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Journal bmetzler's Journal: OBITUARY 12/10/04 10

We mourn the passing of a beloved old friend by the name of Common Sense who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge). His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place.

Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; however they could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Finally, Common sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.

He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you knew him pass this on, if not join the majority and do nothing ...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...

The First Amendment of the Unites States Constitution.

So what part of NOT prohibiting the free exercise thereof and make NO law don't you understand??

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OBITUARY 12/10/04

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  • Uncle Sam has been wiping his ass with the constitution pretty much from the begining, see the Whiskey Rebellion and Adams' war with the french. Lincoln furthered this during the war between the states. FDR had the next big round of inane laws and regs, paid for by a idiotic constitutional amendment (16th) and a massive debt we are paying today. Suprisingly though, we have survived, for whatever reason. History may judge the Bush administration (un)fairly down the road, but it didn't stop the men previo
  • Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge settlement.

    There's a bit more to the story than that.

    The Albuquerque McDonalds management knew that the "holding temperature" of 180 degrees would cause severe burns, but they continued serving it at this temperature.

    The woman in question was 79 years old. When removing lid on the cup, she spilled the entire contents of the cup onto her sweatpa

    • The woman in question was 79 years old.
      I'm really not sure that this is a statement in defense of her having common sense.

      Taking it one way, she's known that hot liquids and steam (which is a minimum of 212F/100C irrespective of the rest of the temperature) can cause severe burns for four score years. Taking it the other way, she's old and senile and shouldn't be trying to feed herself anyway, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you're not bashing "seasoned citizens".

      When removing li
      • I'm really not sure that this is a statement in defense of her having common sense.

        I agree that her age is not a factor in her level of common sense. However, every time that I'd heard the story before, I assumed (for some reason) that the woman was in her late 50s. It's just a piece of information that helps flesh out the account.

        Taking it one way, she's known that hot liquids and steam (which is a minimum of 212F/100C irrespective of the rest of the temperature)

        The steam that forms from a boiling li

  • Congress made no law prohibiting the free excerise of religion. There have been a number of court cases surrounding the Ten Commandments in schools and courthouses, but - to the best of my knowledge - Congress didn't take it upon themselves. Nor would they be likely to do so. It would be political suicide.

    Mostly, that particular issue started out with a stupid person, and was matched, tit-for-tat, by the opposition. Arguments were something like this:

    A: "You can't have the Ten Commandments, here! It offen
  • You might not want to read "Persecution" by David Limbaugh - it will make you mourn for your country.

    And it's getting worse.. "Merry Christmas" is considered politically incorrect. Sad, isn't it? Trying to wish someone merriment and happiness - regardless of whether or not they celebrate the holiday or not - is deemed offensive. Can't mention that "C-Word", might offend an atheist.

    Oh well - I guess I just have to remember what He said - they hated Him before they hated us. And for the rest of you - whet

    • That's exactly what the Christmas production at my church [] is about this year.
      It's about a law that prohibits anyone in the media from using any references to "Jesus," "God," or "Christmas."
      Of course, the Christian protagonist can't take it, and courtroom drama ensues.

      If you're in the Minneapolis area, the performances are at 6:30 PM on December 11, 12, 18, and 19.
      Oh yeah, and I'm helping. :)
    • And you give a rat's ass why? Who cares if you offend an atheist?

      Seriously, get over it. There are people in the world other than you and your fellow cultists. If you want to run around wishing people a merry christmas, just freaking do it and let the crybabies bawl themselves to sleep over your good tidings.

      Honestly, the only people more whiny than the brittle atheists bitching about how walking past a religious bookstore is offensive is you whiny cultists bitching about how you're not allowed to try and
      • Can we include a few passages from the Baghavad Gita and the Tibetan Book of the Dead as well? Also- that bit from the sixth patriarch of Zen Buddhism about the flags waving in the wind (it's really your MIND waving in the wind) ought to be there too.

        And yes, I'm a Catholic who believes in the free exercise of religion in public places.

Why be a man when you can be a success? -- Bertolt Brecht
