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Journal bmetzler's Journal: The Truth About Marxist Hacker 42 17

I posted a JE a few days ago where I argued that I felt that the OH recount was a sleazy attempt by those involved and not an attempt to make sure that the count was accurate.

In one reply to Marxist Hacker 42, I finally drew out my ace card and alledged that Cobb and Badnarik were really trying to stick it to Ohio by forcing them to pay what could be as much as $1.5 million to do a recount. My closing statement was "Well, if you can't get people to vote for you, then I guess you consider hurting them financially any way you can to be acceptable."

Marxist Hacker 42 then wrote what he thought was a lengthy rebuttal, all on the premise that "NO Ohio tax money is going to a recount- the only way that could possibly happen is if an automatic recount was triggered." He concluded the post by claiming, "Thus, with your two main problems with recounts shown to be false, what else have you got for recounts being sleazy?"

My reply pointed out that Ohio counties were indeed going to be footing the cost for the recount above the $130,000 fee the recount filing required. In fact, I quoted a source that described the financial impact of a recount on counties to be "crushing." I then invited him to reply again, noting his very egregious error.

It's been over 24 hours, and he has not bothered to reply. He tried to prove that my 2 problems with the recounts were false and when I proved that his premise was a lie, he became amazingly silent. I know it is not because he has not been on slashdot since then, because he has made almost 50 comments since that reply.

In fact, that comment earned me a -1, Flamebait.

Doesn't that just say everything you need to know.

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The Truth About Marxist Hacker 42

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  • I thought we had already reckoned with the truth about MH42 [slashdot.org]. It's best just to ignore some people. For the sake of our own sanity.
  • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
    I had a conversation with him a few weeks ago about same. I don't believe in foe-ing anyone, so I just decided to leave him alone. I can't tell if he's pulling our collective legs with his conspiracy theories or not, but it seems as if he believes his circumstantial claims prove something. It's spooky to see people out there buying into things like that.

    I just have decided to avoid him altogether man.
    • I just have decided to avoid him altogether

      Isn't that what "foeing" is all about? You can mark people you've decided to avoid and just let slashdot take care of the rest.
      • Well, I think foeing is just making a "statement". I can avoid him without foeing him.
        • Well, I think foeing is just making a "statement".

          Ah, I see. Considering that your friends and foes are easily available to the public, I can understand that.

          I can avoid him without foeing him.

          Fair enough.
  • the OH recount was a sleazy attempt by those involved and not an attempt to make sure that the count was accurate.,

    Your initial charge "Kerry" has changed to "those involved", now that it has been pointed out the recount has been requested and paid for by Greens / Lib. If you are going to criticise MH42, at least try to be even handed and give him credit for a good point against your thesis that Kerry was going to "steal the election" through a recount.

    pay what could be as much as $1.5 million to
  • I'd just like to state 2 things for the record:

    1. A bug in slashdot I think, but haven't had any correlation for, is that I don't seem to be getting notified when a message is modded down about a reply to a comment. This isn't the first time this has happened- and when I finally did reply, I can see bmeztlers' point about this specifically- I was wrong on Ohio's laws and admit it.

    2. Would the damn moderators stop moderating JE topics? It doesn't affect Karma, not everybody sees it, and I WANT to get n
    • Hey MH, I think you're a well-intentioned guy. I completely respect your views that the mainstream political factions are flawed. I admire your enthusiasm for intellectual independence and creative solutions.

      However, the conclusions and solutions you come up with are... ridiculous. Your premises are way off-base.

      You seem to be full of self-contradiction, and your views are as fractured as your own identity. You're a Marxist capitalist; a Bible-quoting, God-blaspheming (see subject) Roman Catholic; an Am

      • However, the conclusions and solutions you come up with are... ridiculous. Your premises are way off-base.

        Our current premises aren't much better- in fact, that's very much the point. The basic axioms, the basic premises, are ridiculous no matter whose premises they are. It's just as bad to assume that your premises are the only way as mine are.

        You seem to be full of self-contradiction, and your views are as fractured as your own identity. You're a Marxist capitalist; a Bible-quoting, God-blaspheming
      • I was wondering why I only saw this on reviewing posts- then I realized that Superyooser didn't post with karma bonus. I don't seem to be getting notification of any reply less than a 2- which is why I've started reviewing my posts again. Once again, appologies for missing bmeztler's Ace-up-the-sleeve reply.
  • not because i disagree with you politically,* but because politics are all you write about, and i get tired of the banter (from both sides). i thought maybe after the election you'd start writing about some other things as well, but that's has not been the case. that's cool. do your thing. i'll just be somewhere else.

    anyway, i just thought it would be polite to let you know i'm not de-friending for a personal reason.

    *full disclosure - i tend to lean conservative, but have opinions that are at both end
  • Brent, it must suck to be endlessly persecuted for speaking the truth.

    (Please note the very thick sarcasm in my statement).

You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
