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Journal Captain Splendid's Journal: QOTMFD 1

Tim Burke on special snowflakes:

If America is not great, it is not for a lack of attention to our sensitive right-wing snowflakes. They said: hands off our guns. Well, we stand now at the moment of the most intense judicial restraint on any attempt to restrict gun ownership and use in the history of this republic. They said: lower our taxes! We are the least taxed liberal democracy on the planet, we are 37 years into a national regime of ceaseless tax reduction. They said: cut the welfare state, get rid of the safety net! The safety net has been cut, the great revolution of the late 19th and early 20th Century in favor of public goods is nearly totally undone. They said: stop teaching our children what we donâ(TM)t want them to know. Creationism is back in schools, the government is actively hostile to science, itâ(TM)s ok for the top leaders of this country to endorse historical falsehoods and insist they be taught to the nationâ(TM)s children. They said: weâ(TM)re too free to see pornography and get divorced and live together outside of marriage and take drugs. And where is it that pornography is most popular and adultery flourishes and opoids and meth take hold? In Trumplandia, where people apparently need the Nanny State to stop them from doing what they blame on others who do it far less. They said: stop crime at all costs! And thirty years later, theyâ(TM)re still afraid in a country that locks up more of its own people than any other comparable nation, that allows cops to kill black men with impunity.

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  • Apparently the Air Force can't be bothered to keep decent records of dishonorable discharges for domestic violence (say that three times fast!). There is no way, UNDER CURRENT GUN LAWS, that Devin Kelly should have been able to own a weapon legally, and yet he posted pictures of the guns he currently owned on facebook and nobody did anything.

    You can pass all the laws you want, but if nobody bothers enforcing them, they're just so much paper.

All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
