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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: I lose jobs like most people change cell phones 8

Or less. This one lasted only 7 months. Still, gonna take the time to learn Android programming, and I've already sent out two resumes, and I've got a LAN config job I'd been putting off for the past few months to do this very afternoon.

Plus, I have enough cash in savings, and invoices billed but not paid yet, to pay the house payment through September.

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I lose jobs like most people change cell phones

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  • I used to quit jobs like most people changed hairstyles. I miss those days.

    Best of luck.
  • Do you obtain these jobs per contract or what? I know tech and programming jobs used to have such a worker-favored environment that they were able to switch jobs constantly.

    I never got the appeal of that sort of thing. I would be happy with a secure job, which I can just do and if I'm not performing up to spec, then I'm allowed to develop and perform better, rather than just fired outright.

    Annual performance exams are one of the biggest frauds in employment.

    • I rarely make it to an Annual performance exam- this last one was 7 months.
      As for terms- some are W2, some are independent contract, some are through recuriters. I ain't fussy.

      • If they're not by contract... then why do they end up being so temporary? I mean, unless you can't talk about it, or whatever.

        • Various reasons. Some go bankrupt. Some just weren't good fits. Some, my autism means I can't play the political game well enough.

          • Various reasons. Some go bankrupt. Some just weren't good fits. Some, my autism means I can't play the political game well enough.

            :( My god-brother is diagnosed with Asperger's, and he told me that was a lot of the complications at his job... he couldn't tell when his boss was joking, and all sorts of otherwise useful social cues.

            While working for Microsoft, we knew a guy who I presumed had to have had some sort of Autism Spectrum Disorder, because he just didn't get anything. I wanted to feel bad about some of the teasing we made behind his back, but the guy seriously did produce negative workflow... (for every hour of work he did, s

  • by tqft ( 619476 )

    the job ended for the right reasons

    Good to see you have a plan

  • Despite the uninspiring job reports in the news, I did a quick look and it looks like for devs that things are still as good or better than when I finally landed my job earlier this year. (And in my situation of 2+ years out of work, I would've been considered very difficult to place/among the last to be selected for anything.)

    About 140 C# jobs listed on Dice for my area now, and even some more Windows C++ jobs than there had been then, including my former co. who are now looking for the same exact position

DEC diagnostics would run on a dead whale. -- Mel Ferentz
