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Real Morality

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  • You let the government expand to the point that it's put cameras in (all of the non-elite) bowls, to make sure everyone is just miserable enough to be full of hate, but still have energy.
    Then, you blame the shortages on capitalism, and keep the proles divided against each other with propaganda.
    Then you increase the ersatz-chocolate ration from 30 to 20 grams per week.
    It's all so much magic!
    • You got this "government" thing real bad. Morality goes to what kind of person you try to be.

      Government ain't jack shit. Just the puppet used by those in real power. Then you can blame ideologies and systems, and "others".

      But the same crew who ran things before Roman times, they still run it now - no matter if there's Caligula's horse in the Senate, or not.

      • Morality is objectively true, and convicts me where I subjectively fall short.
        It's these "X is a social construct" people that are the great fibbers of our day.
        Once you succumb to that line of hooey, they'll start telling you that Bugs Bunny is God, and the Earth is shaped like a carrot.
        Aside: don't you insult my Senate Majority Leader like that, mister: Harry the Cadaver is not a horse. Got that?
        • Morality may have the objective measure of perfection.

          No one person can be expected to manifest perfection in all things at all times, thus the relative measure comes - again - from within our selves, not "social constructs".

          Each of us, we all have limitations of awareness and capacity that are different - even at different times and under differing circumstances.

          Holding the measure of objective morality and weighing against those who have not made our own estimation against it? That is itself a moral fail

          • So, I do again say that morality lies in the struggle to be a moral being - with its ever relative status - not in some arguable "social consensus" of morality.

            And certainly not in an ancient superstition arising out of fear of death.

            If you require doctrine to be moral, you've missed the boat. You were born with everything you need to discern morality. It's natural, not supernatural.

            • I am definitely theistic. Similar to Deist, I suppose. Spinoza, I recognise. I love the secret Gospel of Thomas and Diogenes of Sinope.

              So, I have the impression that we are more than material beings, and that the metaphors of "soul" and "spirit" have an intrinsic real meaning, outside of cognitive, intellectual awareness. Those concepts are the best apprehension we have for the part of us which relates to the Divine and universal.

              But you may not have the same experience.

            • Couldn't agree less. The only thing one is born with is an awesome capacity to rationalize.
              • Do tell!

                • And so what cheap excuses have I offered to God for my sins?
                  • The very same ones you offer to us. We are all 'god', even you. God is offering cheap excuses to himself. Everything is a result of god's work, including the devil himself.

                    • The very same ones you offer to us.

                      Can you name one? I suppose the recent bit about "enforcing my will through legislation" is about as close as you're going to come, for all one doesn't feel the need to excuse supporting "2 + 2 =4" as an expression, either.

                      Everything is a result of god's work, including the devil himself.

                      You can't assert that without denying free will, at which point your cheep materialistic reduction eats itself: in what context can the question of morality even ARISE, if we're all merely bags o' meat?
                      No, I don't think my excuse-fu even holds a candle to yours, sir.

                    • We may all be of God, in a state of absolute unity. However, that claim is a dodge, when made without the awareness of being united in God. There's a lovely little book, "The Cloud of Unknowing". Worth a peek, if the church had it banned in the 13th century.

                    • For a quick glance at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cloud_of_Unknowing [wikipedia.org], if not a purchase [amazon.com], I'm leery about any doctrine not maximizing the individual in terms of body, mind & soul.
                      Because while pursuing Christ is the ultimate goal of any Christian, maximizing oneself in all three dimensions [wikipedia.org] is certainly the bi-product.
                      Things like Calvinism or heavy navel-gazing seem like Satan's judo, where the devil can't corrupt people directly enough, so they are sidelined with mumbo-jumbo.
                      But I haven't read th
              • You are born with more. It is rapidly anesthetized and disassociated.

        • Harry the Cadaver is not a horse. Got that?

          Got it [thenation.com]!

          You are a meme machine...

          • Actually, I'm on your side, on Federalist grounds, that the DOMA was daft.
            I also have precisely zero confidence whatsoever in that piece of work Holder, or the Voting Rights section of the DOJ, and concur with Thomas' remarks on that decision.
            • Actually, I'm on your side, on Federalist grounds, that the DOMA was daft.

              That qualifier completely and utterly eviscerates all meaning from that statement. In fact, they are in direct opposition.

              I also have precisely zero confidence whatsoever in that piece of work Holder, or the Voting Rights section of the DOJ, and concur with Thomas' remarks on that decision.

              That only means you're still a fish who doesn't know what water is.

        • Morality is objectively true

          Tell you what: I'll spot you that argument.

          Now: Whose morality?

The one day you'd sell your soul for something, souls are a glut.
