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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: An antiabortion number needing background 6

Smitty's recent JE has automatically closed for comments and there was a comment that didn't get a chance to provide support for its numbers. Namely, Marxist Hacker42 made a claim that

60% of African American Children conceived, will be aborted.

I asked where that number came from, but the discussion was closed only a few hours after I asked.

The Guttmacher Institute has pretty good numbers on abortion. Back in 2008 they offered a review of abortion and women of color. They do mention that out of all abortions, 34% are obtained by white women and 37% by black women. This doesn't address MH42's claim though. They also mention that the rates of abortion per 1,000 women of child bearing age are 11 for white women and 50 for black women - this doesn't address the claim either.

A 2013 article from the American Journal of Public Health offers a slightly different approach. Citing a paper from the Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology they came up with an abortion rate for non-Hispanic Black Women of 40 per 1000, though again that doesn't address the claim from MH42. Further down in the same article they cite a 2008 survey that found 70% of pregnancies among black women were unintended, while 42% among white women were. This also doesn't address the claim from MH42.

So if anyone can shed light on MH42's claim of the astronomically high rate of aborted black pregnancies, please do.

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An antiabortion number needing background

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    • I appreciate you replying, and giving at least one source who has reliable sources behind it.

      I looked at this one after you linked to it. There are a couple things to this though that don't mesh well with your "60%" claim from earlier.

      • The data doesn't add up to 60%. The number closest to it that I see that they have is "24,758 births and underwent 31,328 abortions". This equates to 55.85%. This is decidedly not 60%. They do note that indeed it is higher for black mothers than others, but it still i
      • By CRT equity- which you don't seem to understand- any disparity in racial outcome is racist.

        I knew attending all those corporate DEI meetings would come in handy.

        Still, the history of Planned Parenthood is that it was largely started by the KKK, out of a hatred of poverty, minorities, and stupidity. I see no change in that attitude among genocidal maniacs on the left today.

        Even you quote "As noted some of them don't have ready access to contraceptives that they know how to use well."

        Minorities shouldn't b

        • By CRT equity- which you don't seem to understand- any disparity in racial outcome is racist.

          The CRT play is invalid as it is not a part of any political or organizational mission.

          Still, the history of Planned Parenthood is that it was largely started by the KKK

          That is an exaggeration. There was one person who was involved in starting Planned Parenthood who had given speeches to the Klan and held eugenics views. You are exaggerating though when you try to extrapolate that to "largely". She was not the only person involved in Planned Parenthood, and not everyone held her views. Your exaggeration would be akin to saying that all employees of Ford Motor Company are Nazi sympa

          • The CRT play is invalid as it is not a part of any political or organizational mission.

            Except of course, BLM, NAACP, and Planned Parenthood- which is the entire point of pointing out that if Black Lives Truly Mattered, not only would abortion be illegal for minorities, but also birth control.

            If you could point out "genocidal maniacs on the left today" we could discuss that. Your phrase is so vague and lacking in meaning that there is no way for me to respond to it beyond asking you

            • The CRT play is invalid as it is not a part of any political or organizational mission.

              Except of course, BLM, NAACP, and Planned Parenthood

              Please use facts instead of fantasy in your argument. CRT is not a part of any of those organizations, repeating nonsense to the contrary won't make it true.

              If you could point out "genocidal maniacs on the left today" we could discuss that. Your phrase is so vague and lacking in meaning that there is no way for me to respond to it beyond asking you for where you think you see support for it. Please be specific.

              17 million people killed in the womb for being black

              First of all, you don't have data supporting that number.

              Second, they were not "killed in the womb for being black". The pregnancies were terminated for any number of reasons. Unless you believe that there are leagues of self-hating black women who aspire to kill as many black people as possible, you have a long long ways to go to provide any sup

Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.
