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Journal drinkypoo's Journal: Best Linux distribution for Loki games? 3

I want to run an older Linux distribution in a virtual machine to run Loki's Linux game ports because I'm not happy with the stability of Loki_Compat. Which version and distribution am I likely to have the least problems with?

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Best Linux distribution for Loki games?

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    • by Qzukk ( 229616 )

      Har har.

      Loki's games seemed to work fine for me with the version of redhat that was out back then (6 or so, I think).

      • 6.1.1 or so was the last Redhate that I didn't think was hateful, so I will give that a shot. I don't even know anyone who was running Ygg (although I did hear of some users, once) so I find that a pretty amusing idea.

        By modern standards the disk use involved for a full Redhat 6 install should be trivial, and I don't propose to do a full one :)

When we write programs that "learn", it turns out we do and they don't.
