves as desktop players. I see a lot more room for Caldera supporting embeded for Linux than every corperate IS department switching over to Linux on the desktop. (Not the because of the value of Linux for the desktop, but because of the slowness of most IS dept). Embeded engineers can select an OS with few of the restriction an IS dept has as long as it gets the job done.

  • by OOG_THE_CAVEMAN ( 165540 ) on Tuesday March 21, 2000 @09:59AM (#1186124)

FORTRAN is not a flower but a weed -- it is hardy, occasionally blooms, and grows in every computer. -- A.J. Perlis
