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Journal shanen's Journal: I didn't hate LINE enough! 1

Any LINE users around here? Let's compare horror stories!

Here's my latest TERRIBLE experience of LINE. The funny part of my story is that no communication is involved. I already know LINE is terrible for communication.

I have been using LINE for a long time to help me learn to read in Japanese. I read some Japanese into the smartphone and get a rough transcript. Then I fix it up. The last trivial step is to use the terrible LINE translator for the rough gist translation, but by that point I should already be pretty sure what it means.

Right now I'm near the end of a rather hairy Japanese book. Suddenly LINE suspended me. WTF? I'm going to try to find out why, but I also know that LINE has no detectable support or help features.

But let me rub it in. LINE deserves to fail as badly as possible and the biggest evidence is the recent closure of their grand LINE shop in Harajuku. Such bad stuff couldn't happen to a more deserving company.

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I didn't hate LINE enough!

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