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Journal mcgrew's Journal: May the fourth? Be with you! 2

Star Wars fans in Mexico have a two day celebration. Of course today is Star Wars day, and tomorrow marks the independance from Jar Jar Binks. Meesa no like Jar Jar.

Those of you who are wondering what the hell the Occupy protests are about should read yesterday's Jim Hightower article. If you work for a living and vote for Romney, you're insane or incredibly stupid. A vote for Romney is a vote for the empire.

The article in the dead tree edition (which is also free) is illustrated by a Chris Britt cartoon, "Mr. Rat is back". Here's another one from a previous issue.

I'll probably post another space alien story in a few days. Jar Jar won't be in it. And Greedo doesn't shoot first. In fact, he doesn't shoot at all.

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May the fourth? Be with you!

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To restore a sense of reality, I think Walt Disney should have a Hardluckland. -- Jack Paar
