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Journal Shadow Wrought's Journal: Now... Where was I? 15

So after much too long of an Hiatus I'm going to start back in on BSG tonight :-)

Starting at the begenning of Season 2, which Peacefinder was kind enough to loan me half a lifetime ago. I'm going for an episode a night or so...

Like the Cylon? -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- >
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Now... Where was I?

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  • Probably will eventually. I'm trying to watch Farscape, but my wife isn't too keen on it so that makes it tough.

    We both have enjoyed Stargate: Universe which starts back up soon. And I'm digging on Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood - though that's not sci-fi, so I'm off topic there.

    Anyway - curious to think of what you think of the entire series once you finish it. I've tried to avoid spoilers so I haven't really gotten a good feel on whether or not people think it finished strong.

    • FMA is totally SciFi. But, I have a rather generous (genreous?) definition of "SciFi." :-)

      Your wife might like BSG. It really is more a storyline about power and the good and ill uses thereof than a normal SciFi show. And that's just the obvious layer of the onion, if you know what I mean! It starts with a 4-hour mini-series, IIRC, and if she likes that you're good.
      • She likes SG:U though I think her favorite right now, that we've been watching on netflix is The Legend of the Seeker. Which isn't bad, I just tend to prefer sci-fi over fantasy.

  • You watching Caprica, or saving that for later?
  • Only ONE episode a night? Where's the "good luck with that" tag :-)

    We saved them for weekends and then watched 3-4 episodes at a time - including the bonus material.


    • Thanks! Really it just comes down to by the time I've worked, figured out dinner, taken care of the dog's, and the house all I have time for is about that. Included in that is me also trying to work out and write :-) So one episode a night is more realistic than watching a bunch. Weekends just go by to fast to watch them, too. (That was my plan for last weekend: net number watched 0)

Work expands to fill the time available. -- Cyril Northcote Parkinson, "The Economist", 1955
