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This discussion was created by pudge (3605) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

My Slashroulette Videos

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  • I liked #5 the best -- it was the only one where there was even a hint that you were taking these lightheartedly.

    (To which I expect you to respond "False." ;)

    You could run a contest with these, maybe use your Slashdot insider superpowers and award one karma cookie for guessing:
    1) What is the strange object on the white platform behind you, and
    2) What is the hook on the wall for.

  • I turned the camera on in the bar and was surprised that it actually showed up. Good work,whoever did it. You?

Regarding astral projection, Woody Allen once wrote, "This is not a bad way to travel, although there is usually a half-hour wait for luggage."
