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Journal jefe7777's Journal: It's no secret... 2

I mod up well written libertarian leaning posts. I also friend anyone who leans libertarian. Lefties and Righties that lean libertarian, that also tend to reject the mainstream media outlets, like MSNBC and FOX ...really are my cup of tea. I think that centralization is an idea that reaches diminishing returns rather quickly (at the expense of the common people), be it large powerful corporations or large powerful governments.

I think Slashdot is currently top heavy with cookie cutter liberals and progressives of a new breed, which I will mod down all day every day. I also think there are more then a few boot licking, state loving, Rush Limbaugh swilling RINOs, and those too, I will mod down all day every day, given the opportunity.

If you're not a bootlicker, if you're not a statists, if you are pragmatic, and you prefer your individual rights strong, and your corporate/government rights less then what they are today, then I'm interested in your thoughts and ideas.


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It's no secret...

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