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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: It's Official: Romney Doesn't Want To Win in 2012 2

Mitt Romney started off claiming that he wanted to attract the independent voters, maybe even be a little bipartisan. Then, he crapped all over that notion and named Paul Ryan for VP. Sure, this candidate will excite the conservative base, but they would have voted for him regardless. More importantly, Paul Ryan is about as popular with independents and democratic-leaning uncommitted voters as the bubonic plague.

And perhaps just as much, Romney can now kiss goodbye much of the senior citizen vote since Ryan shows an open desire to gut social security and medicare.

This was going to be a pretty easy race for Obama to win, and it just got a lot easier. He would need an Al Gore-sized failure to campaign to lose now.
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It's Official: Romney Doesn't Want To Win in 2012

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  • Romney can now kiss goodbye much of the senior citizen vote

    And geezers vote. Youngsters far less so. Republican geezers may stay home, Democratic geezers will show up in force.

    Actually, IMO anyone who votes Romney who earns less than a third of a million dollars per year is an idiot.

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