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United States

Journal Philip K Dickhead's Journal: We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. 7

"We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives."

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We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology.

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  • What most moderates want in this country is the kind of leadership that Nader and McKinney envision. But what most moderates, and even liberals, vote for are the kind of corporate meatpuppets that Obama and Clinton represent.

    Why? Because we are told from the very beginning that Greens can't win. Every headline and lede in every story is written from this viewpoint, and every TV announcer refers to third party candidates with a patient, sympathetic tone -- even if there's no explicit or implied message th

    • Add to that, the tendency for people to identify with their candidates like they're sports teams

      I've never understood that.

      As far as I'm concerned, every election, if the incumbent hasn't earned a repeat, I vote for someone else. Sometimes I vote for their worst enemy. Sometimes I vote for MY worst enemy. But as far as I'm concerned, if you had your kick at the can and you lied, you stink.

      Running a negative campaign? That's the quickest way to ensure I'll vote for your opponent. Don't tell me why they

  • Oh, the troll who fucked us all by giving the election to Bush. I always thought that the guy was a huge attention whore anyways.

    • Listen to him speak. Read something he's written.

      Don't simply replay DLC fascist talking points.

      Besides, Gore would have been the same Bush ass-reaming, with a reach-around.

    • Oh, the troll who fucked us all by giving the election to Bush.

      As opposed to whom? The other fool? The only people to blame for Bush's election are those that voted for him. Them, and those other idiots who gave them the nominations to begin with. Too bad Nader is just as loony as Perot.. And all the other nutcases that want the job.

      • The other fool would have fucked Iraq properly. That is, get in, fuck real hard, cum, wipe yer dick on the curtains, and say good night ma'am.

        GW Bush, frat boy that he is, doesn't know when to stop fucking and run away.

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